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Netflix recommendations

Well I never. I had no idea it had been made into a live action film so long ago.
My wife (just now) says she has been waiting to see it for years.
Quite odd to see a Japanese man play the lead, but understandable.

Be interested to see what they do to turn it into a film format. The manga is almost a weekly educational comic without a plot as such.

Well I never. I had no idea it had been made into a live action film so long ago.
My wife (just now) says she has been waiting to see it for years.
Quite odd to see a Japanese man play the lead, but understandable.

Be interested to see what they do to turn it into a film format. The manga is almost a weekly educational comic without a plot as such.
I've just watched two episodes of The I-Land. So far, so Lost. Except they just wake up on a beach, no plane crash. There's a Kate-type character, a Sawyer-ish one, a Jack. Tensions between group members, rivalries and sexual tensions. Clues revealed, things found. That's where the similarities end, so far, because, fortunately, it's a seven-episode limited series.
I've just watched two episodes of The I-Land. So far, so Lost. Except they just wake up on a beach, no plane crash. There's a Kate-type character, a Sawyer-ish one, a Jack. Tensions between group members, rivalries and sexual tensions. Clues revealed, things found. That's where the similarities end, so far, because, fortunately, it's a seven-episode limited series.
I remember this. I actually sort of enjoyed it for the so bad it's good element at the beginning. This wares a bit thin later on though. The first time I ever heard my daughter swear was during a jump scare in the first or second episode. She was mortified.
I remember this. I actually sort of enjoyed it for the so bad it's good element at the beginning. This wares a bit thin later on though. The first time I ever heard my daughter swear was during a jump scare in the first or second episode. She was mortified.
I watched episode three after that, which is where it takes a definite turn and veers away from becoming just another Lost.

I don't remember a really big jump scare in the first two episodes though.
I watched episode three after that, which is where it takes a definite turn and veers away from becoming just another Lost.

I don't remember a really big jump scare in the first two episodes though.
I think it was where someone was suddenly and unexpectedly stabbed. Not a jump scare as such, just a shock.
Boiling Point is now on Netflix - it's a one-shot film set in a restaurant kitchen (apparently they did 4 takes and used the 3rd).

OH used to work as a kitchen porter and spent a fair bit of the film peering between his fingers in an "oh god this is too stressful" type way.

I quite enjoyed it.
Really enjoyed that been looking forward to watching it for a while
I’d be interested to hear peeps’ thoughts on The Bubble. I’m not going to necessarily recommend it (even though I actually thought it was fairly entertaining and watchable), but I would still say that if you enjoyed the James Franco’s self indulgent Comedy This is the End, you are likely to enjoy this too, because it’s very similar in spirit if not plot-wise.

At the very least I can say with confidence that the current 23% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes is laughably inaccurate.
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I started watching Parts Unknown with Anthony Bordain lastnight. Never watched any of his stuff before. And although it wasn't particularly great it was OK and kept me watching it. Quite enjoyable.
I’d be interested to hear peeps’ thoughts on The Bubble. I’m not going to necessarily recommend it (even though I actually thought it was fairly entertaining and watchable), but I would still say that if you enjoyed the James Franco’s self indulgent Comedy This is the End, you are likely to enjoy this too, because it’s very similar in spirit if not plot-wise.

At the very least I can say with confidence that the current 23% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes is laughably inaccurate.
I have started watching it. I am still watching but I am constantly on the verge of turning off. It's a bit of a turd. It's not star powered enough to be 'the end' and it doesn't feel like the actors are playing heightened versions of themselves, it's more like an SNL sketch. . . . but maybe 'The End' was an unfair comparison . . nobody is actually playing themselves, (though it doesn't work in the way that Tropic Thunder did, I don't believe any of the actors are the convincingly portraying the characters they are supposed to be playing.
The film they are making is done too shitly too. I know it's supposed to be, but it's too shit.

Bloody hell I am only 45 minutes in, feels like I have been watching forever.
You are right. It's not the worst thing I have ever seen, but it's not good.
Finished it. Feels like there might have been a good idea in there that wasn't realised. So badly paced. Some flashes after the hour mark that almost landed There might even be a half decent film still in there in another edit. It's a real mess. I wouldn't like to be in charge of fixing it, but whoever was in charge made a right pigs ear of it.
Well I've just watched The Bubble and I thought it was fucking hilarious - was in stitches and hyperventilated at a couple of points.

My only criticism really is that at over 2 hours I thought it was about 20 minutes too long, there were a couple of fairly non-descript average bits that could have been cut and it would have improved the flow of the thing.

Other than that though, I loved it.
"wild abandon" is a Turkish netflix series about a salary man who has an emotional breakdown and leads a double life as a "punk rocker". It is absolutely hypnotically terrible in most ways, but I am really enjoying it for some reason. The awful nonsensical dubbing helps, the "teenage" son in the family looking older than the father, the unintentionally hilarious scenes where the guy gets into his "punk" costume in a hotel room (including gluing on a mohawk), the weird extended dramatic pauses. The credits appearing literally 15 minutes into the episode.
Well I've just watched The Bubble and I thought it was fucking hilarious - was in stitches and hyperventilated at a couple of points.

My only criticism really is that at over 2 hours I thought it was about 20 minutes too long, there were a couple of fairly non-descript average bits that could have been cut and it would have improved the flow of the thing.

Other than that though, I loved it.
I can't say I loved it, but I wanted something "light" to watch and it fit the bill quite well. Agree it was probably 15-20 minutes too much, and I won't forgive it for introducing me to Miley Cyrus' cover of Heart of Glass which no-one in the world should want or need.
"wild abandon" is a Turkish netflix series about a salary man who has an emotional breakdown and leads a double life as a "punk rocker". It is absolutely hypnotically terrible in most ways, but I am really enjoying it for some reason. The awful nonsensical dubbing helps, the "teenage" son in the family looking older than the father, the unintentionally hilarious scenes where the guy gets into his "punk" costume in a hotel room (including gluing on a mohawk), the weird extended dramatic pauses. The credits appearing literally 15 minutes into the episode.
I'm sold
Rise of the Footsoldier 2.

This follow up has no Pat Tate, Tony Tucker or Craig Rolfe in (for obvious reasons) and suffers as a result. Carlton Leach was the least interesting character in the original.

It's joyless stuff
Wife and daughter are away so I am getting through quite a bit of stuff.

Fantasy Island - Was told it was a horror film, it's not really. I'm not going to recommend it as such, but it's a perfectly decent piece of daft fluff. Weak in places but better than expected.

The Starling - By the numbers indie style head in the oven drama. Manages to just about steer away from drawing a cheesily close an analogy to the titular starling and the rest of the on screen drama. Doesn't quite know how to end so just wraps it all up a bit too easily for a film about suffering the death of a child and mental health issues. . . . but that's about the worst thing (apart from the CGI bird, but I can forgive that). It's OK. It passes the time, but it's not the great weighty work of art it wants to be.

Cemetery Junction - It's ok. I didn't hate it.

Sparks Brothers - Good. . . .but somehow I expected it to be better. Edgar Wright obviously loves the band and it's a passion project. I don't want to really criticise it too much because it's actually good, but as a music documentary that stands out above others the only thing that is truly special about it is that they had time and money. Money for filming, money for talking heads, money for music, money for GVs money for animation, money for just about anything they wanted. I'm probably just bitter because when I make music docs the budget and access crushes everything and it's a constant game of compromises.

Corporate Animals - Bit too long for what it is, but knock 20 or 30 minutes off and you probably would have a perfectly passable 'box episode' film.
It's might have been better to really explore the realities rather than comedy up the grotesque, but again, it's not 100% terrible.

Standups - I'm only three comedians in, but so far they have all been surprisingly half decent. Seen a hell of a lot worse from big shots.

Old Enough - Japanese show with 'hidden' cameras following very young kids given their very first taste of responsibility (usually told to go off to the shop and buy some stuff on their own).
I've seen this 'show' in Japan. It's not really a TV show, just a segment on daytime telly with a semi celebrity audience watching, commenting and laughing (in a little box in the corner). Was quite a popular thing in Japan a few years ago. The celebs have been edited out but you still hear them making noises from time to time. OK as a bit of bite size TV.
The Bubble is infuriating, because for the talent and experience involved it should just be better. The pace and structure needed tightening, and that sits squarely at Apatow’s door, as does the lack of cohesive comedic style. And if they wanted Armisen to play the director (and I know he’s beloved by the Second City lot) then the part needed a little rewrite. He’s too old by about 20 years to play an indie wunderkind on his sophomore film.

There are worse films, but they tend to be written/directed/acted by hacks. And hacks are gonna hack. But Apatow is a highly talented writer and director. The cast is all-killer-no-filler actors and comedians. It should be better. That’s what makes me cross.
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