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Niche left candidates thread

May as well put this here, had a quick glance at the AWL website to see what they had to say about Unison conference and learned that they're backing the private healthcare guy against Corbyn, because "effective socialist politics has to be about building and transforming a movement":
May as well put this here, had a quick glance at the AWL website to see what they had to say about Unison conference and learned that they're backing the private healthcare guy against Corbyn, because "effective socialist politics has to be about building and transforming a movement":
It is already an expellable offence to be an AWL member or even supporter/fellow traveller in Labour (though it doesn’t seem to affect Nadia Whittome 😉) so amusing to see Matgamna’s boys & girls so keen to suck up to Sir Keith and his private healthcare candidate and ambitious Wes and stick the knife into Corbs, Feinstein & Leanne Mohammad to adhere to the “no support to non Labour candidates” rule, presumably all to evidence the iron discipline of their democratic centralist Trot regime and their unflinching loyalty to the Labour Party. (All based on the Trot theory that the most important thing in politics is to tail the most right wing union bureaucrats down whichever reactionary path they seek to take their members, because apparently that small, shrunken layer is the only part of the working class with any agency)
They also have a regular column now for Eric Lee, apologising for the crimes of the Netanyahu regime…
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May as well put this here, had a quick glance at the AWL website to see what they had to say about Unison conference and learned that they're backing the private healthcare guy against Corbyn, because "effective socialist politics has to be about building and transforming a movement":

The AWL are so full of shit. This is all about their political USP. What sets them apart from all the other competing 'Generals without armies'.
Already posted on the Hackney thread but we have Kombat Diva standing for The Voice party.

Definitely niche. I’m going with “left” on the basis of quoting Deleuzian concepts, anti-consumerism and recreating society around creativity. Probably.

The Voice Party, as a political movement conceptualised as a participatory opera. Standing in the UK election of 2019, The Voice Party challenged conventional political structures by advocating for the central role of music in daily life and proposing the governance of society based on the laws of pure sound and music. The Voice Party manifestos central point is to create and not consume, therefore attempting to get to the root of the problem of overconsumption, the rape of Gaia, the insatiable and insane human desire for more-more-more, and the lack of social cohesion encouraged by mainstream politics in the attempt to divide in order to rule.

Drawing inspiration from the Deleuzian notion of 'Assemblage,' which emphasises fluidity and connectivity, a future is envisioned, where musical performance seamlessly intertwines with and shapes the fabric of society, rather than existing as a separate entity part form it. The Voice Party also explores strategies for achieving this vision, considering how participatory musical principles can be integrated into political frameworks.

Bobbins, anyway. But Now Is The Time For Bold Thinking, Comrades!!!
Already posted on the Hackney thread but we have Kombat Diva standing for The Voice party.

Definitely niche. I’m going with “left” on the basis of quoting Deleuzian concepts, anti-consumerism and recreating society around creativity. Probably.

Bobbins, anyway. But Now Is The Time For Bold Thinking, Comrades!!!

". . . advocating for the central role of music in daily life"

Music has been in a central role in my daily life for most of my life. Does that mean I qualify for free membership?
In Scotland, far left candidates include 4 TUSC, 3 CPB, 1 from the "Socialist Equality Party"; Arthur Scargill's last remaining footsoldiers still delivering small arms fire from two constituency foxholes under the banner of the "Socialist Labour Party", 2 others from the still-twitching corpse of the SSP. Chris Sermanni, of the TUSC standing in Glasgow NE, is the only one of these left candidates I have ever heard of.

That this hapless ragtag of electoral Brewster Buffalos, heading straight for the voters' entire squadron of F-16s, is sad enough, but they are hopelessly outgunned on the lunatic fringes of the Scottish populist and far-right as well; various oddballs representing Alba, the hateful, bigoted "Scottish Family Party" (fundamentalist Christian homophobic, transphobic and anti-choice zealots), the so-called "Scottish Libertarian Party" (who?), the "British Unionist Party" (Dr. Paisley was right111!!), the populist right incarnation of the SDP, and even fucking UKIP.

Galloway's latest ego-vehicle is gratifyingly short of numbers north of the border and the WPB are far less represented than may have been expected after their brief moment in the sun post-Rochdale by-election. It's a dot of colour on a otherwise depressing electoral landscape. I hope the TUSC might deliver one or two credible results (i.e over 1%) but the rest are just like that guy Karl Power, posing for the team photograph before the game starts, before being huckled away to an ignominious end.
In Scotland, far left candidates include 4 TUSC, 3 CPB, 1 from the "Socialist Equality Party"; Arthur Scargill's last remaining footsoldiers still delivering small arms fire from two constituency foxholes under the banner of the "Socialist Labour Party", 2 others from the still-twitching corpse of the SSP. Chris Sermanni, of the TUSC standing in Glasgow NE, is the only one of these left candidates I have ever heard of.

That this hapless ragtag of electoral Brewster Buffalos, heading straight for the voters' entire squadron of F-16s, is sad enough, but they are hopelessly outgunned on the lunatic fringes of the Scottish populist and far-right as well; various oddballs representing Alba, the hateful, bigoted "Scottish Family Party" (fundamentalist Christian homophobic, transphobic and anti-choice zealots), the so-called "Scottish Libertarian Party" (who?), the "British Unionist Party" (Dr. Paisley was right111!!), the populist right incarnation of the SDP, and even fucking UKIP.

Galloway's latest ego-vehicle is gratifyingly short of numbers north of the border and the WPB are far less represented than may have been expected after their brief moment in the sun post-Rochdale by-election. It's a dot of colour on a otherwise depressing electoral landscape. I hope the TUSC might deliver one or two credible results (i.e over 1%) but the rest are just like that guy Karl Power, posing for the team photograph before the game starts, before being huckled away to an ignominious end.

Looked up Chris Sermanni. Cool he does a Celtic podcast. I'll leave it there . . . :D
The AWL are so full of shit. This is all about their political USP. What sets them apart from all the other competing 'Generals without armies'.
And, as mentioned above, they're still banned from joining Labour, so in their case it's not even "general without an army" so much as "general who's banned from going anywhere near their supposed army". As you'll all remember from shul, when the Israelites were lost in the desert, the Lord told Moses to nicely ask a rock to give them water, but he hit it with a stick instead, and so as punishment for this disobedience Moses was cursed to never enter the promised land, so he could lead the Jews right up to a mountain next to Israel but then died without ever setting foot in it; something about the AWL always reminds me of that story.
In Scotland, far left candidates include 4 TUSC, 3 CPB, 1 from the "Socialist Equality Party"; Arthur Scargill's last remaining footsoldiers still delivering small arms fire from two constituency foxholes under the banner of the "Socialist Labour Party", 2 others from the still-twitching corpse of the SSP. Chris Sermanni, of the TUSC standing in Glasgow NE, is the only one of these left candidates I have ever heard of.

That this hapless ragtag of electoral Brewster Buffalos, heading straight for the voters' entire squadron of F-16s, is sad enough, but they are hopelessly outgunned on the lunatic fringes of the Scottish populist and far-right as well; various oddballs representing Alba, the hateful, bigoted "Scottish Family Party" (fundamentalist Christian homophobic, transphobic and anti-choice zealots), the so-called "Scottish Libertarian Party" (who?), the "British Unionist Party" (Dr. Paisley was right111!!), the populist right incarnation of the SDP, and even fucking UKIP.

Galloway's latest ego-vehicle is gratifyingly short of numbers north of the border and the WPB are far less represented than may have been expected after their brief moment in the sun post-Rochdale by-election. It's a dot of colour on a otherwise depressing electoral landscape. I hope the TUSC might deliver one or two credible results (i.e over 1%) but the rest are just like that guy Karl Power, posing for the team photograph before the game starts, before being huckled away to an ignominious end.
I suppose it is all a very long time ago now, but does still feel pretty depressing given that, well within living memory, there was a time when the SSP had six MSPs. Suppose it makes sense that the WPB has limited appeal north of the border, given the utter shitness of his "All for Unity" campaign.
Spotted in Peckham this morning. Anyone know this guy? Niche left, or just a niche nutter?

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If this is Roger Hallam’s Assemble the candidate doesn’t appear to be using their orange logo or house style. I’m told the latest project of the exiled XR founder and godfather of Just Stop Oil was planning for a November election, so has gone off sort of half cocked with a scattering of candidates - Sean Halsall in Stockport(?), one or two others, maybe this guy?
May as well put this here, had a quick glance at the AWL website to see what they had to say about Unison conference and learned that they're backing the private healthcare guy against Corbyn, because "effective socialist politics has to be about building and transforming a movement":
Cant stand them
Got this through the door. Seems unwise on several levels?

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I love everything about this. the very bad brand rip off. the website link. the ambiguity between what he's promoting and fighting against. to be fair, starmer could do with taking some tips about how he does press photos. I'd much rather go for someone who looks like they're about to play in a trendy yet reverent classical concert rather than angry office dad.

I'm also very keen to know where Ryan has got his extensive experience from.
Surely the logo and header is against electoral law?

And should we be wary of a candidate promising vast experience AND racism?

According to Guido Fawkes (yes, I know) he also has 'enjoyed a few Tommy Robinson marches'.

He's also a you tuber.

He also seems to have one too many mental health problems for this to be a good thing to do for himself.
Got this through the door. Seems unwise on several levels?

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I'm also very keen to know where Ryan has got his extensive experience from.
His ‘website’ reveals more:
I went to school in Enfield, Surrey and the North East, quite varied places. I studied PPE at Oxford where I came to the attention of prime minister Blair who appointed me as his aide de camp and gave me a cabinet office security clearance. I had extensive contact with cabinet ministers, senior civil servants, military and intelligence chiefs, world leaders, billionaires, I literally met a hundred of the world's most powerful people and another hundred most famous celebrities. I was sounded out for roles in the administrations of Afghanistan and Iraq (scary) and I got a superb job offer from mi5. I have experience in finance, politics, retail, the voluntary sector and hospitality. Sadly I couldn't take the mi5 offer up as [...]

Chap clearly has issues and dare I say it might not be best placed to represent the people of Hackney North & Stoke Newington.

Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 10.58.10.png
Those headshots are proper great though, real Garth Marenghi vibes. Also, not the biggest issue with that leaflet, but do people call Stoke Newington Stokey? If I heard Stokey I'd assume they meant the pottery town on the River Trent, that might just be my provincial bias though.
Those headshots are proper great though, real Garth Marenghi vibes. Also, not the biggest issue with that leaflet, but do people call Stoke Newington Stokey? If I heard Stokey I'd assume they meant the pottery town on the River Trent, that might just be my provincial bias though.
Yes people in London have called Stokey, Stokey for ages.

He's still obviously a mental though.
Already posted on the Hackney thread but we have Kombat Diva standing for The Voice party.

Definitely niche. I’m going with “left” on the basis of quoting Deleuzian concepts, anti-consumerism and recreating society around creativity. Probably.

Bobbins, anyway. But Now Is The Time For Bold Thinking, Comrades!!!
Now with visuals.

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