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Now Spain wants a piece of the action over Gibraltar - no deal it is then

Just watching a program about the Loughinisland murders by the UVF.
I wonder if cheesepig ever thinks about the UVF and their collusion with the RUC?

Loughinisland evidence was destroyed, including a car and transcripts, by the police.
People responsible for the murders had links with security forces.
A soft target ...small country pub..in a quiet spot. Peaceful people far away from the troubles. These were people who had put their trust in the RUC...but we're misled.

No Stone Unturned is the film/ documentary on the murders. Worth a watch.

Eta. Apologies for spelling mistake ...now corrected.
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The Sad thing was the Britsh wanted to solve the problem in the early 70's Sunningdale Agreement - Wikipedia
The 1998 Good Friday Agreement (GFA), on which the current system of Northern Irish devolution is based, closely resembles the Sunningdale Agreement.[5] The Good Friday Agreement has famously been described by Séamus Mallon as 'Sunningdale for slow learners'.

the prod stupid bastards that they are are directly responsbile for another 1500 deaths for dragging the whole thing out for another 20 years:mad:. although certain members of pira wanted to keep the "war" going as well failing to understand that they rarely made it past any other business and more than one Army officer considered Northern Ireland a valuable training resourc:facepalm:e:hmm:

Your level of idiotic ignorance continues to astound me. Well done you.
So what are Dubliners then (besides being wankers, as all non-Dublin Irish friends tell me, vehemently)?

Great bunch of lads

No..they're Jackeens

The last words my mother (from Co. Mayo) ever spoke to my brother (as he left to meet up with some posho Dublin Air hostess he'd met on holiday) were "Mind yourself with them Jackeens. There's a breed of a tramp in all of them".

Her anti-Dublin thing was pretty much her only prejudice.

She never cared about people's race, nationality, colour, religion or even (quite unusually for her generation) their sexuality. But she could never get past her belief that the only good thing to come out of Dublin was the road for The West.

I have a multitude of Culchie cousins who lived and worked in Dublin for many years. They lived in shared houses (two to a room) in fairly posh areas, with other Culchies (houses which were owned by yet more Culchies, usually Gardai). Worked with Culchies. Drank with Culchies. Played sport with Culchies. Married Culchies. And still have anti-Dub attitudes to this day.

I have many good friends who are salt-of-the-earth Dubs. Still keep in touch with fellas I worked with 15 years ago on sites in the Big Schmoke. They all 'hate' Culchies. Even the ones descended from Culchies themselves.
The last words my mother (from Co. Mayo) ever spoke to my brother (as he left to meet up with some posho Dublin Air hostess he'd met on holiday) were "Mind yourself with them Jackeens. There's a breed of a tramp in all of them".

Her anti-Dublin thing was pretty much her only prejudice.

She never cared about people's race, nationality, colour, religion or even (quite unusually for her generation) their sexuality. But she could never get past her belief that the only good thing to come out of Dublin was the road for The West.

I have a multitude of Culchie cousins who lived and worked in Dublin for many years. They lived in shared houses (two to a room) in fairly posh areas, with other Culchies (houses which were owned by yet more Culchies, usually Gardai). Worked with Culchies. Drank with Culchies. Played sport with Culchies. Married Culchies. And still have anti-Dub attitudes to this day.

I have many good friends who are salt-of-the-earth Dubs. Still keep in touch with fellas I worked with 15 years ago on sites in the Big Schmoke. They all 'hate' Culchies. Even the ones descended from Culchies themselves.

Ah but in reality we love them all.
I've got Jackeen cousins :D
And they call us culchies.
It's not a big thing and mostly affectionate. :D
Socialists and left-wing types with any imagination should welcome the current mess in Gib tbh. It's potentially an excellent bargaining chip to be used in the near future, with both Spain and the EU. Could definitely be used to help ensure an excellent deal for Brits residing within Spain or other EU countries, for example, at the very least.

It's also a great opportunity to disrupt the dirty flow of legal and illegal money there, to the benefit of most British people. Standing up for Gib sovereignty in the short/medium term but at a very high price -- in exchange for them selling out cunts like Aaron Banks and other tax evading swine. While getting some brownie points from the Madrid government - future enchufes to get us out of inevitable EU pickles.

Hand Gib to Spain just like that based on the fact many Spanish people feel a bit resentful about the place? Just lol. Let's not forget Gibraltar's education system was in Spanish until the war. The main language was Spanish. The majority of the population have some Spanish descent. The place took in Jews and Civil war refugees and even had riots against the royal family and Britain in the 50s as well as working class movements which supported the Spanish revolution. Gibraltar's more recent over-the-top Britishness and neo-liberal shenanigans are very much a product of having a facist state blocking it off for years, followed by a petty and hostile democratic one screwing with it ever since.

Spanish peeps aren't working in Gib because they love the place -- they're working there because the rest of Cadiz is so fucking shit economically (20%+ unemployment pre 2008 crash), something willfully accepted as the status quo by 40 years of Spanish governments.
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Just watching a program about the Loughinisland murders by the UVF.
I wonder if cheesepig ever thinks about the UVF and their collusion with the RUC?

Loughinisland evidence was destroyed, including a car and transcripts, by the police.
People responsible for the murders had links with security forces.
A soft target ...small country pub..in a quiet spot. Peaceful people far away from the troubles. These were people who had put their trust in the RUC...but we're misled.

No Stone Unturned is the film/ documentary on the murders. Worth a watch.

Eta. Apologies for spelling mistake ...now corrected.

I am extraordinarily proud to say that I was responsible for the imprisonment of some UDA members. It's genuinely one of the things I want on my gravestone.

Wanking toxic shitbag Nazi criminal filth.
hand gib to the Spanish and all those jobs vanish because most of them rely on the dubious Gib economy probably the most important fact that ANY DECENT HUMAN BEING takes in is what the people who live their want.
tidying up the Map so people who don't actually live in the place affected aren't offended is a cunts trick
Argentina has spent generations deeply offended a rock 400 miles away isn't owned by them even though Argentina is large and full of natural resources. Gibs attached to Spain and they lost it in a war but they are quite happy to keep bits of Morrocco and the canary island s where they genocided the natives now if the Majority of Gibs population want to be Spanish fine but that's on Spain persuading them self-determination is a rather important principle.
to keep bits of Morrocco

The Spanish argue is that there was no Morocco when Ceuta and Melilla were set up, almost in prehistory. It's true that there have been these slightly more European city states/colonies/trading posts/military bases like them and Tangiers since when the North African coast was a hotch-potch of small fiefdoms and bits and pieces of the fallen Arabic empire, and well before.

The argument 'Just look at a map' doesn't really hold water. On that basis Alaska is part of Canada. Wales makes no sense either. Nor does Portugal.

It comes down to what the inhabitants want, again. The inhabitants don't want to be part of Morocco. Why ever would they? They never were.

They, and Gibraltar, are those odd things: 'colonies' that don't want to be anything else. Except that Ceuta and Melilla are fully fledged autonomous regions of Spain.

(That would be the Gib solution, making it a tiny little UK county, in my opinion. The Spanish would see that there was no tax-dodging and that it was just like their enclaves. The difference would be that they 'lost' Gib whereas Ceuta and Melilla were never had by Morocco)

I don't really know what I think BTW. I merely set out the Spanish argument.
The Spanish argue is that there was no Morocco when Ceuta and Melilla were set up, almost in prehistory. It's true that there have been these slightly more European city states/colonies/trading posts/military bases like them and Tangiers since when the North African coast was a hotch-potch of small fiefdoms and bits and pieces of the fallen Arabic empire, and well before.

The argument 'Just look at a map' doesn't really hold water. On that basis Alaska is part of Canada. Wales makes no sense either. Nor does Portugal.

It comes down to what the inhabitants want, again. The inhabitants don't want to be part of Morocco.
Yes. Proximity arguments are complete nonsense. On that basis the Falkland Islands would rightly belong to Argentina; a nation that didn’t even exist when Britain first settled them, and is itself an imperialist venture built on genocide. No right thinking person could possibly entertain the Argentine claim with a straight face.

At the end of the day with any of these territorial claims the wishes of the inhabitants should trump everything else.
How does Wales not make sense?

Because it has only one border on the land side. That seems to be the argument used by people who think political geography just needs to look tidy to be right. How small an enclave does it have to be for these people to want to neaten it up, despite what its inhabitants really want (which is more moot in the case of Wales, or of the six counties, than in the clear-cut cases of Ceuta, Melilla, Gib etc)?


If the solution to Gib is to just make it part of the UK, like France does with its bits and pieces then I wonder how that would have worked out for the Unionists way back when: "Oh so you want to stay in the UK? No shabby sectarian police force or B specials: we'll send in mainland police forces and do it the way it's done on the big island. No schools divided on religious grounds: we'll do a Little Rock if we have to. No gerrymandering the voting system: we'll oversee that. No local parties: Cons, Labs and Libs will aggressively sign up members. You're not having your medieval little Orange Confederacy. Union means union, it's not a fucking buffet".

Which is what Gib needs telling with its hooky banking and so on.
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