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Orbital Glasto set

Oh my word....my ears are still recoiling in terror. I've been a huge Orbital fan my whole life and seen them live multiple times.

Wtf happened at the end of their Glasto set....the spice girls? Really?

I'm trying not to be a mortally offended purist but whyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!?


Ok, you didn’t like it, fair enough.

so tell me what you want, what you really really want?
It's an interesting theory, and I've given it some consideration, but I think you are reaching. They list their friends (Easy V She's a real lady etc) and are adamant that to get with one means having to get along with the rest.

It's this dynamic that plays a major part of recreating the class system ...oh it didn't work out, they didn't get on with my friends/family etc. depressing values
To be honest the whole 'get with' lyric was problematic for me for different reasons.


I wasn't sure if they meant it as a permanent arrangement or just as an Apprentice style tryout task.

I did in fact write to them to explain that I had been trying to determine if I should become one of their lovers. However, after reviewing their unorthodox screening process I was experiencing some reluctance. I sought clarrifcation re the above point in case I changed my mind.

Can you believe they didn't reply or even acknowledge my correspondence? Rude!
Can confrim this is not the case

No they're pretty bad live. But each to their own. twisting knobs and dad dancing... no. Even the Chemical Brothers do it a bit better. But it's not the style of music that is really great for a live scene, particularly not a massive stage like Glasto.
Chems live , Meh seen both live last year. Orbital way better. Chems could have been any gig in the last 20 years , just some better lazers and vids

It's mad how people like diffrent things init.
hah that's acutally quite a fun "rework."
crucially it ditches almost all of the lyrics.
and the melody.
and any other identifying parts.
they managed to find the one line that isnt too embarrassing (if you want my future, forget my past). Just repeat that Mel and dance about.
Fair enough really.
I dont see what all the fuss is about :D
hah that's acutally quite a fun "rework."
crucially it ditches almost all of the lyrics.
and the melody.
and any other identifying parts.
they managed to find the one line that isnt too embarrassing (if you want my future, forget my past). Just repeat that Mel and dance about.
Fair enough really.
I dont see what all the fuss is about :D
Felt like a tribute to Pianoman
I quite like the "I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want..." song and I'm not a big fan of pop songs generally. I may be seen as a heretic here, but I'm not all that about Orbital. They're 30 years past their sell by date and at least the Spice Girls tune gives their set a bit of fun
I quite like it and I'd definitely have enjoyed it if I was in the crowd, which is meant to be the point isn't it.

The complaints seem reminiscent of a lot of the po-faced rockist stuff from years past, moaning about anything that's not a 'proper' band of 4-5 white blokes playing plodding indie rock that they wrote themselves like real musicians. There's no need for any of that.
hah that's acutally quite a fun "rework."
crucially it ditches almost all of the lyrics.
and the melody.
and any other identifying parts.
they managed to find the one line that isnt too embarrassing (if you want my future, forget my past). Just repeat that Mel and dance about.
Fair enough really.
I dont see what all the fuss is about :D
Angry middle aged males in meltdown because "their" music has somehow been ruined?

It started with Belinda's Heaven Is A Place on Earth right? The thing about that is thats not some wacky random song to use, Heaven Is A Place on Earth is the kind of philosophical realisation you get to when high enough. GOd is dead, there is no afterlife, heaven is a place on earth....this is it. So throwing that in towards the peak of a set has a sense to it.
I've never been a fan of the song, but I have it on my phone. . . . a few times it has come up (on shuffle) when I have been out running. It suddenly clicked. It was kind of euphoric and druggy, an anthem, yeah. My association with the song compleatly changed. Pump the air, googly eyes. No drugs needed.
I've never been a fan of the song, but I have it on my phone. . . . a few times it has come up (on shuffle) when I have been out running. It suddenly clicked. It was kind of euphoric and druggy, an anthem, yeah. My association with the song compleatly changed. Pump the air, googly eyes. No drugs needed.

As I said, Balearic 😂
Which of course was composed by Delia Derbyshire, an absolute titan of experimental/early electronic music

Zigga zig aaah
the opening credits of the first episode of Doctor Who was literally the high point of the entire franchise....down hill after there...
A bit like Orbital with Chime, each next release slightly weaker than the last :D

Can we get a couple more pages out of this thread? Dig deep everyone
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