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Oh dear... Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson sacked over Huawei leak.

actually, according to frantic backpeddalling, the accusation is that he broke the ministerial code - the sensible thing would to have been to have avoided accusing him of the leak, and just stated that his response to the leak enquiry was unsettling for the PM, that she no longer had confidence in him, and that therefore he was no longer Defence Secretary.

however, the OSA accusation is out of the bag and there's little the PM can do to throw a net over it.

any prosecution of Williamson (or whoever else gets embroiled in this debacle) is however going to face a problem - the leak was not primarily of operational/intelligence information, it was of political information: that 5 members of the NSA voted against Huawei, 5 for, and that the PM had the casting vote. that is, theoretically, covered by the OSA, but so is the lunch menu at Shrivenham, as it is only information that i could glean from my duties. no one has - i hope - ever been prosecuted for revealing the lunch menu at Shrivenham as, although its obviously still official information, its just 'meh', as is who voted for what.

What was on the lunch menu?
Wanting a spanking from a nice young lady & getting one from a brutish teacher maybe quite different experiences. I know you are getting on in years but laughing about child abuse? WTF

Child abuse? Get over yourself. As someone who went through their entire schooling in the time of corporal punishment, neither I, or my compatriots regarded it as abuse. It wasn't. It was the form of discipline in place at that time.
When corporal punishment was finally abolished in public schools, I recall a letter to the Telegraph, where the writer said:

'Those youngsters, they don't know how privileged they were, what they were getting for free, well, he had to pay a nice young lady in Soho Square quite handsomely to receive'. :D

Entire generations of children suffering under the dominion of sadists and perverts, with consequences permeating every corner of society, lol.
Child abuse? Get over yourself. As someone who went through their entire schooling in the time of corporal punishment, neither I, or my compatriots regarded it as abuse. It wasn't. It was the form of discipline in place at that time.

And you didn't grow up to find humour in rape threats or anything.
Cos children can give consent right?

OK then, by your view, no child can be immunised without consent. No child can be sent to school without consent. No child can be taken anywhere they don't wish to go?

Care to rethink your risible statement?
I went through it and we thought it was abuse. The headmaster used to video caning us. Fuck corporal punishment. Hitting children and getting the perverts off.

You poor wee soul. No doubt it will affect your whole life. What a shame.
That's always a handy tactic for getting away with abuse - having the victims buy into it.

We neither 'bought in' nor didn't 'buy in'. It just was.

Times move on, and things change.

I will say one thing though, teachers who gave lines rather than the belt were disliked more than those who belted you.
We neither 'bought in' nor didn't 'buy in'. It just was.

Times move on, and things change.

I will say one thing though, teachers who gave lines rather than the belt were disliked more than those who belted you.

I'm 56 going on 57 and at the state schools I went to, teachers who hit you were despised and seen as 'wrong uns'. At primary school we had a female teacher who put your name in a book to be called out the next morning and hit across the hands with a ruler....we were 6 and 7 and we knew it was wrong and weird. At secondary school we had a male head teacher who would read out a list of names to report to his office after assembly for the cane...we were teenagers and we knew it was wrong and weird.

Please don't try to include me in your attempted 'blindness to abuse' revisionism; adults hitting children (especially with impunity and without sanction) hurts the children and the adults. You are not looking good trying (for whatever reasons) to diminish or dismiss that hurt.

Cheers and take care - Louis MacNeice
I'm 56 going on 57 and at the state schools I went to, teachers who hit you were despised and seen as 'wrong uns'. At primary school we had a female teacher who put your name in a book to be called out the next morning and hit across the hands with a ruler....we were 6 and 7 and we knew it was wrong and weird. At secondary school we had a male head teacher who would read out a list of names to report to his office after assembly for the cane...we were teenagers and we knew it was wrong and weird.

Please don't try to include me in your attempted 'blindness to abuse' revisionism; adults hitting children (especially with impunity and without sanction) hurts the children and the adults. You are not looking good trying (for whatever reasons) to diminish or dismiss that hurt.

Cheers and take care - Louis MacNeice


Unlike some, it seems I have the ability to accept and move on, not keep whining about it decades later.

Unlike some, it seems I have the ability to accept and move on, not keep whining about it decades later.

It's not about moving on. It's about accepting that people were really hurt by their experiences and that this still matters. You were lucky in not experiencing this enduring hurt; I'm unclear why you wish to denigrate what other people have been and continue to go through...what skin is it off your nose?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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