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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

That would be "noted Assadist cunt Max Blumenthal".

Post in thread 'Verso e-book sale today' Verso e-book sale today

I wouldn't trust his take even on something like this that is probably true
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They can afford to play the long game, kyiv thought their western allies would prove steadfast but that's now uncertain - certainly the USA looks decidedly dodgy
i dont think they are hanging on for trump, either. the west can't supply ukraine with enough whether the will is there or not.
the pace seems to be picking up as well. could be all over by the election.
That would be noted Assadist cunt Max Blumenthal.

Post in thread 'Verso e-book sale today' Verso e-book sale today

I wouldn't trust his take even on something like this that I assume is probably true
tbf we shouldn't need Max Blumenthal to tell us that it is true. The devastation and harm those appalling wars have caused across the globe, including in the US, is manifest. Of course, the most damage has been done to the countries invaded themselves.

Did the US and others even keep count of the number of people they were killing in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc? They didn't bother. They didn't give a shit.

The US and the UK fabricated a pretext to invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of people. Those who did that are no better than Putin. And that's not intended to let Putin off. I think it's hard for many of us to fully come to terms with the evil that has been done at the behest of the leaders of our countries over the last twenty-odd years. So much death and destruction. But but but, aren't we the good guys? No. 'We' are not.
i dont think they are hanging on for trump, either. the west can't supply ukraine with enough whether the will is there or not.
the pace seems to be picking up as well. could be all over by the election.

How would you define being "over"?
Russians have been commenting that victims should have shouted ‘Navalny’ rather than ‘help!’ as that way the security services might have turned up quicker. Apparently it took them over an hour.
I'd guess they wanted to be absolutely sure they weren't going to get gulagged for interfering with another Ryazan Sugar type of exercise.
ISIS has now posted footage (avoid looking for it, reportedly quite gruesome) taken by the perpetrators to back up their claim of responsibility. Still the ‘blame Ukraine’ crew are doubling down. Loads of nonsense, pictures of a van near the venue with ‘Ukrainian plates’ that is actually Belarus for example, and even a deepfake/AI video of some senior Ukrainian figure claiming responsibility that has been shared on Russian telly.

Others have noted that the perpetrators in the ISIS footage look nothing like the suspects Russia apprehended earlier today near the Belarus border, one of whom was tortured and had his ear cut off by some black-sun logo wearing fascist cop. Likely some innocent Tajiks becoming victims of the state’s need to appear in control (like how our cops murdered a Brazilian on the tube, only without a chance they will admit getting the wrong victim).

It’s also reminding me of the bombs on commuter trains in Spain a while back, where the government claimed it was the work of ETA to try and get some domestic political advantage, which backfired badly when it became obvious it was the work of Islamists (they got booted out in the subsequent election in part because of this dishonesty)
Actually, he is right. If Iraq had not been invaded ISIS would not have come into existence as they did. Please read Black Flags by Joby Warrick.
It was none other than Tony Blair who admitted that the invasion of Iraq was partly responsible for the rise of ISIS.
Mmm. Yeah, that 2-year-plus 3 day Special Military Operation is looking like a proper big win.
What is it now, something like half a million dead or missing? The Russians have lost many, both sides downplay their losses, but without substantial outside support Ukraine will contine to get hammered. All the 'funny' videos of incompetent Russian troops with Benny Hill music edited in isn't going to change that.
What is it now, something like half a million dead or missing? The Russians have lost many, both sides downplay their losses, but without substantial outside support Ukraine will contine to get hammered. All the 'funny' videos of incompetent Russian troops with Benny Hill music edited in isn't going to change that.
And the Russian government never actually said it was supposed to be a two or three day operation. It was a fantasy of the western left-liberals and mainstream right-wingers, suddenly embracing each other while wanking into their Kleenex when they thought their new-found common cause was going to result in a victory that both could claim as their own.
And the Russian government never actually said it was supposed to be a two or three day operation. It was a fantasy of the western left-liberals and mainstream right-wingers, suddenly embracing each other while wanking into their Kleenex when they thought their new-found common cause was going to result in a victory that both could claim as their own.
Yes, Russia had definitely planned a protracted war all along. It's true that some soldiers went straight for the centre of Kiev, but this was due to faulty compasses.
Actually, he is right. If Iraq had not been invaded ISIS would not have come into existence as they did. Please read Black Flags by Joby Warrick.

It was none other than Tony Blair who admitted that the invasion of Iraq was partly responsible for the rise of ISIS.

I think this needs nuance - yes, the destruction of the central power in Iraq gave the various nasties who became IS a place to coalesce and a target (the US, and anyone who wasn't IS in Iraq) to fight against.

But, Iraq was not the only place on the world that such nasties had a 'safe space' within which to coalese and a target to fight against - they were all over east Africa and in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Much like AQ in Afghanistan, the ideas didn't start there, they simply went there because the conditions were favourable, and without the destruction of the central authority and the civil war in Iraq, they'd have have gone somewhere else with a limited central authority and a conflict to get involved in - and theres no shortage of them in the arc from the Med to China.

Blaming the invasion of Iraq for IS is like blaming Martin Luther's fly posting for the St. Bartholomews day massacre or the destruction of the Monasteries under Henry VIII - a contributory factor certainly, but only one of many, and with some of the others being far more powerful/structural.

It's also worth noting that Russia, and the Soviet Union before it, had a problem with Islamic terrorism long before the first American soldier set foot in Iraq in 1991, let alone in 2003 - so claiming there's some kind 'kill switch' on Islamic terrorism in Russia (and well beyond it) had the invasion of Iraq not happend is facile beyond words.
I think this needs nuance - yes, the destruction of the central power in Iraq gave the various nasties who became IS a place to coalesce and a target (the US, and anyone who wasn't IS in Iraq) to fight against.

But, Iraq was not the only place on the world that such nasties had a 'safe space' within which to coalese and a target to fight against - they were all over east Africa and in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Much like AQ in Afghanistan, the ideas didn't start there, they simply went there because the conditions were favourable, and without the destruction of the central authority and the civil war in Iraq, they'd have have gone somewhere else with a limited central authority and a conflict to get involved in - and theres no shortage of them in the arc from the Med to China.

Blaming the invasion of Iraq for IS is like blaming Martin Luther's fly posting for the St. Bartholomews day massacre or the destruction of the Monasteries under Henry VIII - a contributory factor certainly, but only one of many, and with some of the others being far more powerful/structural.

It's also worth noting that Russia, and the Soviet Union before it, had a problem with Islamic terrorism long before the first American soldier set foot in Iraq in 1991, let alone in 2003 - so claiming there's some kind 'kill switch' on Islamic terrorism in Russia (and well beyond it) had the invasion of Iraq not happend is facile beyond words.

Don't be silly, it's clearly all NATO's fault.
Oh right there's nothing you can actually point to. E2a if you didn't want to get into it on this thread you shouldn't have made the claim on this thread
You know I used to think you held a decent principled position, but you always seem to defend fucking filth like kermit. So I'm starting to think you just hide it better. And for all the times you inisit people back up their claims you never back up yours. Your a fraud pickers, and I don't answer to you.
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