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Photos - United For Palestine: anti-Israel Protest on Oxford Street, London


Saw this go by yesterday. Wonder why they can't spell the word 'God'?




United For Palestine: anti-Israel Protest on Oxford Street, London
The second photo looks like an interesting conversation: the black guy's finger pointing right at the name 'David Duke'.
A link to David Duke? No wonder that guy is objecting.
I had to look him up. Blimey!

David Ernest Duke is an American white nationalist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, politician, and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Wikipedia
Duke is a felon, having pleaded guilty to defrauding supporters by falsely claiming to be impoverished and in danger of losing his home in order to solicit emergency donations; at the time, Duke was financially secure, and used the donations for recreational gambling
David Duke. I didn't know he existed until today. Fucks sake.
A great example of where there might, y'know, just possibly be a 'grey area' along the faultlines of what his website calls 'zio-watch' and what I'd call frothing at the mouth lunatic antisemitism.

& if anyone is confused as to what those ultra orthodox jews are doing on an anti-Israel march, please put your hand up, don't want to patronise anyone.
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