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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

I picked the closest country geographically with a SF unit I’d heard of (and thats only 3 countries, the other two I have already named in a post of mine you quoted), so clearly not much analysis involved but then what would you expect from a poster with a bran tub of a head?

So why post it then, particularly given the conspiraloon fest - with a great deal of anti-Semitism lobbed into that sewer for good measure - that has infested the political discourse recently?

Post count?

Likes from Crack fiends?

Can't stand the silence?

Just thoughtlessness?
Not worth the effort of searching for posts, taking a few seconds to post a reply isn't much effort.
If you're going to have a pop pls back up your claims or I'll treat them, and you, with the derision you merit. You made out like I'm never backing up claims, only to find you're on about one claim which you won't name. Shameful. If you do depart the boards I shan't miss you
If you think Ukraine were behind this, just come out and say it.
I don't doubt putin will try and use this for domestic political advantage. But it would be really weird for kyiv to send people to do in Moscow what would be of far greater advantage in the rear of the Russian lines - harassing the Russian army in occupied Ukraine or Belarus would I'd have thought be more their style. Plus if it was zelensky then it'd mark something of a sea change in ukraine's prosecution of the war and one which would swiftly lose them the friends they rely on
I don't doubt putin will try and use this for domestic political advantage. But it would be really weird for kyiv to send people to do in Moscow what would be of far greater advantage in the rear of the Russian lines - harassing the Russian army in occupied Ukraine or Belarus would I'd have thought be more their style. Plus if it was zelensky then it'd mark something of a sea change in ukraine's prosecution of the war and one which would swiftly lose them the friends they rely on

The idea Ukraine is behind it is absurd. Of course Putin will extract what propergander value he can, as I said earlier.

Seems most likely is as claimed, Isis inspired local Islamomists though and all this sly ah but what if and who's to say comes across as weasely.
There is a lot of shit creeping into this site lately. There is pro-russia shit, antisemitism and just out right conspiracy nonsense. It is getting more common and quite a few decent posters have more or less fucked off already because of it. And I'm seriously considering it as well, not that I'm a decent poster in any way. Being on the same forum as some as these people makes my FUCKING skin crawl.
Can you actually point at this? My guess is that you're referring primarily to discokermit, but I haven't seen him post any 'pro-Russia shit' at all. Plenty of posts disputing opinions such as that Ukraine is winning or that sanctions are effective. And plenty of needlessly abusive posts directed at him as a result, a fair few of them from you.

This is largely a case of people making up what they think a poster really means or what the real motivation for their posts must be, when the actual content of those posts does not contain those things.
I don't doubt putin will try and use this for domestic political advantage. But it would be really weird for kyiv to send people to do in Moscow what would be of far greater advantage in the rear of the Russian lines - harassing the Russian army in occupied Ukraine or Belarus would I'd have thought be more their style. Plus if it was zelensky then it'd mark something of a sea change in ukraine's prosecution of the war and one which would swiftly lose them the friends they rely on

kind of, but i wonder if they would fit into the 'more hassle than they are worth' bucket - Ukraine undoubtedly has lots of Ukrainians, Russians and Belorussians who are already providing them with informations and doing the stay-behind thing, and while they may or may not have the same random kill count as a IS gang, they don't have any of the baggage or potential for a political/diplomatic binfire.

Any Russian unit doing force protection in/around Ukraine can be used on the front a week later, but if IS is making trouble in the Caucuses, then that means diverting resources a long way from Ukraine.
The idea Ukraine is behind it is absurd. Of course Putin will extract what propergander value he can, as I said earlier.

Seems most likely is as claimed, Isis inspired local Islamomists though and all this sly ah but what if and who's to say comes across as weasely.
questions are weaselly. unquestioning loyalty is good. get in step!
So let me get this right. This set up involves rounding up a bunch of random locals in Moscow, driving them to Bryansk so that they can film them being arrested whilst an ISIS splinter group that doesn't provide suicide vests claims responsibility?
Fortunately, it's tough to get guns and ammunition for an active shooter attack. Do you think the Westminster attackers used knives for style points?

I get that IS and those whom it inspires in the UK don’t have the Saudi cash, expertise or patience that AQ did in its heyday, but surely if organised criminal groups are able to smuggle weapons and ammunition in bulk to the UK, it can’t be beyond the reach of jihadists to either do the same or to buy them over here?

We don’t know how many of the countless foiled terror attacks involved firearms; we only see the thankfully small proportion that are successful.
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