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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

To a degree, they are a franchise, rather like AQ were. There are groups of nasties all across central Asia and the Caucasus, and over time the same people/groups will have been affiliated with AQ, Taleban, and IS - for the 'head office' it makes them look like they've got a far wider geographic/societal spread than they have, and the local franchise it gives them access to training/expertise, cash, and the kudos of being part of IS/whatever.

Plenty of anti-Russian feeling from China to the Black Sea, lots of deeply unpleasant governments, and lots of clientism. Fertile ground...

Putin will of course claim it was Whoever is most politically locally convenient. I don’t think this is a false flag one though. Because there’s simply no need for it.
This is the apotheosis of breaking Urban posting rules. Not only have you just posted what (I presume) is a controversial image, but you've done it without comment. Commit, or don't bother.
I had made my comment regarding the situation in a prior post and had the images blurred
ISIS is claiming responsibility. If the entire Russian military wasn't bogged down by their invasion of Ukraine, they'd be in a far better position to make a reprisal
Shit's been kicking off in Ingushetia for weeks.

This could well be in retaliation for that, and for how it ended.

And as for the US Embassy warning and providing their sources...their sources appear to be the Russian security services themselves. The attack on Ingushetia was done because

Which makes Putin's statement about the US Embassy warning a bit stupid.
There's going to be questions asked about his dismissals of the warning, surely?
There's going to be questions asked about his dismissals of the warning, surely?

As ever, that would be true in any state that had a media that asked difficult questions - Russia doesn't, and shit, even one of the 'opposition candidates' in last week's election said he'd be voting for Putin....

Who gets the blame, both as the culprit and the corrupt/traitor/imbecile who let it happen, will be determined purely by what old Vlad decides are his best interests. Putin's genius isn't in getting people to believe his often ludicrous lies, it's in getting people to believe that everyone else believes his ludicrous lies, so you'd be best off keeping your views to yourself....
Apparently they've arrested four people, after stopping a white Renault in the Bryansk region.
There's going to be questions asked about his dismissals of the warning, surely?

Well for starters...which warning?

A lot is being made in the western media about the US warning given on March 7th (and, don't forget, only lasting 48 hours). So here's a timeline for you.

Special forces (yes them again) launch a special operation (yes that again) in Ingushetia on or around March 2nd. They kill 6 ISIS. All this is done in the name of; Security forces claimed that the fighters were planning a series of terrorist attacks throughout Russia.

On March 6th or 7th Russia claims to have foiled a terrorist attack on a mosque.

At which point the US issues it's prescient warning. Well, it would have been prescient if an attack hadn't already been foiled and Russia hadn't admitted days earlier they were in Ingushetia because of planned terrorist attacks. So not that prescient really. And only for 48 hours.

Idk. From where I'm sitting a lot is being made of a US warning that looks like it was already based on events taking place as opposed to some great intel.

Warning dissipates.

2 weeks later, bam. This.

I don't think Putin is in any trouble at all for his dismissals of western warnings. He will always claim whatever the west does is interference in affairs that should be his, not theirs. He would already have known from his own security services what was happening or likely to happen. He doesn't need the west for this. So he can portray the west how he likes. Nobody will care.

But that US warning? It looks like it came after an event, not before. Not prescient.
Whether or not the Renault passengers had anything to do with this, or indeed whether or not there ever was a Renault, the announcement of an arrest is good news in that it doesn’t suggest the attack will be used as a pretext for escalation in Ukraine or mass mobilisation.
Whether or not the Renault passengers had anything to do with this, or indeed whether or not there ever was a Renault, the announcement of an arrest is good news in that it doesn’t suggest the attack will be used as a pretext for escalation in Ukraine or mass mobilisation.

If it stops Medvedev's spitting and drooling, then yes.

Dmitry Medvedev, the ex-president of Russia and now deputy chairman of its security council, wrote that “if it is established that they are terrorists of the Kyiv regime, it’s impossible to treat them and those who inspired them differently.

“They all should be found and relentlessly destroyed as terrorists. Including officials of the state that committed such an evil thing. Death for death.”

But "whether or not there ever was a Renault". Well, quite.
If it stops Medvedev's spitting and drooling, then yes.

Dmitry Medvedev, the ex-president of Russia and now deputy chairman of its security council, wrote that “if it is established that they are terrorists of the Kyiv regime, it’s impossible to treat them and those who inspired them differently.

“They all should be found and relentlessly destroyed as terrorists. Including officials of the state that committed such an evil thing. Death for death.”

But "whether or not there ever was a Renault". Well, quite.

Medvedev’s current job seems to be to say absolutely mad things all the time so that his boss looks like a restrained centrist to the domestic audience.
I don’t really buy the ‘false flag’ thing as I’m not sure what the payback would be for Putin - he’s just been ‘elected’ so doesn’t need to boost his popularity, and I’m not sure they have the capacity to start security operations in the caucuses (though that could provide a reason for mobilisation I guess). Perhaps more draconian domestic security laws? Though my instinct with them already having absolute power is that they could just do that anyway without this.
Yeah, Putin only commits mass murder of Russian citizens to generate a pretext for war, he’s already got his war so doesn’t need any pretext right now.
For one of the ‘false flags’ ahead of the recent Ukraine invasion they used already dead corpses, which gave it away as autopsy cuts were visible on charred skulls etc. They’re not particularly competent about this, but then most of the time they know much of their audience knows they are lying, and don’t particularly care.
Whether or not the Renault passengers had anything to do with this, or indeed whether or not there ever was a Renault, the announcement of an arrest is good news in that it doesn’t suggest the attack will be used as a pretext for escalation in Ukraine or mass mobilisation.

In most terrorism cases arrests or the termination of the assailants is good news for the citizens of the country in which the event has occurred, possibly good news for the relatives of victims , may also reduce vigilantism and in cases where the assailants are from a minority help to manage community cohesion and possible backlashes against that community.

Recent reports in the media suggest Russia will increase its mobilisation against Ukraine ( 300k has been mentioned) , however by stealth rather than 'everybody in', in order to expand its territorial control of Ukrainian areas.
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