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My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

haven't read thread, programme was funny, love to find out what these guys do. the men looked WELL hard like they could fell anyone with a single blow. was quite a good programme as before i was totally scared of them but now i see that some of them are quite nice... that Swiley seemed like a nice guy. i am still terrified of the children though in real life but maybe if i watch the programme more i will get over that.
Grabbing is far less 'shocking' than what non-gypsy teens with less strict family morals get up to in the parks of a Friday night.

:D you might have a point. boys used to chase girls when we were that age, we'd run away, they catch us up, grab us and try and steal a kiss. It was all very innocent and almost like play fighting. but with kissing at the end!

although there was no intention of marriage coming out from such activities! :oops:

I found it really interesting and tried to be as non judgemental as I could. It's a different way of life and people always get very judgemental when they see something they don't understand or aren't used to. Bit shit on the education front, but, well, the education establishment doesn't work for everyone.
Nothing wrong with Santino that a few years of the traveller way of life couldn't put right. In one end: fey internet weed. Out the other: a real man.
So, do you think that all teenage girls spend every Friday night in the park doing 'more shocking' things than grabbing? Is that your considered opinion, ernie?
actually at the same time as gypsy wedding there was another tv show that showed just what teenagers get up to on holiday on their own... so actually i found out what teenagers and gyosys get up to without ever having to leave my living room.

eta i know everyone else gets their information from real life and the streets but this is just how i prefer to do my research
One question I have... the narrator made reference to the two types of gypsy groups in the UK, that being Irish gypsies, and the other being Romany. It also says that mixing with people outside the gypsy community is forbidden. Does anyone know if Irish and Romany groups are allowed to mix? Or is that also forbidden? It seems these shows are exclusively given over to gypsies of Irish descent so there wasn't much perspective on if the same values and stuff is true of the Romany community.

Also, it was interesting how the Irish accent largely persists, despite the fact I'm guessing most of these people don't grow up in Ireland. I guess that comes from the them not wishing to mix much with people outside of the community right?
They definitely mix from my experience - some of the fairs run in the West Mids were done by a mix of the two.
dunno the accent seemed pretty self explanatory to me... a bit of whatever area they were based in, a bit of irish because they mostly didn't mix with outsiders.
One of the girls from West London (the blonde one if I recall) seemed to have more of an London/English accent with only a hint of Irish, but most seemed much more defined Irish.
aww I thought swanley was ace. the rest of it, i really don't know what to think. closed communities, rigid expectations for all members of community, but specifically much more rigid and limiting for girls and women (although as swanley mentioned, a bloke would be looked at weird if he stayed at home and helped with the kids and housework too) - much the same as strict christian families who home school etc. none of that sits well with me to be honest but its not my life so i'm not going to say they can't carry on.

some questions though - what happens if a young person in that community is gay? what happens to a girl who is raped or sexually abused - is she classed as 'dirty' and therefore unmarriable same as a girl who has consentual sexual activity before marriage? what happens to a girl who gets 'too old' to get married? what about kids who want to keep going to school?
some questions though - what happens if a young person in that community is gay? what happens to a girl who is raped or sexually abused - is she classed as 'dirty' and therefore unmarriable same as a girl who has consentual sexual activity before marriage? what happens to a girl who gets 'too old' to get married? what about kids who want to keep going to school?

Absolutely. The lack of anything 'bad' was glaring. I wanted to see a story about someone who left, for whatever reason. Interview a 'scandalised' woman, a gay man, an umarried 38 yr old who only ever sees their gran in secret or whateverthefuck.

Everything was pretty fucking rosy but as I noted - next week looks to be a bit more interesting.
Absolutely. The lack of anything 'bad' was glaring. I wanted to see a story about someone who left, for whatever reason. Interview a 'scandalised' woman, a gay man, an umarried 38 yr old who only ever sees their gran in secret or whateverthefuck.

Everything was pretty fucking rosy but as I noted - next week looks to be a bit more interesting.

because it is a closed community though, i doubt they would allow those kinds of documentaries to be made - i reckon if you said 'what happens if someone was gay' they would most likely say 'there are no gay travellers'. would love to be proved wrong on that, just a gut instinct. that's my main worry, is that there is soo much responsibility on these young people, especially the young women and girls to be a 'good traveller girl' and as i say its similar to keeping strictly christian children home schooled (i think this is wrong) or forced (not arranged) marriaged in the muslim community (i think this is wrong) - that doesn't mean i think people shouldn't be christians or muslims.
also, the glaring contradictions. if the girls are pure til marriage through their own choice, why do they have to be chaperoned? i think there is an awful lot of cognitive dissonance going on.
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