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Netflix recommendations

So you're saying there's so much content being made and it's bad because you can't afford it all. No matter the market forces driving this very obvious unprecedented quality level of long format content?

Its not to do with quantity, its to do with the various copyright rules and wrangles meaning certain things will be forever siloed behind different streaming channels and offered for a bewildering array of prices and "deals"
I managed to finish it but it was a struggle. Not terrible, but frankly underwhelming and boring at places. If this is what’s attracted so many nominations and awards this year, I guess we shouldn’t expect much of the rest of this year’s offerings
It's Jane Campion being Jane Campion. Either you like her ways, or you don't. Don't force yourself to try and enjoy it. I hated The Piano, too.
I am pleased to report that Human Resources is not just as good, but imo actually better and funnier than Big Mouth.
Bah, just watched ep1 on your recommendation. Zero laughs.
There is obviously something there for someone for you to give it such a glowing review, and the cast and writers are pretty big hitters.

I feel like I am missing out on something.
Been watching Altered Carbon. I have read Morgan years ago.

Started watching the series and was hooked.

Looks good as well. It's influenced by Blade Runner. A dystopian future. Sci fi crossed with crime. Which in sci fi is not unusual.

Its got some nice touches. The lonely AI "hotel" who models himself on Edgar Allan Poe. The way people upload to new bodies. True death has been (almost) abolished.

It is quite violent. With torture scenes in virtual reality. So one "dies" and is brought back to life again. There is a bit of the Matrix about it.

I also liked the twists and turns of the plot.
Bah, just watched ep1 on your recommendation. Zero laughs.
There is obviously something there for someone for you to give it such a glowing review, and the cast and writers are pretty big hitters.

I feel like I am missing out on something.
To be fair I myself thought the first couple of episodes weren’t all that. But undoubtedly it gets really fucking good after, certainly for anyone who might have liked Big Mouth. Have now finished it, and it is fantastically better actually, certainly from a point of view of someone who liked Big Mouth. To anyone who didn’t, I would recommend to give this a miss, but otherwise it is is funnier, fresher, and with a wider range of characters, not to mention celebrity voices.

I am the first one to question ratings of either critics or audiences if I disagree with it, but it’s a very rare occurrence when I disagree with consensus from both professional critics and Joe Public about any given film or series. If you’re in doubt as to whether to stick with it, I hope this consensus will at least prompt you to give it a chance


Annihilation directed by Alex Garland.

Haven't read the book it's based on.

It reminded of Tarkovsky "Stalker". A group of military and scientific women enter a Zone. No one who has gone into has come out. Its made by alien artifact that landed on Earth.

It also reminded me of Ballard. In the Zone everything has mutated. Into things that are beautiful or terrifying.

Garland has visualised all this incredibly well. Using visuals is something he is very good at as a director.

Its a quite trippy / altered states film. The alien is so alien that what its doing could be attempt at communication or a threat. Or maybe it just doesn't have any concept of humanity.

Its an alien invasion but not the usual Hollywood version.

Annihilation directed by Alex Garland.

Haven't read the book it's based on.

It reminded of Tarkovsky "Stalker". A group of military and scientific women enter a Zone. No one who has gone into has come out. Its made by alien artifact that landed on Earth.

It also reminded me of Ballard. In the Zone everything has mutated. Into things that are beautiful or terrifying.

Garland has visualised all this incredibly well. Using visuals is something he is very good at as a director.

Its a quite trippy / altered states film. The alien is so alien that what its doing could be attempt at communication or a threat. Or maybe it just doesn't have any concept of humanity.

Its an alien invasion but not the usual Hollywood version.
Yeah it's pretty good as I recall, though with perhaps an unsatisfying ending? Or maybe not depending on how you look at it.
I should have another look, not seen it since it came out.
Out of the Furnace

Christian Bale and Woody Harrelson aren't enough to save this film. I like the easy approach to the passing of time but too many clichés drag it down

The final showdown reminded me of of both Terminator and Scooby Doo
For all its shortcomings this season, episode 9 of Snowpiercer is very good indeed imo, the best of S4 by far.
Its not to do with quantity, its to do with the various copyright rules and wrangles meaning certain things will be forever siloed behind different streaming channels and offered for a bewildering array of prices and "deals"
the great [cable tv] unbundling (and ongoing rebundling, e.g. Amazon buying MGM, Disney including Starz etc)
For all its shortcomings this season, episode 9 of Snowpiercer is very good indeed imo, the best of S4 by far.
Watching ep seven now (the dream one).
I'm sure all the actors and crew are having a ball, but what a load of pointless filler.
. . . Is what I would say if it didn't all seem like pointless filler so far for this series. This might actually be the best episode I have seen in a while . . . but that isn't saying much.
Watching ep seven now (the dream one).
I'm sure all the actors and crew are having a ball, but what a load of pointless filler.
. . . Is what I would say if it didn't all seem like pointless filler so far for this series. This might actually be the best episode I have seen in a while . . . but that isn't saying much.
I liked the dream episode as well...
To people who like series of the supernatural drama/horror creature genre I would recommend Cracow Monsters. Silly at places plot-wise, and plenty of plot holes will come to your mind, but still fairly watchable if you like that kind of stuff. Don’t bother otherwise, though.

If nothing else it has made me want to visit Krakow. I’ve never been to Poland and had not previously given any thought to what its cities might look like, but based on this Krakow looks like a great city break.
Is it cake? popped up and I'm a sucker for competition shows. The premise is bakers have to make cakes that look like real objects and then guest judges have to guess which is the cake.

Some amazing skills, but fuck me the presenter is so annoying, with his stupid voices and over-egging everything and lane jokes.

I'm generally the type who 'I've started so I'll finish' so I felt compelled to persevere and see who wins the series, but I won't be watching season two (if there is one) unless they change presenter.

If you like competition shows, you'll probably like this, they making incredibly hyper-realistic cake things.
Is it cake? popped up and I'm a sucker for competition shows. The premise is bakers have to make cakes that look like real objects and then guest judges have to guess which is the cake.

Some amazing skills, but fuck me the presenter is so annoying, with his stupid voices and over-egging everything and lane jokes.

I'm generally the type who 'I've started so I'll finish' so I felt compelled to persevere and see who wins the series, but I won't be watching season two (if there is one) unless they change presenter.

If you like competition shows, you'll probably like this, they making incredibly hyper-realistic cake things.
I was just giving this a try.
Yes the presenter is intolerable. . . actually pretty much everyone is. I'm not going to be watching episode 2.

However the most obvious problem is that, there is waaay too much filler and no connection with the bakers.

Herein lies the problem. The show want's you to guess along with the judges, so you don't 'really' see much of them actually making the cakes. You can't show too much or the viewer will know. . . but that's the interesting bit of a cake making show. . . You don't connect with the bakers , you don't feel their pain or anxiety. They also mentioned (just as an aside) that the contestants put together the other non cake items. Talking about that and seeing them do that would have been far more interesting TV than 20 minutes of filler. . . . and boy is it filler, it's really nothing. They have 20 odd minutes to fill without showing whats being made. It's so odd.
They have obviously decided that guessing the cake is the ONLY interesting thing, but that wears thin pretty quickly. I found myself not giving a shit on the first cake.
With no other content, as soon as you realise you don't care which one is or isn't cake, the show has nothing more to offer, no human interest. They could have easily incorporated a bit of guessing (the contestants have to guess to play, and at the end to win money) and a bit of knowing but wondering if the judges will be able to tell.

Massive missfire even if you can tolerate the over the top american production.
ATOMIC SUPLEX, I'm genuinely curious. Do you like anything? I mean maybe your choices are bad or you're unlucky or whatever but you seem to very rarely see anything you think is decent. :confused:
I like plenty of stuff. I think I might have already watched all the good ones though.
. . . I probably shouldn't mention that I am currently finding altered carbon a massive bore.
I like plenty of stuff. I think I might have already watched all the good ones though.
. . . I probably shouldn't mention that I am currently finding altered carbon a massive bore.

It has a lot of problems but the aesthetic is fantastic. I think it was s1 ep3 or so when it all started to get a bit to dull (theres a Mexican grandma moment where it peaks)

About the only deeply interesting character was the hotel.
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It has a lot of problems but the aesthetic is fantastic. I think it was s1 ep3 or so when it all started to get a bit to dull (theres a Mexican grandma moment where it peaks)

About the only deeply interesting character was the hotel.
So far I am totally with you with all of the above.
It's such bland viewing despite things happening it's almost as if nothing actually is. The only stand out moment recently was the lift attack which actually initially looked quite shocking. Then quickly reverted within less than 30 seconds to a boringly predictable outcome. As soon as you realised what line they were treading the action wasn't exciting anymore, it just became drawn out boring and unrealistic.
I'm very late to the Viking party, but am thoroughly enjoying it.

Watched Vikings: Valhalla for no reason I can fathom except that the actors must have looked hot in the listings. Never had the slightest interest in Vikings before. Loved it, not just cos everyone was gorgeous.

Just finished all 5 seasons of The Last Kingdom. Loved that too, even though they couldn't be bothered to put anyone not white in it for more than a shot or two; an exception I don't usually make, these days, but Uhtred son of Uhtred is ridiculously compelling, despite (because of?) his increasingly preposterous accent. Great cast all round - some cracking acting.

And now I'm on Norsemen, which is making me laugh a lot :cool:
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