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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

And here's the happy, smiling and not at all psychotically pissed off and worried about her future Rebekah Brooks herself as she left her workplace:


Last time a woman glared at people like that was in Greek mythology and she had snakes growing out of her hair.
No chance paulie .. but just imagine you were in contact with someone whose phone was being hacked and you had a huge row with them via text/answer phone whatever. Then that person was murdered .. given that the police are a bit lacking your messages would be so damning the case would be formed around them and you wouldn't stand a chance.

You'd be destroyed as a character in the tabloids and go inside for something you didn't do.

That's a shocking but impossible thing not to imagine !!

Serious point - remember how the Digger Corp (and other tabloids too) turned over Barry George in exactly that way? (Not the phone thing, but all the other crap associated with it).
maybe, just maybe, rebeka is offering some kind of incentive to max to do that?! :eek:

it does take place you know? your second paragraph was what alistair campbell tweeted mostly :hmm:

Yes, that is certainly possible, it is "his line of work" after all. And he was pointed not to mention BskyB at all which I thought was quite strange as I think most people believe the closing of The News of the World and Murdocks attempt to be a fit and proper person for that takeover are closely linked.

The money is increasingly in TV and online, not in print.
Gaunt seemed to think you make a great point by shouting,he was his usual odious self tonight.

Yes, he was loud.

But I noticed that he was the only one on the panel that thought Trains for British Railways should be built in Britain.

While I don't agree with his I think anti European beliefs, I do think our trains should be made here.
And here's the happy, smiling and not at all psychotically pissed off and worried about her future Rebekah Brooks herself as she left her workplace:


Last time a woman glared at people like that was in Greek mythology and she had snakes growing out of her hair.

I don't know who i detest the most .......shoesmith or Brooke!!! Dunk them both in the river and i swear they would both float!!!
Hundal is a scab Labour cunt. Calls himself "left-wing" without knowing what it means, publicly cheers on tabloid witch-hunts against actual left-wing activists because of personal grudges and has publicly called on readers to vote Tory, then Lib Dem and now Labour. Like many who think of themselves as "liberal-slash-left" he has no discernable politics nor any principles.
From Guardian blog - "Former home secretary Alan Johnson has suggested that James Murdoch could face jail over the phone hacking scandal."

Def get the feeling that the heat is turning on James Murdoch.

Intersting - and going mostly uncommentated on beacsue of the bigger story - that labour have cut the rope as far as murdoch is concerned. Leaves the tories looking far too close to him as well.
Intersting - and going mostly uncommentated on beacsue of the bigger story - that labour have cut the rope as far as murdoch is concerned. Leaves the tories looking far too close to him as well.

Yes I think Labour have cut the cord, but they were not being supported at the moment anyhow so perhaps it is no loss to them.

A couple of people have suggested today that the reason that politicians in general do not go for News International, is that NI has the dirt on all of them as individuals. Indeed a labour MP (forget name) was apparently outed as being gay after he decided to have a go at NI.

Perhaps that may not be news to you all, but it was an angle I had not been aware of, till now.
Labour has been courting Murdoch since 1994 - so a major (and sudden) turnaround. Again indicates that his power is fading.

As for having dirt on people - maybe Millimetre hasn't got any dirty laundry - hes a nerd, an earnest poicy wonk whose been groomed for poltics since he was a kid - would have been reading books on the mechanics of the health provision whilst his student contemporaries were off doing all the coke, shaggin each other and pissng in people's flower beds (a la Disco Dave - probably).
Yes I think Labour have cut the cord, but they were not being supported at the moment anyhow so perhaps it is no loss to them.

A couple of people have suggested today that the reason that politicians in general do not go for News International, is that NI has the dirt on all of them as individuals. Indeed a labour MP (forget name) was apparently outed as being gay after he decided to have a go at NI.

Perhaps that may not be news to you all, but it was an angle I had not been aware of, till now.

I doubt they have cut the cord, TBH. Tom Baldwin still oversees their spin, very senior Labour figures still go to the NI Summer Party, and they were (prior to this exploding) deliberately toning the rhetoric down to avoid antagonising NI.
George Michael on Twitter related a tale of Brooks coming round to his house for a party (she was uninvited by him) and telling him that much of the dirt the Digger Corp printed on him came from bought-off Plod. She didn't leave afterwards. Needless to say George sees recent events as "a great day". Fair play on the feller :)

I actually sang that in my head to the tune of Careless Whisper. It works up until "bought-off Plod", then it becomes a haiku.
Fair play indeed. That Snappy Snaps collision was an example of phone hack, they knew the details before Yog did.
The best bit about that story is that someone walked up to the actual impact point of the wall and wrote "WHAM!" in tiny letters, right in the middle of the dent. I chuckled.
From Guardian blog - "Former home secretary Alan Johnson has suggested that James Murdoch could face jail over the phone hacking scandal."

Def get the feeling that the heat is turning on James Murdoch.

Intersting - and going mostly uncommentated on beacsue of the bigger story - that labour have cut the rope as far as murdoch is concerned. Leaves the tories looking far too close to him as well.
the fact that alan johnson had the same evidence and failed to do anything at all, tells you enough about what won't happen next.
But its different now - I think there a lot of people in influential positions who are now out to get murdoch - long held grudges and long term opponents and those who reluctantly kow towed in the past are pileing in. A Pecking party. And poetic justice.
Elizabeth of York said:
You seem to be saying that anyone who works for a corporation should take the blame for anything that corporation does.

Y'know fuck off.

I freelanced for Murdoch. In Sky News on and off for about 5 years. I never once was interested becoming staff. And I'll tell you why.

When Ripper turned up to "Open" the new Sky News building, I saw the internal memo that staff working that day got, about dress codes, and not speaking or looking at Rupert when he toured the facility. How staff weren't allowed use the front door the day he walked in.

When Sky News decided to fire rake of staff in the wake of James Rubin's abortion of a news show, they were walked into another part of the building, told they were sacked and weren't even allowed back to their desks.

I sympathise with workers who have lost their jobs, as it is fucking awful, and they're a sack of dead dogs lying at the feet of Rebekkah's Brooks funeral longship but working for Rupert Murdoch and expecting to be treated like a human being makes you a fucking moron. He will discard you like the dead skin of a corn husk, and he probably was more attached to the corn husk.
Y'know fuck off.

I freelanced for Murdoch. In Sky News on and off for about 5 years. I never once was interested becoming staff. And I'll tell you why.

When Ripper turned up to "Open" the new Sky News building, I saw the internal memo that staff working that day got, about dress codes, and not speaking or looking at Rupert when he toured the facility. How staff weren't allowed use the front door the day he walked in.

When Sky News decided to fire rake of staff in the wake of James Rubin's abortion of a news show, they were walked into another part of the building, told they were sacked and weren't even allowed back to their desks.

I sympathise with workers who have lost their jobs, as it is fucking awful, and they're a sack of dead dogs lying at the feet of Rebekkah's Brooks funeral longship but working for Rupert Murdoch and expecting to be treated like a human being makes you a fucking moron. He will discard you like the dead skin of a corn husk, and he probably was more attached to the corn husk.

Reminds me of a university lecture I attended where the speaker (who came from Presswatch IIRC) informed us that if staff at Wapping want to meet with their union rep they have to do it off company premises, such is Murdoch's hatred of unions in general. He also told us that if you work for Murdoch then you automatically have to sign over full rights to your stories, photographs and film footage so you never get to freelance your product even if you part company with Murdoch and his empire.
Reminds me of a university lecture I attended where the speaker (who came from Presswatch IIRC) informed us that if staff at Wapping want to meet with their union rep they have to do it off company premises, such is Murdoch's hatred of unions in general. He also told us that if you work for Murdoch then you automatically have to sign over full rights to your stories, photographs and film footage so you never get to freelance your product even if you part company with Murdoch and his empire.

The latter bit is completely untrue, the bit about unions I can believe.

Here's the Hansard from yesterday for posterity:

Evil, wriggling scum:

Here’s some News of the World news to spin the heads of American lawyers. According to British media law star Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent (whom The Times of London has dubbed “Mr Media”), Rupert Murdoch’s soon-to-be shuttered tabloid may not be obliged to retain documents that could be relevant to civil and criminal claims against the newspaper—even in cases that are already underway. That could mean that dozens of sports, media, and political celebrities who claim News of the World hacked into their telephone accounts won’t be able to find out exactly what the tabloid knew and how it got the information.

If News of the World is to be liquidated, Stephens told Reuters, it “is a stroke of genius—perhaps evil genius.”

Under British law, Stephens explained, all of the assets of the shuttered newspaper, including its records, will be transferred to a professional liquidator (such as a global accounting firm). The liquidator’s obligation is to maximize the estate’s assets and minimize its liabilities. So the liquidator could be well within its discretion to decide News of the World would be best served by defaulting on pending claims rather than defending them. That way, the paper could simply destroy its documents to avoid the cost of warehousing them—and to preclude any other time bombs contained in News of the World’s records from exploding.

“Why would the liquidator want to keep [the records]?” Stephens said. “Minimizing liability is the liquidator’s job.”

That’s a very different scenario, Stephens said, from what would happen if a newspaper in the U.S. went into bankruptcy. In the U.S., a plaintiff (or, for that matter, a criminal investigator) could obtain a court order barring that kind of document destruction. In the U.K., there’s no requirement that the estate retain its records, nor any law granting plaintiffs a right to stop the liquidator from getting rid of them.

Hundal is a scab Labour cunt. Calls himself "left-wing" without knowing what it means, publicly cheers on tabloid witch-hunts against actual left-wing activists because of personal grudges and has publicly called on readers to vote Tory, then Lib Dem and now Labour. Like many who think of themselves as "liberal-slash-left" he has no discernable politics nor any principles.

Sunny Hundal the scab is exactly that.
Staff had no idea what was coming - they were told the previous day that the paper would be rebuilding its reputation. Rebekah Brooks was inside the building when the staff were informed that the paper was closing.

She was apparently in tears
, as were many of the journalists. There was said to be a huge amount of anger that Rebekah Brooks has kept her job whilst theirs had been lost.

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