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Moscow concert hall shooting, 22 Mar 24

I’ll’ve had to have admitted. I initially thought Ukraine was responsible for this horrendous attack. Since isis has open and notoriously claimed ownership, what’s left of Putins vengeance weapons should be turned against Isis
I don't know what you know about the ira's s plan, a bombing campaign in England in 1939/40. Presumably you'd have suggested then turning the might of the British army away from France and toward Ireland. You won't defeat daesh simply with bombs, that's a nonsense - it'd make more daesh members for a start. If I was putin, I'd have tried to calm things down around the caucasus before now. But sometimes the only tools people have are hammers and so every problem looks like a nail. Bloody times ahead in Ingushetia, where just a few years back a spot of autonomy would have resolved the situation.
Was there a cordon? I'd read it took an hour for first response.

The article that I put up and the links it has suggests a timeline :

19.55 terrorists arrive, get out of the car and shoot the security staff and people at front at entrance .
20.03 : 3 terrorists start shooting in the hallway of the theatre complex, 4th uses gasoline to set fire to chairs and emergency exits

20.13- 20.15. The terrorists leave their weapons and ammo and exit ( Reports say one firearm, a pistol was found in the car when arrested) .Terrorists leave the car park at speed knocking over a child.

20.15 first notification of the fire to the Fire Service which begins to engulf large parts of the complex where the shooting occurred

Ambulances and the EMS begin to arrive and fire spreads.

21.07 security forces enter the building

Much later: A car matching the description is spotted in Bryansk , Highway Department shut down M3 motorway . Car has to divert, chase ensues in which shots are exchanged. Car overturns and arrests are made around Teploe Village near Kjhatsun/Hatsun. One terrorist injured and taken to hospital, two others were arrested and then a fourth is arrested a little distance away in a forest.

So no cordon and no slinging the guns over their shoulders and nonchalantly strolling off down the avenue.
I don't know what you know about the ira's s plan, a bombing campaign in England in 1939/40. Presumably you'd have suggested then turning the might of the British army away from France and toward Ireland. You won't defeat daesh simply with bombs, that's a nonsense - it'd make more daesh members for a start. If I was putin, I'd have tried to calm things down around the caucasus before now. But sometimes the only tools people have are hammers and so every problem looks like a nail. Bloody times ahead in Ingushetia, where just a few years back a spot of autonomy would have resolved the situation.
Excellent. Thank you
“Now IS have released a hideously graphic video of their massacre” states the BBC News website. How does the BBC know that this is an “authentic” IS video. Did it come from the IS head office? What counts as an official IS video?
“Now IS have released a hideously graphic video of their massacre” states the BBC News website. How does the BBC know that this is an “authentic” IS video. Did it come from the IS head office? What counts as an official IS video?

when the Daily Mail publish it
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“Now IS have released a hideously graphic video of their massacre” states the BBC News website. How does the BBC know that this is an “authentic” IS video. Did it come from the IS head office? What counts as an official IS video?

They are well behind Sky, they reported on this at breakfast, apparently it shows the attack under way, Sky verified it was from the venue involved, and the timing matches what is known.

IS released it on their Telegram channel, as they normally do.
“Now IS have released a hideously graphic video of their massacre” states the BBC News website. How does the BBC know that this is an “authentic” IS video. Did it come from the IS head office? What counts as an official IS video?

OSINT types have had a decade now of identifying which Telegram channels or similar are controlled by IS and which are mere fanboys. They can be pretty sure. And it’s trivial to establish from where a video was first released.
The article that I put up and the links it has suggests a timeline :

19.55 terrorists arrive, get out of the car and shoot the security staff and people at front at entrance .
20.03 : 3 terrorists start shooting in the hallway of the theatre complex, 4th uses gasoline to set fire to chairs and emergency exits

20.13- 20.15. The terrorists leave their weapons and ammo and exit ( Reports say one firearm, a pistol was found in the car when arrested) .Terrorists leave the car park at speed knocking over a child.

20.15 first notification of the fire to the Fire Service which begins to engulf large parts of the complex where the shooting occurred

Ambulances and the EMS begin to arrive and fire spreads.

21.07 security forces enter the building

Much later: A car matching the description is spotted in Bryansk , Highway Department shut down M3 motorway . Car has to divert, chase ensues in which shots are exchanged. Car overturns and arrests are made around Teploe Village near Kjhatsun/Hatsun. One terrorist injured and taken to hospital, two others were arrested and then a fourth is arrested a little distance away in a forest.

So no cordon and no slinging the guns over their shoulders and nonchalantly strolling off down the avenue.

and this is a county on a war footing friggin shambles
and this is a county on a war footing friggin shambles

Yes, it probably is a shambles, this is normally the opinion after most terrorist outrages wherever and whenever they occur. If you have any examples of excellence ( bar imaginary cordons) please post them up.
Yes, it probably is a shambles, this is normally the opinion after most terrorist outrages wherever and whenever they occur. If you have any examples of excellence ( bar imaginary cordons) please post them up.

what the fuck are you trying to argue with me about.

that a country involved in a on going war with it's neighbour when drone attack have happened o. the capital city and this is how the military, police and security forces react to a terrorist incident

it was fucking shambles .. look at some of the attacks in europe also terrorist outrages the perpetrators did not managed to fuck out of a major city and drive hundreds of kilometres away

attack clearly shows the weakness present in both the intelligence agency's and military and police response time within Russia

would not be surprised if you get following attacks based on how bad the response was this is one
what the fuck are you trying to argue with me about.

that a country involved in a on going war with it's neighbour when drone attack have happened o. the capital city and this is how the military, police and security forces react to a terrorist incident

it was fucking shambles .. look at some of the attacks in europe also terrorist outrages the perpetrators did not managed to fuck out of a major city and drive hundreds of kilometres away

attack clearly shows the weakness present in both the intelligence agency's and military and police response time within Russia

would not be surprised if you get following attacks based on how bad the response was this is one

NATO’s fault that the Russian old bill seem quite so hopeless from media reports…
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Yes, it probably is a shambles, this is normally the opinion after most terrorist outrages wherever and whenever they occur. If you have any examples of excellence ( bar imaginary cordons) please post them up.


Look at the Prigozhin episode, look at Manchester, look at Ukraine in the 24/48hours before the invasion.

For this particular event, the people at the end of the 999 line are the police, but the people who would respond - the specialist firearms units - aren't the police, they are the OMON/National Guard who belong to the Ministry of the Interior, not the local municipal authorities, so it's yet another phone call, yet another hurdle, yet another scrabbling around finding the person who can authorise X response.

It's usually a gangfuck, regardless of who is involved.
what the fuck are you trying to argue with me about.

that a country involved in a on going war with it's neighbour when drone attack have happened o. the capital city and this is how the military, police and security forces react to a terrorist incident

it was fucking shambles .. look at some of the attacks in europe also terrorist outrages the perpetrators did not managed to fuck out of a major city and drive hundreds of kilometres away

attack clearly shows the weakness present in both the intelligence agency's and military and police response time within Russia

would not be surprised if you get following attacks based on how bad the response was this is one
I reckon it'd be quite easy to scarper among a crowd of scared people. Sure they'd have looked in detail at police response times - as agricola says there'd be rather too much information coming into police call centres, needing filtering and that and units to be tasked and to arrive etc. In all the confusion after if you ditched eg assault rifles, backpacks, it'd hardly be a challenge when all about you are losing their heads. We don't know - certainly I don't - what resources were in the omon station. Could have been empty, could have been full, could have been calling colleagues themselves seeking information, could have been a bunch of trainees with all the experienced guys sent to ukraine. All sorts of things about this we might guess at but the details of the apparent police delay aren't likely to revealed to us let alone the russians. We've talked on the Ukraine war thread about the way orders have had to descend from on high to troops, that there was at least at the start of the war little if any small unit autonomy. Chances are it's the same with eg omon. Sure we can damn them for their tardiness but some of us would prefer to know the reason why instead.
of course a cluster fuck caused by the 2 main intelligence services ignoring reports of an upcoming attack because it has to be yanks fucking with them :hmm:

signs of a banana republic and people no wanting to give bad reports to Putin after his election win

Look at the Prigozhin episode, look at Manchester, look at Ukraine in the 24/48hours before the invasion.

For this particular event, the people at the end of the 999 line are the police, but the people who would respond - the specialist firearms units - aren't the police, they are the OMON/National Guard who belong to the Ministry of the Interior, not the local municipal authorities, so it's yet another phone call, yet another hurdle, yet another scrabbling around finding the person who can authorise X response.

It's usually a gangfuck, regardless of who is involved.

TBF I am not sure that only OMON/National Guard would have responded, it would probably have seen everyone of whatever law enforcement organization turn up and without waiting for orders. There are some reports that one of the attackers was killed at Crocus City Hall itself, so someone must have got on scene quickly enough to do something.
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