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Netflix recommendations

It has a great start but unfortunately I think loses coherence through the series.
Yes I wasn't going to say but....

the ending is a bit shit
Calling all fans of Big Mourh. Brand new spin-off series Human Resources has dropped. First episode is very funny; if you like Big Mouth you’ll definitely like it, or certainly ought to. Massive cast too :D
Watching The 2nd, because I wanted to watch a 90 minute movie, didn't want to start watching a long epic at this time of night.

Blimey, the special effects are lamentable. I thought it might be okay as Ryan Philippe's in it, and he's a name, but it's very low budget. The first gunfight scene is a bit reminiscent of that... was it Uganda's first action movie that was doing the rounds a while back that was so bad that it was funny?

Honestly, it's so low budget it's tragic.

I'll recommend this low budget film set in Belfast. One last drug deal before he gets out. Well that's the plan, anyway.

It's in real time and is sort of one shot, which is effective.

My favourite characters are Lefty and Beaker.
I have been punching through the Parts Unknown, Bourdain series while at work. God it's so good.

The Libya and Jerusalem ones are particularly good. The haunting zealotry of one of the Israeli settlers in particular has stuck in my mind since watching, literally; "noone was using the land" that's so often trotted out when a place is colonised.
The Adam Project -

My god what a huge steaming turd.
Straight to video storyline with planet sized plotholes (really wtf???) and unbearable time travel 'logic' (well all science logic actually, just wait to the end with the magnets).
To add insult to injury they embarrassingly make obvious attempts to 'Guardians of the Galaxy' it up with irrelevant musical choices (which, though teeth grindingly irritating, are probably the best bits).
Usually in sci fi paradox films, especially light comedy ones, the shit CGI attacks/ fights can be tolerated for the more interesting dialogue sequences . . . not here, they, apart from maybe one or two moments, are the most irritating parts of the film.
How did any of these relatively big hitting actors read that script and agree to be in such a huge pile of horse shit.
Fuuuuuuuccccckkkk!!! I hate it hate it hate it.

I highly recommend you avoid it like the plague.
Managed about 20 minutes of The Power of The Dog... Zzz... Will maybe try again
I managed to finish it but it was a struggle. Not terrible, but frankly underwhelming and boring at places. If this is what’s attracted so many nominations and awards this year, I guess we shouldn’t expect much of the rest of this year’s offerings
The adam project, not even me as a 7-year-old would have liked this turd
fuck all worth watching, lots of shit but,I still pay good money to be let down.

p.s please help me..
There are few and far between good films coming out since the pandemic. At least one doesn’t have to pay to watch many of them in most cases nowadays, since the major streaming services now seem to own most studios. I certainly would have resented forking out to watch The Power of the Dog, also on Netflix, award-winning or not.

FWIW I didn’t think The Adam Project was anywhere near awful, but then I watched it bearing in mind it is a children’s film.

As discussed before, the problem is that there are now too many streaming services competing against each other. They all offer the occasional series or film that’s really good, but the rest of the airtime is now filled out with shit.

Netflix is not the go to platform for new films anyway. Series yes, films not so much.
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I'll recommend this low budget film set in Belfast. One last drug deal before he gets out. Well that's the plan, anyway.

It's in real time and is sort of one shot, which is effective.
Definitely a good film, which punches well above its weight, and pound-for-pound is an effective, taut, well-constructed drama with excellent performances (even though most of them are phoned in LOL).
There are few and far between good films coming out since the pandemic. At least one doesn’t have to pay to watch many of them in most cases nowadays, since the major streaming services now seem to own most studios. I certainly would have resented forking out to watch The Power of the Dog, also on Netflix, award-winning or not.

FWIW I didn’t think The Adam Project was anywhere near awful, but then I watched it bearing in mind it is a children’s film.

As discussed before, the problem is that there are now too many streaming services competing against each other. They all offer the occasional series or film that’s really good, but the rest of the airtime is now filled out with shit.

Netflix is not the go to platform for new films anyway. Series yes, films not so much.
(not just applying to Netflix) If you look beyond the Hollywood mainstream or whatever some streaming alogrithm may throw at you, there are plenty of great films out there right now, no need to settle for not "anywhere near awful". The vast majority of films and tv series always were "shit" (or maybe not for you), that is not a new thing streaming came up with. Much the best stuff won't just fall into your lap, if you are genuinely into film, it takes a little research to widen your cinematic horizons and that's always been the case.
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Calling all fans of Big Mourh. Brand new spin-off series Human Resources has dropped. First episode is very funny; if you like Big Mouth you’ll definitely like it, or certainly ought to. Massive cast too :D
I'm not sure about big mouth. It's ok. The animation itself is really ugly and unappealing, and some of the characters are utterly unbearable, but the idea is a decent one that is worth exploring.
However. . . And as the series itself has questioned. . . Who is it for? It could be a really useful empowering and educational show for kids, but then they take things to far for that to be ok. Not with the actual 'growing pains' and honest sexual issues, but with over the top swearing and obviously adult sex references that don't bring anything to the table apart from a higher age rating (I personally don't see any extra comedy value, in fact it's a bit embarrassing).
I'd not normally ask for a show to be toned down, but I would have liked my daughter to have been able to enjoy Big Mouth.

While I'm at it, I'd like less swearing in Rick & Morty.
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