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NH Carnival '14 - Soundsystems under threat

One more thing I feel worth adding about Carnival 2014 - I personally saw no aggro whatsoever all day. I've seen a few unsavoury incidents over the years (a guy hitting a woman, another guy intervening and getting properly belted for his troubles - that particularly sticks in the mind), but this year my overriding memory is of smiling faces, great music and a proper melting pot of people :)
One more thing I feel worth adding about Carnival 2014 - I personally saw no aggro whatsoever all day. I've seen a few unsavoury incidents over the years (a guy hitting a woman, another guy intervening and getting properly belted for his troubles - that particularly sticks in the mind), but this year my overriding memory is of smiling faces, great music and a proper melting pot of people :)
Rutita1 said she saw 3 incidents in her travels, all of which were immediately sorted out by the crowd - no nonsense self-policing
Fuuuuuunily enough...I saw my first bit of 'Police Based Controversy' today (of all the 8 or so years I've been), and that was a common or garden restraint and cuffing of someone on the floor (didn't see what lead to it). And that's literally the only time I've seen anything that required or involved Police attention at NHC's (other than being annoying at traffic management!). It could be that I'm oddly fortunate in that I just haven't been in the vicinity when it's gone off but annual stories of it being a 500k person lawless Royal Rumble is completely foreign to me (the place isn't short of groups of young men ofc). I don't think I've ever felt safer walking round - the place is swarming with the police IMO!
Incidents = barging/angry words...nothing more. The crowd dealt with that immediately. The angry folk had no chance. :cool:

I didn't feel like it was swarming with cops either. :hmm: Suppose it depends where you were or perhaps I just ignore them.
One more thing I feel worth adding about Carnival 2014 - I personally saw no aggro whatsoever all day. I've seen a few unsavoury incidents over the years (a guy hitting a woman, another guy intervening and getting properly belted for his troubles - that particularly sticks in the mind), but this year my overriding memory is of smiling faces, great music and a proper melting pot of people :)
We did see two people being dragged down the street and into an alley by about 10 coppers, first bloke being dragged along by three coppers, and second bloke being carried flat above the ground by 6 coppers one holding onto his belt... but apart from that...
I was talking with Ruti about a little park that sits between East Row (where Aba is) and Bosworth Road (where Rinse was) called the Emslie Horniman Pleasance...Ruti was saying this used to be a good spot for families, nice gated park ,lots of room, and with stage for live music, but she says its been shut in recent years

i went past there in the morning and saw a stage set up but thats as far as i got. Wiki says its the traditional starting point for the Carnival.

Did anyone see any action there over the weekend?
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I was talking with Ruti about a little park that sits between East Row (where Aba is) and Bosworth Road (where Rinse was) called the Emslie Horniman Pleasance...Ruti was saying this sued to eb a good spot for families, nice gated park ,lots of room, and with stage for live music, but she says its been shut in recent years

i went past there in the morning and saw a stage set up but thats as far as i got. Wiki says its the traditional starting point for the Carnival.

Interesting, turns out Emslie Horniman was a liberal politician, and anthropologist like his father Frederick Horniman (of Horniman's Museum).

Seems to be gardens, tennis courts and childrens playing area.
quite funny

Great carnival weekend. Worst weather ever yesterday and we still had a great time :)

Sunday I took my little girls, first time for the 5 year old tiddler. They had a ball, blew their horns from start to finish and ate bananas and chocolate crepes solidly for 5 hours. Solution sounding OK, but Lord Ambassador top for selection and fantastic clear sound. Channel One sounded a bit rumbly as we passed, no time for any of that, too many sounds to check. Tighten Up crew on Gladdy Wax a highlight as usual. By the time we got to Aba the littluns were knackered so we spent the last of the day in the play ground of the Horniman Park, always a regular spot for us. There was a stage in the park 20 odd years ago, haven't seen anything going on in there in recent years.


Monday I left the girls and went up for some adult raving. Nearly went home at 3 because already soaked right through to the skin, but met up with my mates at Aba and got on it and glad I did. Considering the hideous, relentless torrential rain spirits were high and everyone was really up for it. For once it made getting around on a Monday possible and we did a full circuit through the major reggae sounds. Channel One much better Monday although I don't think any of the sounds went quite as loud as Sunday. Smaller crowds meant they didn't have to, and most sounded better for not pushing it.

On the way out we saw a gang of 40 youths marching down the middle of the street. My mate heard one of them shout "Look who it is" and hurl a bottle at a youth coming the other way. All the lads around us then produced bottles from their pockets and started throwing them. I didn't see any innocent parties hurt but anyone could have been hit by them, the little tossers. There followed a short pitch battle with fists and glass flying until the coppers piled in with considerable force. Little sods deserved it tbh.

Cold and wet through for 6 hours but just about worth it. If we see another wet BH Monday that bad I'll be surprised, it was biblical.
glad you had a good one ;)
so we spent the last of the day in the play ground of the Horniman Park, always a regular spot for us. There was a stage in the park 20 odd years ago, haven't seen anything going on in there in recent years.

i swear i saw a stage set up there in the morning on Sunday, was there no music at all there when you popped in?
I agree that the rain made it far easier to get around. I had full waterproofs on so didn't get soaked. Had some jerk, smoked a spliff at Channel One, had a bit of a wander and went back to the flat.

Didn't see any trouble at all this year.

The cleaners were out in force last night and did a sterling job. Apart from a few leftover barriers around NHG, you would never have known it had happened.
i swear i saw a stage set up there in the morning on Sunday, was there no music at all there when you popped in?
We nipped in there on Sunday afternoon for a ten-minute saltfish and ackee break from Aba and there was a small setup - not a rig, just some 18" risers and a 4m screen which was broadcasting some vox-pop kind of things; ppl being asked what they thought about carnival.

Fuck knows where the broadcast feed was coming from, it wasn't being filmed within the park; nor do i know what the purpose of said screen was. Kept cutting in over Aba's bass which was annoying.
Me and a mate headed down to That London for our annual pilgrimage to the Carnival yesterday. Got off the train at St Pancras and had a leisurely lunch with a couple of pints. Then, as the rain wasn't slowing walked to the Wallace Collection and spent a couple of hours there, from there we walked to Carnival.

I like the fact that those people who are there in the rain are those who won't let anything stop them from partying. Had a dance at Aba Shanti, had a transcendental moment boogying at CMC Matrix. Found Sir Lloyd distinctly not happening. Enjoyed being able to get about relatively quickly. Once Aba Shanti finished at 7pm we walked back to St Pancras along the canal/Regents Park, damn that was a soggy walk.

It was a truly wonderful day, walked for more miles than I can count, and saw out summer with Phat, nay, Morbidly Obese bass and great tunes. There was no mud. :thumbs:
The cleaners were out in force last night and did a sterling job. Apart from a few leftover barriers around NHG, you would never have known it had happened.

yeah the cleaning is amazing... iwas thinking about Channel 1 and the other threatened sounds - part of their conditions was that they had to do their own cleaning - bang out of order that i think, not as if they dont have enough to contend with - i hope they didnt have to do anything in the end.
Has no-one seen the pics that channel one have been posting on facebook of the Woman who take a beating right in front of their rig? Her face is in a hell of a state.

They're putting pics up to try and find the guy who did it.
Yes, saw that. I have a feeling me and my girls were passing through at that time because Mikey was calling for police assistance just as we passed the truck. Must have given her a hell of a whack, poor girl.
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