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Netflix recommendations

Finished Titans last night, well the CGI didn't get any better, they really need to have a word with the special effects director, it was by far the worst thing about the series for me, the last episode was also a bit of a let down, it felt like the entire series was just to set up series 2 and could have done with another couple of episodes to properly wrap up the series.

Probably going to try Punisher S2 next, really enjoyed S1.
Tried Russian Doll, couldn't get into it. Now watching Homeland, which I may be the last person in the world not to have seen.

Do yourself a favour and just watch the first series, at a push the first two. Amazing first series, with a tumultuous decline.
It's worth it. I struggle really badly with gratuitous, wiskey, but this isn't. It's illuminating, more than anything.

Very nearly finished it, didn't really know much about him so yes, it's been interesting. The fact that he escaped so brazenly as to walk out of the gates of the prison :eek: and as a child of a joined up world the fact that in the 70's nothing was computerised and if you just moved out of state and pitched up somewhere new it was like you fell off the earth is just baffling!

Will finish it tomorrow.

Edit: finished it. Watchable enough but I've come away feeling like I've learnt absolutely nothing about him, 4 hours of learning about him and what he did and I couldn't recount a single fact :confused: weird.

Take away message for me was that celebrating the death penalty is fucking odd and going to stand outside somewhere at dawn to cheer someone dying is even odder.
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All the thumbs for Russian Doll - Natasha Lyonne is brilliant, plenty of drugs and swearing slathered between the moral dilemmas and ethical conundrums, great pacy New Yawk humour and dialogue. Only halfway through but I'm loving it all. If you don't like Lyonne, though, you'll hate it (she's certainly Marmite and is basically inescapable throughout. )
I finished Nightflyers. It was very watchable overall and it does get slightly better with every passing episode. Unfortunately the end is mostly a cliffhanger with little resolution, which I found a bit frustrating.
I've got "You" on right now and am finding it mildly entertaining in a "watch it as background while doing other things" kind of way.
I’m up to episode 9 and liking it but then narration is exactly the same as Dexter which I’m finding mildly annoying!!
We watched Look Who's Back, last night. Adolf Hitler returns to modern day Germany. Very funny in places but the last half hour gets a bit too stupid.
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Watched Soderbergh's High Flying Bird yesterday - a less irritating sports agent drama than Jerry Maguire, with long, talky scenes and strong performances and interesting style choices predicated by the limitations of the chosen camera (iPhone). Deftly avoids many of the clichés, doesn't end with resolution.
Has anyone got any recommendations that are light hearted, i.e. not bleak dramas or somehow murder related?

We're working our way through Luther at the mo so need a kind of counterbalance.
Oh, come on, Jake Gyllenhaal's deliciously over the top.

The "completely evaporated" scene made me lol.

It's hilarious the way it sends up the art world. And good as a veeeeery sloooow-burning tension-building horror.
It brought to my mind a vintage dario argento film, in that the plot is kind of incomprehensible, weak, and totally ridiculous, and the acting super hammy.... but there is also much enjoyment to be got from the OTT stylishness of it all, and some amazing set pieces. So in the end I kind of loved it, but would still say it is a load of shiite. I appreciate it not being a Hollywood formula film.
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