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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

Not so sure it's desperate dot-joining, max Blumenthal goes into some detail about how the Americans fuelled the rise of daesh in his management of savagery
There's a significant and important difference between US support for some Syrian opposition groups ending up with some parts of IS/AQ, and them being directly funded which is what you say (and the article doesn't). Unless you're a simplisitic campist and the later suits your narrative.
This quote suggests otherwise
A year into the Syrian rebellion, the US and its allies weren’t only supporting and arming an opposition they knew to be dominated by extreme sectarian groups; they were prepared to countenance the creation of some sort of “Islamic state” – despite the “grave danger” to Iraq’s unity – as a Sunni buffer to weaken Syria.
There's a significant and important difference between US support for some Syrian opposition groups ending up with some parts of IS/AQ, and them being directly funded which is what you say (and the article doesn't). Unless you're a simplisitic campist and the later suits your narrative.
I'm not sure there is that big a difference between directly funding them and turning a blind eye to an ally directly funding them, particularly when that ally is a major purchaser of your weapons, as Saudi Arabia is.

No lessons have been learned. That much is crystal clear.
Medvedev’s current job seems to be to say absolutely mad things all the time so that his boss looks like a restrained centrist to the domestic audience.
Yes, this has been more than obvious from the start of the war in Ukraine, and there's clearly an element of 'theatre' there, seeing as he was widely viewed as western-friendly when president. He appears to have stepped into the shoes of Zhirinovsky.
Whether or not the Renault passengers had anything to do with this, or indeed whether or not there ever was a Renault, the announcement of an arrest is good news in that it doesn’t suggest the attack will be used as a pretext for escalation in Ukraine or mass mobilisation.

Bugger. Putin now linking the attacks to Ukraine. I retract the above.
The Mail is actually covering this much better and more quickly than most other news outlets, including the accurate casualty numbers. Some not very nice pics of the suspects being arrested in the below link. Let's assume they won't be much longer for this world.


They do it again later in the piece - “ the group en route to Ukraine”.

Just because you can chuck rubbish from Russian Telegram channels into Google Translate and get nine-year-old journalists to publish it on the clickbait madhouse section of a UK newspaper website “better and more quickly” than other sites on a Saturday doesn’t mean you really should.

Fucking Mail.
Russians have been commenting that victims should have shouted ‘Navalny’ rather than ‘help!’ as that way the security services might have turned up quicker. Apparently it took them over an hour.
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