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Paxo v Brand starts in 5 minutes

Of course you can do all the things i mention and vote too. You can also do them and put a bit of sellotape on the fridge - but neither of the latter things are going to help and one of them has the potential to do damage in that it plays exactly into the states role of legitimising the shadow that capital casts over society, of making it appear as being the result of democratic participatory choice.


*takes bit of sellotape off fridge*
the g20 thing, Brand says he was on a shopping binge on MTV cash, coked up, stumbled across the g20 action and joined in on a whim, getting his kit off on the way
The web/social media is alive with discussion on how things need to change, yet I can imagine the day of action on the 5th will only be moderately attended, failure of organisers/imagination or failure of the public?
The web/social media is alive with discussion on how things need to change, yet I can imagine the day of action on the 5th will only be moderately attended, failure of organisers/imagination or failure of the public?

Can you explain how or why a well attended day of action (whatever that means) would actually result in, or even contribute to, a significant level of change in any of those things?

As far as I can see, it may give a few people a temporary internal glow at being a part of something, but other than that will be largely meaningless
Paxman was just on the Graham Norton show, mentioned his interview with Russell Brand and that he agreed with a lot Brand had said. Of all the anecdotes he could have mentioned, interesting that he chose Brand.
He was clearly under the influence but was fantastic. He emphatically agreed Brand was spot on about most people, their disconnection with politicians etc. Why can't Paxman show that kind of passion anymore?
on a side note wrt mays euro elections. I am of the mind to vote anyone other than the far right because being a euro mp opens up funding for the bastards. But is this logical? Its PR rather than FPTP right? so denying them a vote share even if I vote for Elvis Party would work against it. If thats not the case I won't bother.
It's PR but PR done in a very daft way (at least if the same system is used as last time EDIT according to wikipedia it will be). So voting for a party that polls less than the BNP/UKIP/whoever would neither help or hinder the chances of the BNP/UKIP/whoever getting a seat.

D'Hondt method
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I'll just leave this here:
Disgusting slave-owning freak. So he's not voted, he's voted tory, he's voted lib-dem and he's voted labour. It's cunts like him that drive non-voting.
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