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Pedestrian jailed for causing death of cyclist

I know this is really not the thread for just moaning about cyclists.

But I actually sae a cyclists the other day who stopped at the lights when it was green and then set of the moment it turned red. The really are just colour blind then!!
Or possibly just cycling in a way that was safe for them, staying out of unpredictable traffic in a junction and moving when all the traffic was stopped. It might have annoyed you but it was highly unlikely to do you any harm. Meanwhile I see cars running reds and blocking ped crossings daily (both genuinely dangerous) and no one gets angry on LBC about it.
I don't see how any good is served sending her to prison. That said, what she did was properly horrible. Very sad story all round.

Regarding cyclists breaking traffic laws, the laws aren't always set up well for cyclists. I was pulled over by a copper years ago for going in front of the traffic lights while they were red so that I could safely turn right as soon as they turned green. Nowadays junctions are designed specifically to allow this to happen. Back then it was against the law. When it comes to cyclists, the law isn't always right.
From the video, it seems clear that she forced the cyclist into the road, causing her death - I think the sentence would be less controversial if the victim had been a child, though I agree that it seems harsh when compared to the sentences for deaths caused by motorists.
Or possibly just cycling in a way that was safe for them, staying out of unpredictable traffic in a junction and moving when all the traffic was stopped. It might have annoyed you but it was highly unlikely to do you any harm. Meanwhile I see cars running reds and blocking ped crossings daily (both genuinely dangerous) and no one gets angry on LBC about it.
It is true that moving from a stop meant he was not really a danger.

It just made me laugh.

But let's not have an argument on this thread. And yes I know I brought it up.
I'm not defending the imaginary speeding cyclist at the expense of the imaginary pedestrian on the pavement here but in this case a) it appears to have been a shared path where the cyclist was allowed to be, b) she sees the cyclist coming towards her in plenty of time not to be startled as the cyclist is not going very fast and c) you can see her deliberately choosing not to move across the pavement and make any space for the cyclist to pass, it's clearly a busy road so she must have been aware of the danger in forcing an oncoming elderly lady off the pavement and into the road.
A) It appears that way but is not properly marked and considered on the narrow side for a shared path. Apparently no sign in the direction the pedestrian approached from.
B) Equally a cyclist not going very fast had time to pull in against the fence, stop and let the pedestrian pass or attempt to pass her on the side away the from the road. It is what I would have done.
C) The cyclist again had the option to stop and wait.

Even on shared paths I don't make assumptions about pedestrians. Hell after having a bike written off and minor injuries in order to avoid hitting a pedestrian who stepped into the road I'm careful of them on the road too. As a cyclist you're on a piece of metal that could seriously injure a pedestrian. Take some fucking responsibility.
Or possibly just cycling in a way that was safe for them, staying out of unpredictable traffic in a junction and moving when all the traffic was stopped. It might have annoyed you but it was highly unlikely to do you any harm. Meanwhile I see cars running reds and blocking ped crossings daily (both genuinely dangerous) and no one gets angry on LBC about it.

100% this. I've stopped cycling in to work because once off the cycle lane it was getting genuinely dangerous during the winter months because car drivers were constantly shooting red lights or (deliberately or otherwise) cutting cyclists up at junctions.

Meanwhile the Birmingham Mail is chock full of Jeremy Clarkson types raging about the new cycle lanes (there are 2 ffs), LTN's and any perceived attempt to prevent them from driving dangerously around the city.

This particular case seems like a tragic set of ciurcumstances. Had the cyclist had a safe dedicated cycle route they wouldn't have needed to use the shared path. Re-marking pavements for use by cyclists and walkers is unsatisfactory for both.
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Cyclists unnecessarily on pavements piss me off. It's something I never do and it gives cyclists a bad name. But cyclists doing what they need to do to stay safe on the road? tbh if you've not been a cyclist in busy cities yourself, you probably don't quite understand what the dangers are.
Saw some woman pedestrian shout at a resting cyclist and insist they need a license the other day. She’d already let her dog chase another cyclist in pursuit of his dog for half a mile

Just need to ban people
Teaching, Sammy our puppy, not to try and chase cyclists. Can't do much about the cunts who come speeding past from behind without any warning.
Cyclists unnecessarily on pavements piss me off. It's something I never do and it gives cyclists a bad name. But cyclists doing what they need to do to stay safe on the road? tbh if you've not been a cyclist in busy cities yourself, you probably don't quite understand what the dangers are.
I know it is illegal but I have no problem with cyclists riding on pavements as long as they put pedestrians first. If it is busy get off and push. Some roads are just too dangerous to be on. One potential route back from work involves riding on several poorly marked shared pavements including a stretch through a city centre.
Cyclists unnecessarily on pavements piss me off. It's something I never do and it gives cyclists a bad name. But cyclists doing what they need to do to stay safe on the road? tbh if you've not been a cyclist in busy cities yourself, you probably don't quite understand what the dangers are.

Agree. But loads of pavements have been desingated dual use. It doesn't work well for cyclists or pedestrains as this case tragically shows.
I know it is illegal but I have no problem with cyclists riding on pavements as long as they put pedestrians first. If it is busy get off and push. Some roads are just too dangerous to be on. One potential route back from work involves riding on several poorly marked shared pavements including a stretch through a city centre.
I have no problem with it where there is a reason (as long, as you say, as they put pedestrians first).

Shared pathways aren't a great idea if they can be avoided. Generally pedestrians have priority, though, no? Certainly on the canal paths in London that's the case.

Work in progress...
Some are truly awful. This tragedy could have been avoided with a wider path and clearly marked lanes for pedestrians and cyclists. Widening is a pain but surely someone could have cracked open a tin of paint. Perhas no one wants to pay for it I don't drive much these days but when I do I can't help noticing how poorly roads are marked.
Teaching, Sammy our puppy, not to try and chase cyclists. Can't do much about the cunts who come speeding past from behind without any warning.

I was pretty impressed by the cyclist continuing to cycle on stoically despite having to drag his dog along and not getting off and drop kicking the woman’s smaller dog into the river because damn did the entire situation look awkward as fuck
What a horrendous mess.
What does the law say about the responsibility of a driver if someone simply trips and falls into the road ?

A shit situation.

And so they should. I do find a lot of cyclists tusses in shared spaces when a pedestrian tbh. Loads pass too close (a foot or there abouts) with no attempt to alert you to their presence when approaching from behind. I like to make sure someone is well aware of me before passing
I jumped at a cycle passing me from behind on a shared path the other day and the guy riding it said 'sorry, I don't have a bell'. I always used to say 'excuse me'.
And so they should. I do find a lot of cyclists tusses in shared spaces when a pedestrian tbh. Loads pass too close (a foot or there abouts) with no attempt to alert you to their presence when approaching from behind. I like to make sure someone is well aware of me before passing
It's not great for anyone. As a cyclist, you're constantly having to advise people of your presence. As a pedestrian, you can never totally relax because there could always be a cyclist steaming up behind you.
I jumped at a cycle passing me from behind on a shared path the other day and the guy riding it said 'sorry, I don't have a bell'. I always used to say 'excuse me'.
I have a bell but usually say excuse me. I find the sound of the bell travels better in the wind though.
She didn't shove her into the traffic though? Caused her to veer off into it, yes. But didn't touch her. AFAIK.

Most people would take evasive action to avoid getting smacked in the face though. The killer's actions were not necessary or reasonable and they resulted in someone's death. So, manslaughter.

Yes they should treat drivers who kill the same way but that doesn't remove responsibility in this case. Whataboutery is no use to the dead.
Most people would take evasive action to avoid getting smacked in the face though. The killer's actions were not necessary or reasonable and they resulted in someone's death. So, manslaughter.
I agree with this but a suspended sentence is an option with manslaughter. Suspended sentence plus a fuckton of community service would have been a more appropriate response imo. I don't see how jailing her helps anyone.
Ride mostly on bridle paths, the order of priority there is pedestrian-horse-bike. And have a bell, often peds can't hear it though cos headphones or just generally away with the fairies...
I will say though that on top of lenient sentences for car drivers, if this had been the other way round and someone died to avoid a cyclist there is no way that cyclist was getting 3 years.

And this judgment will just embolden more people to ride like dicks as the law is on their side and probably lead to more dead or injured people.
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