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next Tory leader will be

She could be moved to a safe seat, just along the coast, take Worthing West as an example, sitting MP is Peter Bottomley, who's 74 & therefore may decide not to seek re-election or be persuaded not too, he has a Tory vote share of 55% & majority of 12,000. I am sure there's other seats that she could be selected for, in time for any general election.

The so-called 'chicken run' tactic.
At the moment I think it'll be Javid. He's a leaver, didn't go to Eaton, doesn't sound like a posh twit and no one knows who he is so is without baggage.
I agree with this. I think Rudd would have been a shoo-in if this had happened a few months ago (how did Teflon Theresa come through that one?). Looking at the list, he seems the only one without an obvious 'fuck no, it can't possibly be them' mark against them. That said, this is also a reason May might survive. She's already made it nearly a year longer than I thought she possibly could.
Javid would be perfect as far as I'm concerned, but he's almost as vacuous as Truss - I can't see him surviving the exposure to scrutiny a leadership contest would bring.
That said, this is also a reason May might survive. She's already made it nearly a year longer than I thought she possibly could.

None of the people who want her job wants it now, that's why she's surviving. For all of Boris's talk about her killing Brexit he won't step up and challenge her because he doesn't want to have to deal with Brexit - most of them want to throw bottles from the back and be ready to say 'I told you so' when it's all over.

I still suspect we'll end up in EFTA with some level on immigration.
who would fuck her off now when being pm would be a huge self-inflicted end of career? Much better to push her out after May next year
Well I could be wrong, but I think the last 24 hours have shown us there's a few who aren't totally happy with the direction she's taking the government right now.
Yes, but even in the UK it's the twentieth century.

He's held no cabinet positions, has very little experience as an MP iirc. I don't see it. I WON'T see it!
Donald Trump had never been elected to any office, let alone held any senior positions in the executive, and look what happened over there.

Anything is possible. All bets are off.
I am not so sure the Tory supporters are ready for a non white leader yet, certainly it will hardly tempt the kippers and their ilk back - look at the racist shit that khan gets across social media
Given how much the Tories and the right in general have ramped up and fuelled the racist rhetoric, I don't think Sajid Javid or Priti Patel stand a chance, which scuppers her prime ministerial ambitions (I don't know about him, whether he wants the leadership).
Donald Trump had never been elected to any office, let alone held any senior positions in the executive, and look what happened over there.

Anything is possible. All bets are off.

You forget that Trump got on the ticket because they have a public vote on who gets on the ticket - the Tories have a gatekeeper system, JRM can only get on the ticket if 50%+1 of Tory MP's are prepared to vote for him - he may appeal to a certain swathe of the Tory membership, but he appeals to a very few Tory MP's. Rather like Johnson he creates a rather larger 'any but....' campaign than he does one that supports him.
You forget that Trump got on the ticket because they have a public vote on who gets on the ticket - the Tories have a gatekeeper system, JRM can only get on the ticket if 50%+1 of Tory MP's are prepared to vote for him - he may appeal to a certain swathe of the Tory membership, but he appeals to a very few Tory MP's. Rather like Johnson he creates a rather larger 'any but....' campaign than he does one that supports him.
So, to be saved from the Rise of the Mogglord, we're depending on the intelligence and good character of the Tory parliamentary party.

This is fine.
Donald Trump had never been elected to any office, let alone held any senior positions in the executive, and look what happened over there.

Anything is possible. All bets are off.
Sure but I don't think the situation is entirely comparable. After all we don't have the electoral colleges that put him into power. Trump was seen to have the 'common touch', by comparison Mogg is just unrelatable. Despite the best efforts of the media he himself presents as an ucompromising anachronism.

At least that's my take. I hope to god he doesn't become PM.
Mogg etc represent only the most swivel-eyed of the leave faction which - while substantial - is not the only faction in play. If May goes, a more conciliatory - but still pro-brexit - figure will most likely win IMO. Look to the brexiters who have remained in cabinet (Gove).
yougov did a poll of Brexit voters reaction to the chequers agreement, and while there was a lot of don't knows, 'approve' was narrowly in the lead. There isn't a party membership breakdown, but I'd guess there would be a lead for approve in the party too, which means a large part of the membership will likely take a dim view of recent ructions.
yougov did a poll of Brexit voters reaction to the chequers agreement, and while there was a lot of don't knows, 'approve' was narrowly in the lead. There isn't a party membership breakdown, but I'd guess there would be a lead for approve in the party too, which means a large part of the membership will likely take a dim view of recent ructions.
Yes, it seems weird to think about events, timing, public opinion and the rest moving in May's favour but, gasp, it is. :eek:
yougov did a poll of Brexit voters reaction to the chequers agreement, and while there was a lot of don't knows, 'approve' was narrowly in the lead. There isn't a party membership breakdown, but I'd guess there would be a lead for approve in the party too, which means a large part of the membership will likely take a dim view of recent ructions.
I suppose a linked point is that wingnuts in the media don't seem able to spin this as a betrayal of brexit. That - and public support for that position - would be necessary for Johnson to get anywhere near power (and certainly for chief wingnut rees-mogg to).
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