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Pedestrian jailed for causing death of cyclist

Ride mostly on bridle paths, the order of priority there is pedestrian-horse-bike. And have a bell, often peds can't hear it though cos headphones or just generally away with the fairies...

Same, “I’m in a group of three and we take up all 4 metres of path with a dog we let romp free to the fullest extent of lead…”

Cyclists sticking doggedly side by side is annoying when I’m on foot on the paths is frustrating to.
I would imagine her not guilty plea hasn't helped her with the sentencing. All a bit sad but if she'd caused the death of a wee nipper we'd have the tabloids calling for her head.
Same, “I’m in a group of three and we take up all 4 metres of path with a dog we let romp free to the fullest extent of lead…”

Cyclists sticking doggedly side by side is annoying when I’m on foot on the paths is frustrating to.
Dog wankers walk side by side.
It's a massive sentence, but I got the impression (from the BBC article I read yesterday) that it would have been lower had she shown any remorse. I don't know what to make of that tbh :( I doubt she'll serve the full sentence at least.

It's not often I feel sorry for the driver when a cyclist is killed but in this case I do. Poor woman.
I would imagine her not guilty plea hasn't helped her with the sentencing. All a bit sad but if she'd caused the death of a wee nipper we'd have the tabloids calling for her head.
This is a spurious argument, why would we assume she would have behaved the same? Most people are for more tolerant of children on bikes than adults, as frankly adults should know better.
I’ve previously experienced pedestrians, who were much bigger than me, being horribly intimidating to me when I’ve been carefully cycling on shared spaces. 3 years seems excessive compared to what drivers get but I’d also say drivers need face greater punishments.

And this:

She was looking to have a go at someone and she chose a 77 year old woman. 3 years feels wrong but she was the cause of this pensioners death.
Is so important. People who want to have a go at physically intimidating cyclists don’t go for 6’ men, at least not if they’re not in a car. They go for people they perceive as more vulnerable than them. It’s bullying.
Probably just me being a bit paronid, cyclist's round here are so fucking reckless I have a couple of near misses every week, and I genuinely am way more afraid of cyclist's than car drives as issues with cars are few and far between.

The wife is really on edge with cyclists more than cars as well and I think it’s partly due to cars being firmly in a clear space to avoid so of course sharing a space is slightly more stressful.

Overall pedestrians, cyclists and motorists need to be more aware of the world around them and considerate but it’s not happening. Of the three only one consistently murders the others though
It's a massive sentence, but I got the impression (from the BBC article I read yesterday) that it would have been lower had she shown any remorse. I don't know what to make of that tbh :( I doubt she'll serve the full sentence at least.

It's not often I feel sorry for the driver when a cyclist is killed but in this case I do. Poor woman.
My understanding is that she had shown remorse but is not a great verbal communicator so wrote it down. This was rejected.
Cyclists unnecessarily on pavements piss me off. It's something I never do and it gives cyclists a bad name. But cyclists doing what they need to do to stay safe on the road? tbh if you've not been a cyclist in busy cities yourself, you probably don't quite understand what the dangers are.

yes agree with this. Though obv I've not sycled in the road, except on a tandem. Have mates who ride bikes who have come a cropper, though.

At the risk of being a bore about this, shared spaces are somewhat sub optimal if you can't see you're on one nor the delinations between sections.
This is a spurious argument, why would we assume she would have behaved the same? Most people are for more tolerant of children on bikes than adults, as frankly adults should know better.
Of course it's a spurious argument. Let's go with teenager in a black hoody.
Most people would take evasive action to avoid getting smacked in the face though. The killer's actions were not necessary or reasonable and they resulted in someone's death. So, manslaughter.

Yes they should treat drivers who kill the same way but that doesn't remove responsibility in this case. Whataboutery is no use to the dead.

She coulda maybe stopped the bike. I'm not saying she's responsible for her own death but Grey should not have been jailed for this either. Is a rediculous travesty.
My understanding is that she had shown remorse but is not a great verbal communicator so wrote it down. This was rejected.
Was that reported anywhere? I haven't seen it.

"Sentencing Grey on Thursday, Judge Sean Enright said she was "territorial about the pavement" and "resented" the cyclist being there.
The court was told about Grey's health issues but the judge told her: "These actions are not explained by disability."
Judge Enright also slammed her "dishonest account in the police interview" and said there was "not a word about remorse until today".

David, Celia's husband of 53 years, said "rarely a day goes by without thinking of her" in a victim impact statement.

Gillian Hayter, Celia's daughter, added: "The lack of any remorse from the accused cannot be underestimated in having a profound effect on us all."
I know it is illegal but I have no problem with cyclists riding on pavements as long as they put pedestrians first. If it is busy get off and push. Some roads are just too dangerous to be on. One potential route back from work involves riding on several poorly marked shared pavements including a stretch through a city centre.
I do have a problem with it. Pavement cyclists regularly make me feel unsafe and I've twice been hit from behind by pavement cyclists. (I went over both times and while I had cuts and bruises, it could've obviously been much more serious if someone older/younger/less mobile etc. had been hit instead Neither cyclist even asked if I was okay BTW, both took off while I was still on the ground wondering what the hell had just happened.)

If roads are too dangerous for people to cycle on, that's bad. And of course I support better cycling infrastructure. But you really shouldn't make things less dangerous for cyclists by making them more dangerous for pedestrians.
That is unclear from the footage.

The fact she’s partially blind and has cerebral palsy means fuck all. She was at least verbally abusive and was gesticulating. She was looking to have a go at someone and she chose a 77 year old woman. 3 years feels wrong but she was the cause of this pensioners death.

"She was looking to have a go at someone." Complete conjecture.
Electric motors adds a new dimension - both in terms of risk to pedestrians, but also in that more people will feel more able to share the road with cars...
I know it is illegal but I have no problem with cyclists riding on pavements as long as they put pedestrians first. If it is busy get off and push. Some roads are just too dangerous to be on. One potential route back from work involves riding on several poorly marked shared pavements including a stretch through a city centre.
If they put pedestrians first they'd be dismounted and walking their cycle on the pavement.
Is so important. People who want to have a go at physically intimidating cyclists don’t go for 6’ men, at least not if they’re not in a car. They go for people they perceive as more vulnerable than them. It’s bullying.

Generally true for sure, last summer we had a spate of women/students being pushed off their bikes into the canal by local hard men. But I'm 6'1 and I've had both drivers and gangs of lads on foot go down the attempted abuse/intimidation route with me too. Some of it is just the fact that they are bellends, but the endless anti cyclist agenda of car brains is definitley a factor too.
"She was looking to have a go at someone." Complete conjecture.
The judge's comments do suggest that tbh - 'territorial about the pavement'. Sounds like she lied and disassembled then pled not guilty and the family said her lack of remorse caused them pain. None of that will have helped her sentence. I still don't see the point in locking her up though.
Generally true for sure, last summer we had a spate of women/students being pushed off their bikes into the canal by local hard men. But I'm 6'1 and I've had both drivers and gangs of lads on foot go down the attempted abuse/intimidation route with me too. Some of it is just the fact that they are bellends, but the endless anti cyclist agenda of car brains is definitley a factor too.
I'm 6'6" and I've had plenty too. Anyone in a car is at a physical advantage to most bicycles.
Cyclist was riding where she should have been riding and there's no suggestion she wasn't leaving space for pedestrians so all this victim blaming stuff can get to fuck thanks.

I don't know if the path had been marked out with a line with one 'lane' for cyclists and one for pedestrains, but Frank is right: the cyclist was riding exactly where she should have been: on the designated cycle path
Just make it 3 years minimum for accidentally killing a cyclist or pedestrian in any way. Consistency is needed.
Nah. Minimum sentencing is shit. There can be a wide range of situations and levels of fault.

And tbh in some situations the existence of a potential penalty for your actions doesn't make much difference. This sounds like one of those situations.
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Shared space paths are shit. I always go slowly and carefully with lots of 'excuse me's and stopping to let people past if it's narrow. But I'm not 77, and usually there isn't someone waving their fist in my face and shouting at me. Is it any fucking surprise she got a bit wobbly and indecisive. Bad infrastructure killed her as much as the car did tbh.
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