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Jeepers, work is dead, Monday 1 call and 1 ticket issued, yesterday no calls and no tickets, so today plan a nice long bike ride, set off at 11 having had no calls all day, 20 minutes later the phone rings, 20 minutes after that again and every 20 sodding minutes. Supposed I should be grateful for the business, but :mad::mad::mad:

Jeepers, work is dead, Monday 1 call and 1 ticket issued, yesterday no calls and no tickets, so today plan a nice long bike ride, set off at 11 having had no calls all day, 20 minutes later the phone rings, 20 minutes after that again and every 20 sodding minutes. Supposed I should be grateful for the business, but :mad::mad::mad:

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Surely it will start picking up very soon ?
Surely it will start picking up very soon ?

Maybe holidays but that isn’t what I do. General travel is, rightly, off the cards until mid-May at least. So I should have a couple of months of nothing, except when I want to get out and about. Moaning really as it was kind of raining all day and that wasn’t forecast and made using the laptop stressful...
Big loop over haldon, through the Teign valley and over through moretonhampstead, chagford, gidleigh and back down the Teign.

My order of panniers and stuff finally came through from Germany, and miraculously they didn't charge loads of duty. I packed about 70% of the weight I'd tour with. I just wanted to get a sense of what the bike felt like with a load - especially across mixed ground. It was all fine, really enjoyed it. Meant that I had plenty of capacity for comforts, food and flasks. About 6 hours of cycling and 85km. Plenty of hills, probably well over a km in total altitude gain.
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