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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat


Queues for petrol and mass culls of pigs at farms because of a lack of abattoir workers are part of a necessary transition for Britain to emerge from a broken economic model based on low wages, Boris Johnson has argued.
I don't believe him, I mean ffs

Boris Johnson described most deprived members of society as ‘chavs, losers, burglars and drug addicts’

Speaking to BBC One’s The Andrew Marr Show, he said: “I hate to break it to you, Andrew, but I’m afraid our food processing industry does involve killing a lot of animals, that is the reality.

“Your viewers need to understand that. That’s just what happens.”

When Marr pointed out that it would be different, as in this instance the pigs would not be butchered for food and the farmers would receive no income, Johnson said this was part of a wider transformation of the economy post-Brexit.

“If I may say so, the great hecatomb of pigs that you describe has not yet actually taken place, let’s see what happens,” he said.
There are serious issues killing 1000's pigs to just bury and using arcane language to prove how smart he is.
It's just straw grasping.
This pig crisis, it's just so wasteful, all that time. money and effort to grow them, and for an incompetent government to say lets just chuck it all away. With the poverty in the world its so distasteful. Could do anything in preference to nothing. Free chops for everyone? oh no

I don't believe him, I mean ffs

Boris Johnson described most deprived members of society as ‘chavs, losers, burglars and drug addicts’

There are serious issues killing 1000's pigs to just bury and using arcane language to prove how smart he is.
It's just straw grasping.

You know that his views during the covid pandemic

Well people die in hospitals also see poor people starving and old people freezing to death during the winter due to cuts in UC and high home fuel prices
you just have to under stand that just what happens to these sort of people, your viewers need to understand this
This pig crisis, it's just so wasteful, all that time. money and effort to grow them, and for an incompetent government to say lets just chuck it all away. With the poverty in the world its so distasteful. Could do anything in preference to nothing. Free chops for everyone? oh no
Cull politicians, not pigs. We've 643 useless fuckers in the commons plus ~800 in the lords, none of them good for anything and past their use by
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