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Mohammed Al Fayed


skinflintish camera nut
What Mohammed Al Fayed is doing with the British legal system is great. It shows that if you have enough money and a vendetta you can succeed in more or less anything. I look forward to his plan on getting some Royal twat in the witness box. But will it work and can they actually tell us anything we do not already know?

What do you lot think?

Give him a British Passport and a Knighthood?

Let him "smoke a kipper and I will be back for breakfast" to quote from Red Dwalf.

Maybe this is flogging a dead horse :)
Al-Fayed is a mad old fucker. Sure, he's a grieving father, but he's also bonkers. His idiotic ravings about "gangsters and Nazis" killing his Dodi have gone on long enough.

If there really must be a coroner's inquest in London into a car crash 10 years ago in Paris, fine, let there be a jury as usual.

But why the fuck is there to be a coroner's inquest at all? Is it being held because the French authorities cannot be trusted?

In addition to the proper procedures in France, there has already been a long investigation by an ex-top plod, that really ought to have put an end to all the al-Fayed twaddle. (At-a-glance: Diana death inquiry)

The coroner's inquest will be used by the mad old Mohammedan plutocrat to parade his daft theories and mad accusations yet again.

And on and on and on it will go...
JHE said:
The coroner's inquest will be used by the mad old Mohammedan plutocrat to parade his daft theories and mad accusations yet again.

And on and on and on it will go...

It is slightly better entertainment than Big Brother and look who he is ranting and raving about.

There may well have been a plan to kill Diana and her link to this family.

But I doubt if there is any real hard evidence to back up any of his rantings. The best thing to come out of this long drawn out saga is getting some Royal twats in the witness box - it is pure theatre :) :)
Are we taxpayers paying for this bullshit? This man is proven liar so why, other than his money, is even being listened to?
stavros said:
Are we taxpayers paying for this bullshit? This man is proven liar so why, other than his money, is even being listened to?

I agree but the likes of you and me cannot stop him so I think we have to look at it as a sick form of entertainment. Think of him as an anarchist on a crusade to bring down the establishment. See what I mean it all starts to make sense. ;) ;)
JHE said:
But why the fuck is there to be a coroner's inquest at all? Is it being held because the French authorities cannot be trusted?
When a body is repatriated to the UK, the coroner for the area where it is taken as a matter of routine is notified. They consider whether or not an inquest is needed and, if so, whether or not a jury should be empannelled (they are not used very often in Coroners Courts).

There is a "Coroner to the Royal Household" as well as all the geopgraphical ones and it is they who would initially have had jurisdiction when Dianas body was returned. They (Michael Burgess, also the Coroner for Surrey) decided to appoint a "Deputy" - Lady Butler-Sloss - to deal with this particular case. The High Court have now decided it would not be seen to be impartial if the Coroner to the Royal Household dealt with the case and I understand that it has been agreed that jurisdiction should be passed to the Coroner for Westminster (Paul Knapman - probably the most publicity-hungry Coroner in the UK ... :rolleyes: ) ... who will appoint Lady BUtler-Sloss as his deputy ...
detective-boy said:
When a body is repatriated to the UK, the coroner for the area where it is taken as a matter of routine is notified. They consider whether or not an inquest is needed

You would think France being a member of the EU that it would be sensible to stop wasting taxpayers money and go with the findings so far?

Simple RTA caused by a drunk driver and we are forced to investigate it further is just plain daft - but that is life....

As I said before the only thing of interest in all of this is the possibility of getting some royal twat in the witness box. Then with a bit of luck (divine intervention) seeing them shoot themselves in the foot. With a loose cannon firing questions at them who knows where this might end.... Nazi Conspiracy or a meeting in high places to have them all eliminated. That would be a great outcome to this saga :)
stowpirate said:
As I said before the only thing of interest in all of this is the possibility of getting some royal twat in the witness box.
I doubt that VERY much. The inquest is intended to decide time / date / place / identity / cause of death. It doesn't stray far back from death to look into "causes". I would be very surprised indeed to find that anything further back than them all getting in the car (and the driver's condition at that time) will be considered ... so unless Prince fuggin' Phillip was riding pillion on one of the paps motorcycles it won't be happening!

If this were a "normal" case, there is no way an inquest would be being held - the French findings would have been perfectly acceptable. The waste of money is due entirely to the "public interest" which is dues entirely to the media, which is due largely to the conspiracy theorists, one of whom has a direct line to the front page of the Express (and, increasingly, the Mail) ...
Advocate. - Prince phil, do you have any knowledge of a plot to kill your ex daughter in law.

Prince dickhead. - Fuck me yes. We paid to have the little tart snuffed out.
derf said:
Advocate. - Prince phil, do you have any knowledge of a plot to kill your ex daughter in law.

Prince dickhead. - Fuck me yes. We paid to have the little tart snuffed out.

He then went on to say that stupid drunk spoiled our master plan :D
Not to interrupt anything, but can someone clarify "Mohammedan" and also explain the - obvious - importance of this in context of the issue discussed?

Aldebaran said:
Not to interrupt anything, but can someone clarify "Mohammedan" and also explain the - obvious - importance of this in context of the issue discussed?

Now you know fine well it's JHE trying to provoke. Mr al Fayed is of Egyptian heritage and JHE assumes he's a Muslim so he uses his favourite word to wind people up.
Aldebaran said:
Not to interrupt anything, but can someone clarify "Mohammedan" and also explain the - obvious - importance of this in context of the issue discussed?


I think I see what you are saying :confused:

Are we talking racism and its limits in debate :confused:
stowpirate said:
I think I see what you are saying :confused:

Are we talking racism and its limits in debate :confused:

mmm... No, I am talking about the use of a Western, Christianity-based terminology that is -and was since its invention- beyond ridiculous in its archaic incorrectness and since long made redundant in all Western academic circles I am familiar with.
Secondly, if you are remotely familiar with the posts of JHE, you know about his compulsory insistence to picture himself as beyond ridiculous for his compulsory attachment to the use of that particular word. You would also know he can't avoid using it whenever he thinks "Muslim" of Islam" is remotely involved in the issue discussed.

Totally sick of the whole Dodi/Di thing and wish that the crazy old man would STFU or disappear in some other way. Total waste of money :rolleyes:
Fullyplumped said:
Now you know fine well it's JHE trying to provoke. Mr al Fayed is of Egyptian heritage and JHE assumes he's a Muslim so he uses his favourite word to wind people up.

He never replied to my question fron which planet "Mohammedans" originate, all while I was already fascinated by the intriguing idea of an unknown religion imported by Aliens.
Speaking of a disappointment... I often can't catch my sleep over this, really.

Aldebaran said:
Not to interrupt anything, but can someone clarify "Mohammedan" and also explain the - obvious - importance of this in context of the issue discussed?


i can clarify that jhe is a nasty little bigotted twat if that helps
Aldebaran said:
mmm... No, I am talking about the use of a Western, Christianity-based terminology that is -and was since its invention- beyond ridiculous in its archaic incorrectness and since long made redundant in all Western academic circles I am familiar with.
Secondly, if you are remotely familiar with the posts of JHE, you know about his compulsory insistence to picture himself as beyond ridiculous for his compulsory attachment to the use of that particular word. You would also know he can't avoid using it whenever he thinks "Muslim" of Islam" is remotely involved in the issue discussed.


For a second I saw this pointless debate becoming a complete fiasco. Something like Jade and company being compared to the likes of Dirk and Jermaine in the tabloid press based on the use of words white trash :confused:
stowpirate said:
For a second I saw this pointless debate becoming a complete fiasco. Something like Jade and company being compared to the likes of Dirk and Jermaine in the tabloid press based on the use of words white trash :confused:

Besides BBC chanels and - occasionally - The Independent I have no idea of the UK media let alone tabloids.
That is why I read these boards ;)

Detective Boy

Re Coroners duties which at present are to allay suspicion whilst determining true circumstances of death by examining those circumstances leading to death but not the circumstances which led to death.

The immediacy of events can be extended at the discretion of the Coroner in a Minnesota Protocol case ?

I sent the report off yesterday I mentioned to you on another thread. A copy was called for by another MP last week. I mention that Article 2 of the European Court of Human Rights is supported by Coroners Law .. which is too constrained in the Coroners public interest parameters.
Besides BBC chanels and - occasionally - The Independent I have no idea of the UK media let alone tabloids
Ditto, although I'd rather watch C4 news given the choice. I do sometimes look at the front page headlines in the newsagent of the tabloids and very rarely do they have any news on. Usually it refers to someone by simply their first name and expects us to know who they're talking about.
stavros said:
Are we taxpayers paying for this bullshit? This man is proven liar so why, other than his money, is even being listened to?

Because, he's a member of the royal family; and, about as Greek as Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Aldebaran said:
Besides BBC chanels and - occasionally - The Independent I have no idea of the UK media let alone tabloids.
That is why I read these boards ;)

Blimey! Don't judge the UK on the crap we talk on here :D
geminisnake said:
Totally sick of the whole Dodi/Di thing and wish that the crazy old man would STFU or disappear in some other way*.

*You're part of the conspiracy, aren't you? :eek: :p
I wish this mad old c*nt would just go away.

He has not a shred of evidence to support his claims.

I once felt a bit sorry for him because his son had been killed, but he has gone on and on about this (costing everyone else money in terms of enquiries and inquests) for too long.

He should shut up. No-one else wants to hear is ranting any more.

They had a woman on the wireless earlier describing some of what happened to her. I only heard the end of it. Horrible.
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Al Fayad accused of rapes and sexual assaults by former Harrods staff.
90 minute documentary on the BBC iplayer about it, for anyone who's interested -
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