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Pics from your State Sanctioned Exercise.


Like all these things the origins are lost in the mists of time, but it is a very ancient area.

Combe being Saxon for valley, Has from hags, valley of the hags (witches). Every Beltane 60 Wiccan witches gather as the sun sets and dance around the stones naked until sunrise, 7 hours solid. As the sun comes up they decend in to a massive orgy of lust, the locals gather at the Iron Age fort on the hill above to watch, what can only be described as the U.K.’s largest lesbian dogging event.
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neonwilderness and kebabking need to get a room book together. Black & white and colour, urban/rural perspectives on the lockdown.

I'd love to see a really good, widely researched piece on differences and different impacts of the lockdowns in different areas - I'd hope it might bring about some changes in attitudes to access to open spaces, but I fear it would just be grim reading.

Here the impact has been an explosion in mountain bikers, and (sadly) some pretty anti-social behaviours that have come with them - parking has been a flashpoint, and has taking a shit just about anywhere they fancy...
I'd love to see a really good, widely researched piece on differences and different impacts of the lockdowns in different areas - I'd hope it might bring about some changes in attitudes to access to open spaces, but I fear it would just be grim reading.

Here the impact has been an explosion in mountain bikers, and (sadly) some pretty anti-social behaviours that have come with them - parking has been a flashpoint, and has taking a shit just about anywhere they fancy...

All the nicest spots around here with parking have been mobbed during each lockdown, except when it rains, then I get those places back to myself again. It’s great that so many people have been forced out as there is nowt else to do, they are clearly deriving benefit from it and their kids will learn to love it. There’s been a small increase in litter around, but not too much.

I have been doing a lot more mountain biking, but don’t drive anywhere with the bike, can cycle from home. And I shit before I go, though I do often need a slash during a longer ride...
Most, however grim, can walk from home as well. Yesterday and today, two different walks, each about 10 miles and both from home. It can be done. There is so much to see, do, learn so close to home.
though I do often need a slash during a longer ride...


But while you're here Bahnhof Strasse I noticed your post about wish you knew more about birds (so you don't mishear beeblybop or whatever you called it). Christ don't ever join a twitcher mob but I did find a twitter (haha for real) group in Surrey as I looked for your beelybop (I didn't find the bird). The positive is the twitter just consisted of nice pictures of birds and it turns out you live (well, Surrey - do you even live in Surrey now I come to think of it?) in an area with great birdlife. You get firecrests. Nobody gets firecrests. So buy a good pair of binoculars and a bird book and make lots of new friends with people in anoraks.
Thanks, I do live in Surrey and very close to Thursley Common which is where I keep meeting twitchers as it’s a mecca for all sorts of birds. My mum gave me a bird book just last week and I have found loads of YouTubes of bird song, so can hopefully be a bit more clued up on these things. That’s as close to the anorak mob as I intend to go though :)
I have vague ideas of organising some of my photos into some sort of collection showing a year of lockdown in my local area.

All the nicest spots around here with parking have been mobbed during each lockdown
Similar here. Even the quiet places I went before lockdown have been found. It's good to see people making the most of lockdown, but I wish they would fuck off sometimes :D

I've taken to walking round the shitty parts of town on nice days as there's usually less people around.
Most, however grim, can walk from home as well. Yesterday and today, two different walks, each about 10 miles and both from home. It can be done. There is so much to see, do, learn so close to home.
Yep , I've really explored all the green areas around here (of which there are many) and also exploring local streets as well , which was good on evening walks when it was dark by 4ish . Although there is a lot to be said for walking #onthemarshes at night .
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