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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

This bloke is a known local character. Amongst his other recent achievements is a bomb shelter he has built with pallets on the bank of the river outside the church. He regularly covers his head in tin foil.
I thought there was a certain "local character" quality to the placards :)
I really hope it doesn't happen. But I think you're right to say that there's a possibility. And, regardless of the criminal proclivities of a part of a group, targeting and blaming the group for that can't achieve anything.

The best thing, IMO, that could happen is that the whole thing is completely ignored. His relatives claim that this is a private matter, not a public demonstration or threat. So, if they feel, privately, that the way they feel they want to mark the passing of Vincent is to drive his corpse down the road his last victim lived in, then perhaps they should be allowed to do that. Privately. Ideally, it would be organised such that their great parade went, privately, down a few silent and empty streets. Nobody shouting at them, nobody for them to demonstrate to or, if that's what they are doing, threaten. Just a private funeral.

It would be impolite to be on the street and not pay some sort of respect as a coffin goes past...so don't be on the street. Silent, empty and deserted streets. It'd make a far greater statement about the ability of the community to come together and act as one than any amount of sloganeering, abuse, or hurled rocks. And I think it would be deeply unnerving for those privately driving their relative past his victim's house.

Give them exactly what they claim to want - privacy. In spades.

And then it's over.

You mean like the parades in NI for so many years? Everyone being sensible and staying indoors until they’ve passed their homes.
fortunately, things haven't reached that poisonous level yet.:(
the gipsy troubles would last less than a month if:mad: it reached that level of hate when you make up 0.1% of the population inter-communal violence is only ending one way:eek:.
England Prevails:facepalm:. Fortunately, a bunch of prolific criminals will scurry back under a rock if the glare of publicity continues
You mean like the parades in NI for so many years? Everyone being sensible and staying indoors until they’ve passed their homes.
I don't know if you're being ironic, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to conflate the behaviour of Vincent's family to the sectarian strife of Northern Ireland. The parades in Northern Ireland have far more significance to the entire community in terms of what they represent than driving the body of a dead burglar down a suburban residential street.

It's highly unlikely you would get an entire community to agree not to engage with the private funeral, but that doesn't mean it's not worth thinking about. The biggest flaw in it is that there really wouldn't be anything to stop individual hotheads from taking the opportunity to go and pursue their agendas, which would almost certainly happen. But it would be good if it didn't.
There will be no DWP funeral (they may contribute to it however) but It’ll be a vibrant celebration of lumpen culture.

I do wonder whether it will be genuinely necessary for the relatives of the Late Mr Vincent to celebrate outside his final victims' property.
I don't know if you're being ironic, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to conflate the behaviour of Vincent's family to the sectarian strife of Northern Ireland. The parades in Northern Ireland have far more significance to the entire community in terms of what they represent than driving the body of a dead burglar down a suburban residential street.

It's highly unlikely you would get an entire community to agree not to engage with the private funeral, but that doesn't mean it's not worth thinking about. The biggest flaw in it is that there really wouldn't be anything to stop individual hotheads from taking the opportunity to go and pursue their agendas, which would almost certainly happen. But it would be good if it didn't.

Since when do funeral processions go anywhere but between the home of the deceased/place of worship/cremation etc? They do not make 15 mile diversions to trot by the place of death. Doing so on this occasion would be an act of provocation and I don’t see why the community should stand for it. Sure it might garner less publicity if they stayed in their homes, but that wouldn’t make it any less intimidating to people scared of when the next burglary is going to happen on their street.
I do wonder whether it will be genuinely necessary for the relatives of the Late Mr Vincent to celebrate outside his final victims' property.
Of course it's not. But they say it is. So they're either refused permission (which I'm not sure is possible), or they're allowed to. The question is then how it's dealt with.
Since when do funeral processions go anywhere but between the home of the deceased/place of worship/cremation etc? They do not make 15 mile diversions to trot by the place of death. Doing so on this occasion would be an act of provocation and I don’t see why the community should stand for it. Sure it might garner less publicity if they stayed in their homes, but that wouldn’t make it any less intimidating to people scared of when the next burglary is going to happen on their street.
So what does the community "not standing for it" look like?
Since when do funeral processions go anywhere but between the home of the deceased/place of worship/cremation etc? They do not make 15 mile diversions to trot by the place of death. Doing so on this occasion would be an act of provocation and I don’t see why the community should stand for it. Sure it might garner less publicity if they stayed in their homes, but that wouldn’t make it any less intimidating to people scared of when the next burglary is going to happen on their street.

tbf Lewisham Cemetery is about 300 yards up the road.
It probably looks like no funeral director agreeing to the route on account of them not wanting to risk their horses and finery anywhere there might be a someone keen to throw something other than flowers.
Well, that would be something, certainly.
shouldn't the cortege be pulled by a host of pensioners on mobililty scooters in honour of the deceased's contribution to maintaining the integrity of the roofing of that particular demographic.
Well, it could be a handy alternative if it turns out that all the black horses in SE London had prior commitments on the day of the proposed funeral :hmm:

Birthday balloons left at Hither Green street where intruder died

To be honest, this doesn't feel to me like a totally innocent act. But I was slightly gratified by:

Police stopped the group from stapling banners and balloons to the garden fences of homeowners on the street.

It's a start, although the fact that the police needed to stop them stapling (ffs! :rolleyes:) things to someone's fence bodes rather. And not just one - "the garden fences". This has a nasty undertone to it.
I think the clan if they carry out there threat to parade the coffin past the house might be in for a surprise:(
5% of the traveller population is in prison:eek:.
A close look at the Gyipsy minority won't do them any favours and a Burglar who got stabbed by a pensioner defending his disabled wife is not a hill you want to make a stand on.:(.

generally the British don't do mob justice but if they did a small easily identifiable minority make an ideal target:(
They aren't 'gypsies' or 'travellers' they are locally raised scroats who, for some reason have identified with the aforementioned groups.

Birthday balloons left at Hither Green street where intruder died

To be honest, this doesn't feel to me like a totally innocent act. But I was slightly gratified by:

It's a start, although the fact that the police needed to stop them stapling (ffs! :rolleyes:) things to someone's fence bodes rather. And not just one - "the garden fences". This has a nasty undertone to it.

At the very least this is where he fell not opposite the house.

I have been told today that it is a tradition in the traveler community to procession the deceased around their favourite places including where they died where possible. That gave me a bit of perspective on how funeral plan as it has been OVER reported...
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Where have all the flowers gone?(Vincent's lot)
In the bin, every...fucking .. one (locals)
When will you ever learn, we'll fuck you up at every turn (Vincent's lot)
Tell that to your mate in the urn (locals)
... over to you Urbs
Bugger, thought some of the more 'musically accomplished urbs' would have added a few lines:)
I think it was Stompingman #3, the Terry Pratchett tribute act, who also said 'my dad didn't fight at Monte Casino only to get 2 bob a week pension' for this. There's your bonus ball.
Oi, leave my favourite author out of this;)
You mean like the parades in NI for so many years? Everyone being sensible and staying indoors until they’ve passed their homes.
Pity the Catholic community didn't treat the Orange Utans with silent contempt, it would have driven them nuts.
At the very least this is where he fell not opposite the house.

I have been told today that it is a tradition in the traveler community to procession the deceased around their favourite places including where they died where possible. That gave me a bit of perspective on the who funeral plan as it has been OVER reported...

There was a shrine on top of dulwich woods for years- a traveller bloke crashed through the fence and was killed- it had a memorial stone and everything - took the council a long while get it moved out as the family were resistant.
To be fair the flower depositors only wanted equal rites, only to have to see the last hero stomp all over them. :( I think the police are now keeping a night watch, given the interesting times we live in. For the Mail of course, it's just a case of making money. :mad:
The whole situation is just raising steam and both sides seem to be 'going postal'
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They aren't 'gypsies' or 'travellers' they are locally raised scroats who, for some reason have identified with the aforementioned groups ...

The travellers accused police of racism as they laid their tributes.

One woman said: “Why are you being racist? Why are you people picking on us for?”

Can anyone with local knowledge clarify this?

Are burglars considered to be a specific race, group or nationality with protected characteristics?
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