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Mpox - news and discussion


Something, something, something
Monkeypox is a rare infection mainly spread by wild animals in parts of west or central Africa. The risk of catching it in the UK is very low.
Here’s a tally of cases, kept up to date by Oxford and Harvard academics:

The WHO on Monkeypox
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This was what Inwas looking for.

"In Africa, monkeypox has been fatal in about 1 in 10 cases, with severe disease and death more likely among children."

That's a significant enough death rate.
Everyone focuses on the death rate, but what bothers me is the 'making you seriously ill/long term consequences' rate. According to BBC 'It is usually a mild illness and most people recover within a few weeks' - which would be reassuring if we were told how often it wasn't a mild illness.
There are two kinds, apparently. One with a 1 in 10 death rate, the other 1 in 100, which is rather better. Take your pick.

None of the occasional cases that has popped up in Europe, now or previously, has been fatal.
The cases in the UK all appear to be the West African strain (1% mortality*) as opposed to the Congo Basin strain (10% mortality*).

* Mortalities significantly lower in regions with better [access to] healthcare.
The sexually transmitted aspect is new in terms of how health authorities think about spread of this disease. The extent to which this is proven to be the main transmission vector in the current outbreak will take time to ascertain. Especially since there will likely now be some bias towards the detection of cases that were transmitted in this way, eg via increased awareness and tests conducted at sexual health clinics. All the same, there is clearly evidence of spread via sexual activity networks and it will be important for men who have sexual activity with other men to be aware of the symptoms.
I suppose what’s odd given the history of this virus is that this outbreak is global rather than isolated and easily contained.

WTF is that all about?
Well in extremely broad and general terms we can consider possibilities including changes to the virus, changes to our bodies/immune responses, and also opportunities for the virus to spread in specific ways that it might not have had the opportunity to do previously. Cannot completely rule out missed cases in the past/better detection this time either.
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I suppose what’s odd given the history of this virus is that this outbreak is global rather than isolated and easily contained.

WTF is that all about?
Rapid local and international travel mainly I guess. Mixed with pressure to get places more rapidly.

People get to more places during disease incubation.

Plus environmental changes can move animal populations or make things easier for diseases to survive.

Also perhaps presure for people to do stuff when somewhat unwell.
Why is there media talk of this supposed link with gay/bisexual men or MSM (men who have sex with men). Is this based on recent outbreaks? And if its aerosol transmission and whatnot why is that a factor? Im not sure what to make of this.

Implying it isnt affecting the "straight" population could be really unhelpful over the next few weeks too...
Why is there media talk of this supposed link with gay/bisexual men or MSM (men who have sex with men). Is this based on recent outbreaks? And if its aerosol transmission and whatnot why is that a factor? Im not sure what to make of this.

Implying it isnt affecting the "straight" population could be really unhelpful over the next few weeks too...

Yeah, based on current outbreaks and where they're located demographically in the population.

Why is there media talk of this supposed link with gay/bisexual men or MSM (men who have sex with men). Is this based on recent outbreaks? And if its aerosol transmission and whatnot why is that a factor? Im not sure what to make of this.

Implying it isnt affecting the "straight" population could be really unhelpful over the next few weeks too...
I believe all current episodes gave been linked to this population.

Edited to add in the uk
Story I read said prolonged skin contact can lead to transmission, hence it's possible during sex and likely what happened here with one of the early cases just so happening to be a MSM.
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