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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

I always take my chill pills before posting on Urban.

Sometimes, I even give them time to kick in.
I go to my doc' once a month and ask him for my monthly top-up of U75 pills (Xanax).
I know it may seem like an exaggeration but I honestly do need Xanax before replying to threads like these. Unfortunately I didn't pre-empt the level of fuckwitism this thread could contain. Lesson learned!
I go to my doc' once a month and ask him for my monthly top-up of U75 pills (Xanax).
I know it may seem like an exaggeration but I honestly do need Xanax before replying to threads like these. Unfortunately I didn't pre-empt the level of fuckwitism this thread could contain. Lesson learned!

If you genuinely think that then you need to go back to your doc and ask for some different pills.
Nah, I just need to skip posts by certain people.
Sorry, too late, I'm back. :)

In your 1 hour, read every post thing, did you notice I'd called the burglar and those of his family who do similar things predators half a dozen times, ditto disgusting and despicable? Did you notice my post about agreeing with a lot that the IWCA have done? Did you read what I said about the old bloke and his wife and how they must be feeling?

On the flowers thing, did you read my initial take on it that it did look like an aggressive act - subsequently modified (in light of it being carried out in a relatively diplomatic way) to that they do have the right to leave stuff, but that the oap will feel vulnerable and stressed. Did you see my suggestion that the OB or council might try and get agreement to place it somewhere else or limit it to 24 hours? Does that add up to me saying anything like what you suggest?

As well as cunting off the mail on this and their breathless, cynical reporting, numerous posts by me add up to one thing: the burglar was a vile predator. But you can say that without giving it the fucking full Littlejohn in terms of taking benefits off people, ugg boots and wishing his family die of an OD.
Sorry, too late, I'm back. :)

In your 1 hour, read every post thing, did you notice I'd called the burglar and those of his family who do similar things predators half a dozen times, ditto disgusting and despicable? Did you notice my post about agreeing with a lot that the IWCA have done? Did you read what I said about the old bloke and his wife and how they must be feeling?

On the flowers thing, did you read my initial take on it that it did look like an aggressive act - subsequently modified (in light of it being carried out in a relatively diplomatic way) to that they do have the right to leave stuff, but that the oap will feel vulnerable and stressed. Did you see my suggestion that the OB or council might try and get agreement to place it somewhere else or limit it to 24 hours? Does that add up to me saying anything like what you suggest?

As well as cunting off the mail on this and their breathless, cynical reporting, numerous posts by me add up to one thing: the burglar was a vile predator. But you can say that without giving it the fucking full Littlejohn in terms of taking benefits off people, ugg boots and wishing his family die of an OD.
Thanks for the recap but as I stated earlier, I have already read it all.
Having clarified that, I am forced to reach the tentative conclusion that you are a fucking idiot.
... actually, no, let's have one more go. :)

As you read all those things, what did you think? How did you reach your conclusions about my posts?
... actually, no, let's have one more go. :)

As you read all those things, what did you think? How did you reach your conclusions about my posts?
I reached that conclusion based on your assertion that it was OK for scum to intimidate their victims.
I reached that conclusion based on your assertion that it was OK for scum to intimidate their victims.
Well, I've just had a word with my brain about this. Took him a bit to get back to me, he's a bit slow nowadays, but he denies it! Got a bit tense when I insisted he must do as some bloke on the internet said 'you think it's okay for scum to intimidate their victims'. The cheek of my brain! :mad:
Well, I've just had a word with my brain about this. Took him a bit to get back to me, he's a bit slow nowadays, but he denies it! Got a bit tense when I insisted he must do as some bloke on the internet said 'you think it's okay for scum to intimidate their victims'. The cheek of my brain! :mad:
Right, so it wasn't you who posted this?
Do you dish this advice out whenever you see a roadside tribute, say an RTA or the victim of a shooting?
Right, so it wasn't you who posted this?
Yep, that was me. Now I'm guessing you are posting this to support your claim that:
I reached that conclusion based on your assertion that it was OK for scum to intimidate their victims

If so well, I'm not sure what your point is, what the connection is. But anyway, the actual exchange was:

Someone should tell them about the concept of funerals and graves
Do you dish this advice out whenever you see a roadside tribute, say an RTA or the victim of a shooting?
So, I took Mrs D to be saying that the family of the burglar - we'll call him the predator or the cunt if that helps - should save the flowers and tributes for the grave/funeral. In response I was pointing out that tributes in streets are an entirely common thing. Fwiw, I find them a bit mawkish, but that's another thread. Anyway, my brain is about to shutdown for the night.
Yep, that was me. Now I'm guessing you are posting this to support your claim that:

If so well, I'm not sure what your point is, what the connection is. But anyway, the actual exchange was:



So, I took Mrs D to be saying that the family of the burglar - we'll call him the predator or the cunt if that helps - should save the flowers and tributes for the grave/funeral. In response I was pointing out that tributes in streets are an entirely common thing. Fwiw, I find them a bit mawkish, but that's another thread. Anyway, my brain is about to shutdown for the night.
Yet it wasn't a tribute in the street where the cunt died, was it? It was a means of intimidating the victims.

But I do grin at how you liken a dead scumbag to the victim of an RTA or shooting. It's very telling.
Further marking of territory. Rather than a dignified burial of the perp this seems more akin to a march through an area:

Dead burglar to get '£100k funeral going past home of OAP who killed him'

The paper also reports that the pensioner is selling his house and moving away. No doubt to live in an areawhere no one knows who they are and where they know nobody. No doubt the lumpen cheerleaders of the perp will see this as a perverse form of justice. They’d be right to do so.
Further marking of territory. Rather than a dignified burial of the perp this seems more akin to a march through an area:

Dead burglar to get '£100k funeral going past home of OAP who killed him'

The paper also reports that the pensioner is selling his house and moving away. No doubt to live in an areawhere no one knows who they are and where they know nobody. No doubt the lumpen cheerleaders of the perp will see this as a perverse form of justice. They’d be right to do so.

That is no doubt how the papers will report it; after all they couldn't exactly say how they'd publicized all of the relevant information about this poor bloke themselves, and picketed his front door.
Further marking of territory. Rather than a dignified burial of the perp this seems more akin to a march through an area:

Dead burglar to get '£100k funeral going past home of OAP who killed him'

The paper also reports that the pensioner is selling his house and moving away. No doubt to live in an areawhere no one knows who they are and where they know nobody. No doubt the lumpen cheerleaders of the perp will see this as a perverse form of justice. They’d be right to do so.

That is no doubt how the papers will report it; after all they couldn't exactly say how they'd publicized all of the relevant information about this poor bloke themselves, and picketed his front door.

I feel bad for laughing at that, but I admit I did. Horrible situation, but this notion of a mega-funeral right past the burglary victim's house is really not cool.

You knuw what I can see happening now? This funeral cortege wending it's way past the house and locals kicking off. The burglars family and friends kick off in response and then the Daily Mail / Sun types can wank themselves off in a frenzy over it all.

Fucks sake. This is all getting well tawdry now
Oh, I didn't know the background. Which explains a few things, because I was finding the relentlessness of the posts a little strange...


The Late Henry Vincent was under investigation over a separate burglary involving an elderly victim at the time that he died following an incident that took place at 12.45 a.m. inside the property of a 78-year old man and his 74-year old wife


Grieving Billy Jeeves, 28, is being sought by police following the burglary in Hither Green

... perhaps the 'relentlessness' which is now causing concern here is nowhere near disturbing as the 'relentlessness' with which we now know that the Late Mr Vincent, his friend and relative Mr Jeeves, and other grieiving members of his family are known to have been pursuing elderly and vulnerable members of the public for many years.
I have sort of gained the impression that the people objecting to this attack-by-flowers might not all be local, and might indeed be driven by some other animus than sympathy for an old neighbour couple. If there are troublemakers haunting this street from family-of-dead-bloke and others-of dubious-connection-to-burgled-bloke with their own axe to grind, that looks very worrying and with big potential for trouble. But even without any violence or stuff, you're damn right about the flowery thing being very tawdry (at best).
If a bit of flippancy is allowed, might I remark that "Grieving Billy Jeeves" should be the name of a blues musician, really.

Also, why is the mourning family not chasing Grieving Billy Jeeves for doing the Brave Sir Robin act rather than sticking by his mate and getting him medical attention?

The Late Henry Vincent was under investigation over a separate burglary involving an elderly victim at the time that he died following an incident that took place at 12.45 a.m. inside the property of a 78-year old man and his 74-year old wife


Grieving Billy Jeeves, 28, is being sought by police following the burglary in Hither Green

... perhaps the 'relentlessness' which is now causing concern here is nowhere near disturbing as the 'relentlessness' with which we now know that the Late Mr Vincent, his friend and relative Mr Jeeves, and other grieiving members of his family are known to have been pursuing elderly and vulnerable members of the public for many years.
It is, however, getting "relentlessly" boring. It is self-evidently the case that we, here on Urban, don't need to be relentlessly reminded either of the crimes, or the faces, of the perpetrators, and yet here you are, "ironically" quoting my own words about your behaviour as some kind of justification for continuing it.

Here, since you like gratuitous Internet images, have one just for you.
Further marking of territory. Rather than a dignified burial of the perp this seems more akin to a march through an area:

Dead burglar to get '£100k funeral going past home of OAP who killed him'

The paper also reports that the pensioner is selling his house and moving away. No doubt to live in an areawhere no one knows who they are and where they know nobody. No doubt the lumpen cheerleaders of the perp will see this as a perverse form of justice. They’d be right to do so.

TBF the whole article is speculation, he will probably be disposed of 'on the cheap' with a DWP funeral grant, which from personal experience, I suspect, will probably be snaffled by the 'nearest and dearest'leaving the funeral home out of pocket.
You knuw what I can see happening now? This funeral cortege wending it's way past the house and locals kicking off. The burglars family and friends kick off in response and then the Daily Mail / Sun types can wank themselves off in a frenzy over it all.

Fucks sake. This is all getting well tawdry now

Tony, you seem to have a passing knowledge of these folks (as do I, unfortunately) can you see. In your wildest dreams, his family and friends upping up,this kind of funeral with the entailed costs?
A two car cortège with a gang of horses and carts trailing along behind, at the very best.
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