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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

Yeah but GarveyLives basically only posts about murders/rapes/serious crimes and those who are wanted for them. Particularly in the Brixton/other South London threads. It’s actually weirdly and uncomfortably voyeuristic tbh as they insist on posting very graphic details about the crimes. I (and I think other) posters find it v weird.
Oh, I didn't know the background. Which explains a few things, because I was finding the relentlessness of the posts a little strange...
Well, he's got a bit of a point - amid all the outpouring of grief at the diamond geezah who suffered a fatal work-related injury, you'd think his oppo would be around to pay his respects. But, TBH, I think a) he's wasting his time, as I don't imagine our mate Billy's an urbanite, and b) it does get a bit tedious for the rest of us who aren't...oh, damn, I've forgotten his name again.

Totally tedious. That's the third maybe fourth time he's posted it. We all know the likely reason why Billy or whoever, hasn't come forward. Who is he aiming his questions at.

Yeah but GarveyLives basically only posts about murders/rapes/serious crimes and those who are wanted for them. Particularly in the Brixton/other South London threads. It’s actually weirdly and uncomfortably voyeuristic tbh as they insist on posting very graphic details about the crimes. I (and I think other) posters find it v weird.

And yeah, a bit this too. I've seen some of those posts.
These communities barely tolerated them, I think most on here would recognise the term 'dole wallahs'
But these people, over the years, as traditional industries slowly collapsed, established a collective base of drugs/money laundering activities, scrap yards, skip wagons, etc.
And having always been in the communities mentioned, have now emerged with a swagger to take revenge on the older community that always regarded them with distain.
Wait, this is about a bloke who invaded the home of an elderly couple probably with intent to steal. I have no idea whether he was also doing money laundering or stuff with scrap yards.
He's not trying to defend anything. Laying flowers on the road isn't illegal, I'd rather the police weren't encouraged to make up laws on the fly - which seems to be the ask here be the 'shouldn't be allowed' folks.

No one is breaking the law here, it is nothing to do with the police.
It's littering, and anyone removing the flowers should be commended.
Do you dish this advice out whenever you see a roadside tribute, say an RTA or the victim of a shooting?
Yeah, because the dead cunt was absolutely a victim here.

Fuck me, I'm surprised some people here aren't posting flowers on Nazi officers' graves, just to provoke the Daily Mail readers amongst us.
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Have I really just spent an hour (yeah, I'm a slow reader) reading people people sticking up for these fucking scumbags?
I think some people need to have a fucking word with themself.
An old boy and his wife are terrorised by two pieces of absolute pond scum.
Old boy kills one pond scum.
Members of the U75 "I'm more politically correct than you" brigade uphold the right of the pond scum family to further harass the old boy.

Well done! :facepalm:
Have I really just spent an hour (yeah, I'm a slow reader) reading people people sticking up for these fucking scumbags?
I think some people need to have a fucking word with themself.
An old boy and his wife are terrorised by two pieces of absolute pond scum.
Old boy kills one pond scum.
Members of the U75 "I'm more politically correct than you" brigade uphold the right of the pond scum family to further harass the old boy.

Well done! :facepalm:

No, you've apparently spent an hour reading what you expected to read and ignoring what was on the screen.
Wait, this is about a bloke who invaded the home of an elderly couple probably with intent to steal. I have no idea whether he was also doing money laundering or stuff with scrap yards.

Lucky you, the less you know about people like him the better you will sleep.

"Probably with intent to steal"
The above gave me nearly as big a laugh as existentialist crack about "fatal, work elated injury"
Have I really just spent an hour (yeah, I'm a slow reader) reading people people sticking up for these fucking scumbags?
I think some people need to have a fucking word with themself.
An old boy and his wife are terrorised by two pieces of absolute pond scum.
Old boy kills one pond scum.
Members of the U75 "I'm more politically correct than you" brigade uphold the right of the pond scum family to further harass the old boy.

Well done! :facepalm:
No. No you haven't. That's the thing isn't it, you haven't. :facepalm:

Edit: ah, beaten to it by scifisam
Yeah, because the dead cunt was absolutely a victim here.

Fuck me, I'm surprised some people here aren't posting flowers on Nazi officers' graves, just to provoke the Daily Mail readers amongst us.
Err, why would anyone do that? :confused:
I've read it all, and what I took from it is that you'd rather defend the rights of fucking scum than the rights of their victims.
Okay, I'll go back and edit all my posts to see if I can make them say what you want them to say. Astonishing.
Won't someone please think of the poor families who will be affected by this dead cunt's inability to terrorise and steal from vulnerable pensioners!
I can't believe how many wankers there are on this thread. Defending the rights of utter scum over the rights of the victims of the scum.
What a set of cunts!
This thread has been a proper eye opener. I should probably have taken my chill pills before posting on it but fuck it, it needed saying.
I can't believe how many wankers there are on this thread. Defending the rights of utter scum over the rights of the victims of the scum.
What a set of cunts!
Actually there aren't very many, Wilf for instance is more concerned about the way the DM and other rags are trying to incite opinion.
A few years ago this thread would have been overwhelmed by people defending the scumbag, with detailed reports of his 'unhappy childhood and failures of the council and social services'
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