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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

I wouldn't fall off my chair if it was a set-up - and the people doing it don't have to know it's a set-up - because as Pickman's model says, it's something that there are deep, serious, and longstanding suspicions that it's something he's done before, and with reasonable success.

But the Russian state has brutalized enough people that there are no shortage of potentials who would happily do this kind of stuff.

My initial thought is that it's a set-up - apparently Moscow police have found a van with Ukrainian plates outside the venue. Because, obviously, people coming up from Ukraine, or people acting on their behalf, would never think to put local plates on their van instead of the country Russia is at war with.

This is like Abwehr agents in 1942 London driving round with Berlin number plates - very convincing....
I wouldn't fall off my chair if it was a set-up - and the people doing it don't have to know it's a set-up - because as Pickman's model says, it's something that there are deep, serious, and longstanding suspicions that it's something he's done before, and with reasonable success.

But the Russian state has brutalized enough people that there are no shortage of potentials who would happily do this kind of stuff.

My initial thought is that it's a set-up - apparently Moscow police have found a van with Ukrainian plates outside the venue. Because, obviously, people coming up from Ukraine, or people acting on their behalf, would never think to put local plates on their van instead of the country Russia is at war with.

This is like Abwehr agents in 1942 London driving round with Berlin number plates - very convincing....
Or German convicts in Polish uniforms...
I wouldn't fall off my chair if it was a set-up - and the people doing it don't have to know it's a set-up - because as Pickman's model says, it's something that there are deep, serious, and longstanding suspicions that it's something he's done before, and with reasonable success.

But the Russian state has brutalized enough people that there are no shortage of potentials who would happily do this kind of stuff.

My initial thought is that it's a set-up - apparently Moscow police have found a van with Ukrainian plates outside the venue. Because, obviously, people coming up from Ukraine, or people acting on their behalf, would never think to put local plates on their van instead of the country Russia is at war with.

This is like Abwehr agents in 1942 London driving round with Berlin number plates - very convincing....

Wasn't it Spike Milligan who walked about London during the war in Wehrmacht uniform and never got stopped?
Putin's remarks earlier this week haven't aged well

Pro-Kremlin voices seized on the U.S. Embassy’s warning to paint America as trying to scare Russians. On March 19, President Vladimir V. Putin called the statement “obvious blackmail” made with “the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.”
My initial thought is that it's a set-up - apparently Moscow police have found a van with Ukrainian plates outside the venue. Because, obviously, people coming up from Ukraine, or people acting on their behalf, would never think to put local plates on their van instead of the country Russia is at war with.
Must have shit security in Russia if a van with Ukrainian plates had driven all that distance without being picked up on an anpr type camera or pulled by the police. :hmm:
Checnyan sepreatists have form for this kind of shit. Killed a load of people in a moscow theatre early 2000s iirc. Seriously doubt there is any Ukrainian connection, would be utterly self defeating. And can't see how a false flag benefits putin, unless he's dead keen to launch a bloody clamp down in the caucaus.
Grim grim horrible shit.
Shit's been kicking off in Ingushetia for weeks.

This could well be in retaliation for that, and for how it ended.

And as for the US Embassy warning and providing their sources...their sources appear to be the Russian security services themselves. The attack on Ingushetia was done because

Security forces claimed that the fighters were planning a series of terrorist attacks throughout Russia.

Which makes Putin's statement about the US Embassy warning a bit stupid.
Allegedly IS have claimed it - but treat with caution. IS outside of Syria is a network of networks, some with relatively loose strings, which is a two way street of responsibility and blame.

There's a good Mark Gallioti podcast where he talks about Kadyrov - the local boss has to show he can put down the locals to get support (££££) from Moscow, but he also has to show that it's all a bit knife edge, that the local bad boys aren't quite beaten, in order for Moscow to see that there's always a worse, and that more support is needed.

Symbiotic relationships.
The BBC says that US sources had been warning a terrorist incident might be in the offing:

As we've reported, the US issued a warning to its citizens two weeks ago saying that officials were "monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts."
Islamic State have claimed responsibility. I guess they’d just disappeared off my radar. Can anyone give some detail on this?
Checnyan sepreatists have form for this kind of shit. Killed a load of people in a moscow theatre early 2000s iirc. Seriously doubt there is any Ukrainian connection, would be utterly self defeating. And can't see how a false flag benefits putin, unless he's dead keen to launch a bloody clamp down in the caucaus.
Grim grim horrible shit.
Most of the people killed back then were killed by Russian special forces.
Islamic State have claimed responsibility. I guess they’d just disappeared off my radar. Can anyone give some detail on this?

To a degree, they are a franchise, rather like AQ were. There are groups of nasties all across central Asia and the Caucasus, and over time the same people/groups will have been affiliated with AQ, Taleban, and IS - for the 'head office' it makes them look like they've got a far wider geographic/societal spread than they have, and the local franchise it gives them access to training/expertise, cash, and the kudos of being part of IS/whatever.

Plenty of anti-Russian feeling from China to the Black Sea, lots of deeply unpleasant governments, and lots of clientism. Fertile ground...
Shit's been kicking off in Ingushetia for weeks.

This could well be in retaliation for that, and for how it ended.

And as for the US Embassy warning and providing their sources...their sources appear to be the Russian security services themselves. The attack on Ingushetia was done because

Which makes Putin's statement about the US Embassy warning a bit stupid.

Those killed in Ingushetia were Islamic State.

Three weeks later ISIS do this.

Just saying.
The US Embassy in Moscow issued a warning less than two weeks ago that extremists were planning to attack a concert, don't know why there was apparently insufficient security at this one

The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.
Perhaps the answer is in the thing you quote: "over the next 48 hours". If this warning was issued two weeks ago, then we are well past 48 hours.
Most of the people killed back then were killed by Russian special forces.
That was the one. They gassed everyone didn't they? Think the checnyans were going blow themselves up along with all the hostages.
Is claiming it now. I guess cos of Syria?
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First off, you don't know who did this or who's behind it. Second, Russian civilians are not legitimate targets.
Both the Ukrainian and Russian governments consider civillians to be legitimate targets. If they didn't, they wouldn't keep on murdering them.
poor people at the concert but Russia getting it hands dirty all over the world

not surprised it more militants media is trying to blame this on Ukraine without even investigating the true events :(
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