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Netflix recommendations

I'm very late to the Viking party, but am thoroughly enjoying it.

Watched Vikings: Valhalla for no reason I can fathom except that the actors must have looked hot in the listings. Never had the slightest interest in Vikings before. Loved it, not just cos everyone was gorgeous.

Just finished all 5 seasons of The Last Kingdom. Loved that too, even though they couldn't be bothered to put anyone not white in it for more than a shot or two; an exception I don't usually make, these days, but Uhtred son of Uhtred is ridiculously compelling, despite (because of?) his increasingly preposterous accent. Great cast all round - some cracking acting.

And now I'm on Norsemen, which is making me laugh a lot :cool:

You just summed up my last month of tv!!! Currently at the end of last kingdom s3. Loving it :)
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Hmm. Norsemen lost its sheen quite quickly.

I'm having to watch Bridgerton instead
heavy sigh
Boiling Point is now on Netflix - it's a one-shot film set in a restaurant kitchen (apparently they did 4 takes and used the 3rd).

OH used to work as a kitchen porter and spent a fair bit of the film peering between his fingers in an "oh god this is too stressful" type way.

I quite enjoyed it.
Boiling Point is now on Netflix - it's a one-shot film set in a restaurant kitchen (apparently they did 4 takes and used the 3rd).

OH used to work as a kitchen porter and spent a fair bit of the film peering between his fingers in an "oh god this is too stressful" type way.

I quite enjoyed it.

Watched it this morning, loved it.
Watched Nightride for the second time this evening, as the OH hadn’t seen it last night. Stands to repeated viewings, can’t recommend it enough :)

You have a nose for what's worth watching. So gave this a go last night.

Yes it is very good Northern Ireland set thriller.

Reminded me of Locke. Same kind of one shot in a car set up with Tom Hardy.

Story was different. I preferred this one. As the main character wasn't irritating like the Tom Hardy one. Tom Hardy BTW does brilliant performance.

Locke is purely a one actor in the car film.

This was a bit different. It was the crime "one last job" scenerio. But given its a well worn plot it is done very well. I did root for him. He's a regular guy who wants to get out of the madness of crime and settle down with his OH.

Like Locke he never loses his cool and deals with each problem as it comes along.

Wonderfully shot at night. All in all a top notch crime film. Genuine air of menace throughout the film.
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You have a nose for what's worth watching. So gave this a go last night.

Yes it is very good Northern Ireland set thriller.

Reminded me of Locke. Same kind of one shot in a car set up with Tom Hardy.

Story was different. I preferred this one. As the main character wasn't irritating like the Tom Hardy one. Tom Hardy BTW does brilliant performance.

Locke is purely a one actor in the car film.

This was a bit different. It was the crime "one last job" scenerio. But given its a well worn plot it is done very well. I did root for him. He's a regular guy who wants to get out of the madness of crime and settle down with his OH.

Like Locke he never loses his cool and deals with each problem as it comes along.

Wonderfully shot at night. All in all a top notch crime film. Genuine air of menace throughout the film.
I’ve been wondering since watching it about how it was shot. How many takes they did, etc. I guess there might have been three or four scenes instead of just the one, cleverly edited so one doesn’t notice the switch between them, but even if so it was an impressive accomplishment, far more so when you consider that unlike most other single shot films, this was mostly conducted outdoors and in a major city.

Kudos to the main lead’s memory prowess as well. Even allowing for a lot of impro, that’s a hell of a lot of a script to deliver in one go.
I'm very late to the Viking party, but am thoroughly enjoying it.

Watched Vikings: Valhalla for no reason I can fathom except that the actors must have looked hot in the listings. Never had the slightest interest in Vikings before. Loved it, not just cos everyone was gorgeous.

Just finished all 5 seasons of The Last Kingdom. Loved that too, even though they couldn't be bothered to put anyone not white in it for more than a shot or two; an exception I don't usually make, these days, but Uhtred son of Uhtred is ridiculously compelling, despite (because of?) his increasingly preposterous accent. Great cast all round - some cracking acting.

And now I'm on Norsemen, which is making me laugh a lot :cool:
Norsemen is fantastically funny to me, I heartily recommend the Fountain Orgasm scenes from series three.

It's so shit that it hasn't been continued.
We tried Young Wallander.

It was shite. I don't think it was just an effect of the dubbing, either. The lad playing Young Wallander was just too young, he genuinely looked 12 in more than one scene. Compare that with Endeavour, where the young Morse has already been around the block more than once, and it shows.

Even the fact that he spent about a third of the ep with his shirt off was not enough to move the bold Mrs Idris.

Ace Brazilian film about human trafficking. Great performances throughout and utterly gripping.
We tried Young Wallander.

It was shite. I don't think it was just an effect of the dubbing, either. The lad playing Young Wallander was just too young, he genuinely looked 12 in more than one scene. Compare that with Endeavour, where the young Morse has already been around the block more than once, and it shows.

Even the fact that he spent about a third of the ep with his shirt off was not enough to move the bold Mrs Idris.

He does look quite youthful but he is in his 30s (the actor, can't recall how old Wallander was supposed to be in that series) - mind you everyone under about 35 looks like they are 12 to me these days.
He does look quite youthful but he is in his 30s (the actor, can't recall how old Wallander was supposed to be in that series) - mind you everyone under about 35 looks like they are 12 to me these days.
This one first really hit me in my last teaching job - about five years ago now!
We tried Young Wallander.

It was shite. I don't think it was just an effect of the dubbing, either. The lad playing Young Wallander was just too young, he genuinely looked 12 in more than one scene. Compare that with Endeavour, where the young Morse has already been around the block more than once, and it shows.

Even the fact that he spent about a third of the ep with his shirt off was not enough to move the bold Mrs Idris.
Not sure I'm fussed to even try Young Wallander. I absolutely love Wallander and a massive part of it's charm is the character of grizzly old Wallander - especially when played by Rolf Lassgård.
Surely without that, it's just another detective show? Where's the "hook" with Young Wallander?
Boiling Point is now on Netflix - it's a one-shot film set in a restaurant kitchen (apparently they did 4 takes and used the 3rd).

OH used to work as a kitchen porter and spent a fair bit of the film peering between his fingers in an "oh god this is too stressful" type way.

I quite enjoyed it.
We watched this y/day. We both really enjoyed it.
Not sure I'm fussed to even try Young Wallander. I absolutely love Wallander and a massive part of it's charm is the character of grizzly old Wallander - especially when played by Rolf Lassgård.
Surely without that, it's just another detective show? Where's the "hook" with Young Wallander?
I tried to watch some of the original Wallander on BBC Four's subtitled Saturdays, but I couldn't get into it, despite being a sucker for European drama/Scandi noir.

Wallander was too annoying. iirc, he kept going off by himself to follow a lead, and then he'd get into trouble, because he was stupidly trying to catch a murderer by himself. From what I now vaguely recall, it got a bit like those scenes in horror films where you think, FFS! Don't go down into the basement by yourself! And Wallander was like those stupid horror movie characters, getting his stupid self into stupid situations because he stupidly didn't wait for backup.
I tried to watch some of the original Wallander on BBC Four's subtitled Saturdays, but I couldn't get into it, despite being a sucker for European drama/Scandi noir.

Wallander was too annoying. iirc, he kept going off by himself to follow a lead, and then he'd get into trouble, because he was stupidly trying to catch a murderer by himself. From what I now vaguely recall, it got a bit like those scenes in horror films where you think, FFS! Don't go down into the basement by yourself! And Wallander was like those stupid horror movie characters, getting his stupid self into stupid situations because he stupidly didn't wait for backup.
I can't really remember it being like that but probably yeah - he's a bit of an old twat which is why I like it :D
I’m not saying you’ll like it ATOMIC SUPLEX , but seeing as you’ve soldiered on through most of it already, I’d recommend you finish Snowpiercer. Good finale, following the enthralling ninth episode. In favt this season could have been pretty decent if they’d cut out the middle part.
I’m not saying you’ll like it ATOMIC SUPLEX , but seeing as you’ve soldiered on through most of it already, I’d recommend you finish Snowpiercer. Good finale, following the enthralling ninth episode. In favt this season could have been pretty decent if they’d cut out the middle part.
Oh, I thought the last episode was the last. Though more interesting, I thought
the return of Connelly
was daft, as was
the way she announced the lack of Eden.
It's not in keeping with the character, just something written in to ramp up tensions.
The most interesting element this series for me has been
the vision of Eden. That idea winning over the whole train, only for it to be revealed to be a picture on the inside of a locker. I feel this could have been handled much better and the inner turmoil strung out (rather than whatshisface immediately discussing. it. Goodness knows they like to string things out.
. I had already removed it from my list having thought it was over. Maybe wishful thinking.
Boiling Point is now on Netflix - it's a one-shot film set in a restaurant kitchen (apparently they did 4 takes and used the 3rd).

OH used to work as a kitchen porter and spent a fair bit of the film peering between his fingers in an "oh god this is too stressful" type way.

I quite enjoyed it.
Yeh, we watched that the other night. Didn't know that about the 4 takes - that's impressive! Quite enjoyed it, it did come across as authentic.
Boiling Point is all they say it is, and more.

My only complaint is that I wish I'd been able to see it on a big screen. But the whole thing goes like clockwork - it's the perfect combination of elements.

I'm not sure I ever want to eat in a restaurant again, mind.
We have been watching. . . .

Therme Rome.

I was aware of it before it came on neflix as I had seen my wife reading the manga.
Not quite what I expected though, quite niche.
Anime about a bathhouse architect from ancient rome who is magically transported to modern japan. Every episode where he appears in a bath house or a bathroom and learns something new about bathing that he takes back to ancient rome. Sounds like an comedy or an educational show but it's not really either. It's literally "I wonder what it would be like if an ancient roman saw a modern bathroom". It's strangely entertaining. The animation is a bit shonky but I like it.
We have been watching. . . .

Therme Rome.

I was aware of it before it came on neflix as I had seen my wife reading the manga.
Not quite what I expected though, quite niche.
Anime about a bathhouse architect from ancient rome who is magically transported to modern japan. Every episode where he appears in a bath house or a bathroom and learns something new about bathing that he takes back to ancient rome. Sounds like an comedy or an educational show but it's not really either. It's literally "I wonder what it would be like if an ancient roman saw a modern bathroom". It's strangely entertaining. The animation is a bit shonky but I like it.

I saw the live action series when it came out 7-8 years ago? It was great :D
I'm very late to the Viking party, but am thoroughly enjoying it.

Watched Vikings: Valhalla for no reason I can fathom except that the actors must have looked hot in the listings. Never had the slightest interest in Vikings before. Loved it, not just cos everyone was gorgeous.

Just finished all 5 seasons of The Last Kingdom. Loved that too, even though they couldn't be bothered to put anyone not white in it for more than a shot or two; an exception I don't usually make, these days, but Uhtred son of Uhtred is ridiculously compelling, despite (because of?) his increasingly preposterous accent. Great cast all round - some cracking acting.

And now I'm on Norsemen, which is making me laugh a lot :cool:

We're on Season 4 of Uhtred! Destiny is ALL! Some of it is so cheesy - but the battles are amazingly intense and very well done (well, they feel well done, I've never actually been in battle so...). Life was cheap & brutal back then! :oops:

Also I love the simplicity of it all: a big army = 1000 men. With 50 men you could do a lot of damage. A battle feels more like an extreme game of Rugby, which must originate as some sort of homage to medieval battles?!

It's the only show I watch the recaps because they are actually entertaining and sometimes something that got missed in the previous episodes is succinctly explained. It's less historical than I was expecting and more swashbuckley.

I watched the Italian movie that got nominated for an Oscar the other day "The hand of god" - set in Napoli in the 80s and there's a lot of Italian family life I recognised. I really enjoyed it. I might watch it again because it's been haunting me a little bit, asking to be watched again.
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