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Mummy! Look what I made!! (The Urban 75 food gloating thread)

I can't wait to see some of Miss Fran's stuff appear on this thread!


I don't photograph my food much any more since I abandonned the blog, but here's the beef wellington I made for Christmas dinner:


I'll grow it in the summer

I've not personally tried it, but apparently growing corriander under glass during the cooler months is a good as it's much less likely to bolt than in hotter weather (which has been my experience everytime I've grown it in the summer)
This. I make food to eat and hubby doesn't care how it looks :D I'll try and remember and take a photo next time something looks good!!
Same here, whatever I cook is always appreciated by both myself and the OH, and the parents when I cook for them (and I am a good cook), but I'm not really into bigging up the presentation aspect given that I'm not cooking for a food critic and expecting a review to be published. That's not to say that I'm serving up bowls of unidentifiable grey slop, but if I were to take a photo it's not going to resemble something out of a glossy cookbook, sprayed with oil to make it glisten and with a fucking garnish on top. If that makes any sense. :D
Post pics anyway. I love food porn.

Well if you're sure you want to see it, I will try to remember to take pics! The last pie I made it was too hot in the kitchen to get the pastry right (butter melted) and it was held together by a wing and a prayer (and lots of panicked crimping) and it looked a right sight tbh, once cooked I had to slice it "politically" in order to give the guests the bits that weren't a complete mess :) Tasted fucking lush mind you, pastry included, but I'm not sure I'd want a photo of it on record :hmm:
How long did the whole thing take to make, would you say? Inc pastry, pate etc.

I didn't make the pastry, it was shop-bought. The pate takes about 40 mins including prep, then the Wellington takes about 1.5 hours including prep. You have to make the pate in advance to give it time to set.
Cold cold water followed by many applications of aloe vera gel hun :)

Maggot that meal looks immense!!!
That looks great soj - better than the picture in the book!

I might make that, but don't have an oven proof pan, so will have to transfer it.
Cold cold water followed by many applications of aloe vera gel hun :)
Aye - did the cold water thing mate for a good 5 minutes, whilst kicking meself! couldn't fucking believe it - one second all smiles and admiration, next I'm screaming me fucking head off hehe :D

Hey cheers Maggot - I spent ages trying to decide whether to use my shitty steel frying pan (and risk stuff sticking to it, specially the cumin seeds) so I could then transfer straight into the oven (and therefore keep the heat constant for the eggs), or use my non-stick pan and transfer. People who don't cook just don't understand how you can get all wound up about these details!! :D
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