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Paxo v Brand starts in 5 minutes


Active Member
10:30 pm on BBC2. Could be interesting? (or possibly as pointless as Dizzee's "opinions" on Newsnight :oops:)
Paxo just said "the more time you spend indoors the less cases of rickets for instance" the stupid fucker,how wrong can you be?
It was excellent. Brand, in the middle of his (cough) rant, looked around at the other, off-camera, people in the room. He was talking utter sense.

I'll be honest...I used to think he was a celeb twat...then when he stopped taking drugs I thought he was an up-his-own-arse twat. I've liked quite a bit of stuff in the papers lately though.

That was quite stirring.
So this is linked to tomorrow's issue of The New Statesman which Brand is guest editing:

"Comedian RUSSELL BRAND has landed a new role as the guest editor of politics and culture magazine the New Statesman.

The Forgetting Sarah Marshall star's upcoming issue will explore the theme of revolution through articles on climate change, gay rights, transcendental meditation and drug addiction.

In a statement, the reformed wildman jokes, "I am honoured to be editing an issue of the New Statesman. My first act is to edit the name of the magazine to the Nude Statesman, which will allay fears that this populist move will descend into puerility.

"This issue will either recapture the glory of (writer/broadcaster) J B Priestley's piece which created the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, or plunge the title into despair not seen since it alleged that (former Prime Minister) John Major was giving Downing Street's caterer an unconventional bonus."

Brand, whose issue will be released next week (24Oct13), joins a varied group of celebrities who have previously taken the reigns of the New Statesman - Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei, former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone and Hugh Grant's ex-girlfriend Jemima Khan have all turned guest editors for the publication.

Khan, who is rumoured to have enjoyed a brief fling with Brand last month (Sep13), has since become the magazine's associate editor."

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