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Netflix recommendations

Watched 3 of the Killer Mike - Trigger Warning shows. Only 22 minutes each, some interesting ideas about buying from the black economy, making Crip a Cola etc, done in a humourous way. Decent entertainment.
Finished Titans S1, enjoyed it overall and will watch S2, but some of the episodes were in the wrong order for me, made for a very up/down feel throughout.

'Hank and Dawn' should have come earlier (the weird scenes with Rachel reaching out would have still worked, albeit in a timey wimey way).
Then the Finale, whilst an interesting 'Elseworlds' story, completely killed any momentum the main plot had going. I wasn't wanting resolution to the Trigon storyline, but it could have been progressed a bit further and still led to a decent cliffhanger.

That said, some good scenes before, and then in, Gotham. Just the right amount of Batman and they made him plausibly terrifying, particularly in the aftermath at Arkham and then the final scenes in the Batcave.

Knowing it was all an induced-dreamscape definitely lessened the stakes, hence why I think throwing some of the episodes around to conceal what was going on with Dick may have helped the impact a bit.

Also, I'm slightly in love with Donna Troy.

7/10 overall, worth a watch
I stumbled across Cockneys v's Zombies last night. Shaun of the dead but with Alan Ford and Richard Briers. If you've got an hour and a half to waste its quite funny.

Eta, I'd never heard of it before.
a genuine small gem that one. Brick Top steals it as the ageing geeza. Zoe from Eastenders is in it, having fun. Very silly all round.
So Nightflyers seems to be getting kind of Marmite reviews. Well, I have not seen rave reviews but at least some reasonably positive ones, while others say it’s terrible. I increasingly tend to ignore reviews unless there is universal consensus anyway. Has anyone seen much of it yet?
Re-Russian Doll

Just finished watching it, very trippy, getting more complicated as it proceeded, making it a wild ride, well worth watching.

Yeah, I caned it last night, enjoyed it's progression. Glad I persevered through the sassy New Yorkiness to It's more unsettling mid-game. Nice pay-off.
So Nightflyers seems to be getting kind of Marmite reviews. Well, I have not seen rave reviews but at least some reasonably positive ones, while others say it’s terrible. I increasingly tend to ignore reviews unless there is universal consensus anyway. Has anyone seen much of it yet?
its OK, if you like sci i horror. I didn't hate it.
Anyone started watching Russian Doll yet? I watched the trailer last night and it looked good.
I watched some yesterday and it made me have to get up and have a cigarette.

From the bits I've seen it's pretty funny so far, very scabrous and Natasha Lyonne does a really good job with the protagonist, it's basically her show. I did wonder whether how far it would carry on down the "hey we live in NYC and we take drugs and smoke a lot" route, though, which was starting to tinge on the boring. It did seem like it was also going deeper into the characters so I plan to keep going for now.
Finished Russian Doll. Very entertaining. Not 100% sure if
the four of them merged into two or not
, but I can live with it. As well funny and entertaining it is clever and there is resolution with no cliffhangers hoping to be renewed or weird phenomena left unexplained, as so many series do nowadays, so bonus points for that.
I carried on with You yesterday after only having watched two episodes previously. Did the rest in one day and enjoyed it in until the last episode, which was rubbish.

Also finished Grace and Frankie. Which I love.

Have Good Place finished yet?, I don't want to watch until there are no more.
I carried on with You yesterday after only having watched two episodes previously. Did the rest in one day and enjoyed it in until the last episode, which was rubbish.

Also finished Grace and Frankie. Which I love.

Have Good Place finished yet?, I don't want to watch until there are no more.
Yes, ep 12 (of season 3 a couple of weeks ago was the last.
Watched the Ted Bundy tapes - christ almighty :(:(:( I don't know how I missed it at the time. I was a kid like, but you'd think I'd remember THAT.
Anyone got a decent mystery/thriller film rec for tonight? Not Sci Fi or horror.

Watched Mystic River at the weekend and really enjoyed it so something on similar lines would be good. Netflix or Amazon.
Watched the Ted Bundy tapes - christ almighty :(:(:( I don't know how I missed it at the time. I was a kid like, but you'd think I'd remember THAT.
I was amazed too that it happened in my lifetime but I had no idea of the whole story. I guess news just wasn't as ubiquitous in the 1970s and we didn't have the internet.
It’s not gratuitous at all. There are very brief shots of crime scenes very occasionally.
I wasn't really thinking about footage, more whether there's anything to be learned from/of substance to it, I find so many of the American made docs on Netflix there's no real purpose to them other than 'look what horrible things people do to each other', and that's a bit meh imo.
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