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Petition to request parliament review LTNs

That's what the active travel academics and councils imposing LTNs want you to think but they actually concentrate the traffic on certain residential roads which is not fare to the people who live or walk or work or go to school there - they also cause vehicles to have to drive longer distances and get caught up in increased congestion all of which is not great for the carbon footprint but then no one is monitoring that so there is no data on what LTNs do in that regard
And not only that, I heard LTNs in the neighbourhood cause the 'full stop' key on your keyboard to stop working.
I walk often - play squash 2 or 3 times a week - when I was a kid I used to ride a bike everywhere - when I was a student I walked or got the bus everywhere - I live in central London so you tend to walk to the bus stop of the tube rather than walk miles - how about you?
I commute on foot in the suburbs; it keeps me healthy. The only problem is wanker car drivers jumping red lights, stopping on pedestrian crossings and generally filling the place with noise and filth.

What's an 'active travel academic'?
Someone who is keen on active travel and spends a lot of their time researching LTNs and publishing studies that claim they are the best thing since sliced bread
You mean they actually know what they are talking about and develop evidence based policy through research and thorough literature reviews? The swines. And I heard that their keyboards still have fully functioning 'full stop' keys.
Someone who is keen on active travel and spends a lot of their time researching LTNs and publishing studies that claim they are the best thing since sliced bread
So you mean academics from various fields who recognise the benefits of active travel? Because it makes it sound like you think that's an actual job.
What do you think of 15 minute cities ianarmstrong - I think we need to know.
It's good for more resources to be easily available within the locality but In London certain aspects of that such as medical facilities like A&E seem to be becoming more centralised and community hospitals are closing so we seem to be doing things that are counter productive to the 15 minute city concept
I commute on foot in the suburbs; it keeps me healthy. The only problem is wanker car drivers jumping red lights, stopping on pedestrian crossings and generally filling the place with noise and filth.

What's an 'active travel academic'?
I used to walk everywhere when I was younger but can't walk as much in recent years due to dodgy knees and pain when I do walk although I do get on a squash court regularly but I cannot run so I always make sure cars have stopped or the road is clear before I walk onto the road to cross the road
Someone who is keen on active travel and spends a lot of their time researching LTNs and publishing studies that claim they are the best thing since sliced bread
I believe Ian is referring to the Active Travel Academy at Westminster University. Active Travel Academy » About

Because the head of this group is a cyclist and was once involved in a cycling campaign (I too was shocked by an academic specialising in active travel being interested in active travel), Ian and his odd friends believe that anything they produce cannot be trusted.
You mean they actually know what they are talking about and develop evidence based policy through research and thorough literature reviews? The swines. And I heard that their keyboards still have fully functioning 'full stop' keys.
Not from what I've seen - they cherry pick data to suit their desired outcome and ignore reports of the data they have used containing errors - this is why it would be good for parliament to review all of the data and the outcomes both pro and con of LTNs to see if there are any mitigations needed to address any negative outcomes
I believe Ian is referring to the Active Travel Academy at Westminster University. Active Travel Academy » About

Because the head of this group is a cyclist and was once involved in a cycling campaign (I too was shocked by an academic specialising in active travel being interested in active travel), Ian and his odd friends believe that anything they produce cannot be trusted.
Well I'm sure there's a wealth of evidence from inactive travel experts countering their obviously biased output, right? right?
So you mean academics from various fields who recognise the benefits of active travel? Because it makes it sound like you think that's an actual job.
We all know there are benefits from active travel but LTNs cause a number of positive and negative issues and that is what is being requested is reviewed by this petition
ianarmstrong how do you feel about new build estates that have all been designed as LTNs since sometime in the 60s or 70s? Do you think we should abandon this design and return to the victorian/edwardian "every road is a through road" style design?
Not from what I've seen - they cherry pick data to suit their desired outcome and ignore reports of the data they have used containing errors - this is why it would be good for parliament to review all of the data and the outcomes both pro and con of LTNs to see if there are any mitigations needed to address any negative outcomes
You are having a laugh if you think the wankers in Parliament have the wherewithal to weigh any sort of detailed evidence
ianarmstrong how do you feel about new build estates that have all been designed as LTNs since sometime in the 60s or 70s? Do you think we should abandon this design and return to the victorian/edwardian "every road is a through road" style design?
I live in a roughly 130 year old street and there's bollards much older than me at the end to stop its use as a ratrun.
On the contrary; it's a very supportive, friendly place. Spammers promoting their own pet ideological projects rarely get it, though.
Well that's not what I have experienced today from the responses to sharing a petition - clearly most if not all of those responding to this post so far do not agree with the content of the petition - I see other posts about petitions so this is not something you are not permitted to post from what I can see
ianarmstrong how do you feel about new build estates that have all been designed as LTNs since sometime in the 60s or 70s? Do you think we should abandon this design and return to the victorian/edwardian "every road is a through road" style design?
No but this petition is not about that it's about asking parliament to review the outcomes of the wide area LTNs introduced in recent years to see if there are any mitigations or recommendations to be made going forward
Not from what I've seen - they cherry pick data to suit their desired outcome and ignore reports of the data they have used containing errors - this is why it would be good for parliament to review all of the data and the outcomes both pro and con of LTNs to see if there are any mitigations needed to address any negative outcomes
I am still waiting for you. to provide data to back up any of your claims. Its a bit rich criticising others for 'cherry picking' when you offer no evidence whatsoever to back yourself up.
No but this petition is not about that it's about asking parliament to review the outcomes of the wide area LTNs introduced in recent years to see if there are any mitigations or recommendations to be made going forward
Why are you unconcerned about longer-standing LTN-type interventions? Why should they not be subject to mitgations, if they have a negative impact?
The petition doesn't define what an LTN is, so we don't really know what they want to be reviewed. Does it want the independent review to encompass all streets where through access is limited, regardless of when the restriction was implemented? Maybe ianarmstrong can clarify.
I did not create the petition I am simply supporting it and sharing it - the term LTN is quite well defined and it is no doubt about the recent spate of LTNs that have mushroomed across London and the UK but no doubt the MPs who debate it can clarify the scope and definition of the term LTN for the purposes of the debate
I haven't heard you mention any of the positives.
I live on one of the new LTN side streets that has an LTN filter so I can see that my road has less vehicles driving through and some people will see that as a benefit but the terraced houses (not mine) on my road sell for around £1 million so it is a road inhabited by the more affluent car owning people however I am more concerned with the negative issues that causes as the boundary road that I have to use is not so lucky as they have more traffic and pollution to deal with and the housing on that road is in general 3 or 4 or more stories high with many people who clearly have no motor vehicle and those are ironically the people that these LTNs are supposedly being created for - hence why I agree with the aim of the petition that these LTNs need to be reviewed
I live on one of the new LTN side streets that has an LTN filter so I can see that my road has less vehicles driving through and some people will see that as a benefit but the terraced houses (not mine) on my road sell for around £1 million so it is a road inhabited by the more affluent car owning people however I am more concerned with the negative issues that causes as the boundary road that I have to use is not so lucky as they have more traffic and pollution to deal with and the housing on that road is in general 3 or 4 or more stories high with many people who clearly have no motor vehicle and those are ironically the people that these LTNs are supposedly being created for - hence why I agree with the aim of the petition that these LTNs need to be reviewed
Is that the Rees-Mogg anti-car line?
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