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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

oh and closing the paper down, wouldn't it have made more financial sense to sell it - it was a profitable concern. Is a company that simply closes a profitable concern, fit and proper to run a larger one?

Selling it would have made no financial sense whatsoever, it would have been major competition to the new 'Sun on Sunday'.

Murdoch has just used this as an excuse to move forward the plans to combine the operation of the two titles fully, getting shot of staff that would have gone anyway. The only different is going to be the title of the Sunday edition, everything else was already planned.,
My only real concern is what he might do to sabotage the football industry out of spite.

And send it back to the 'dark ages' of salarys below 20k? Grounds cleared of prawn sandwich brigade as it become less attractive? Foreign investors fucking off? Yes please!
Sell it to who though and at what price? Buyer would get a tarnished brand, a big payroll, disillusioned advertisers, decreasing readership, contractual supplier obligations, office rent/costs and a fuckload of shredded paper to dispose of.

Meh. Selling it would be a piece of piss.

Rebrand it as the UK version of the National Enquirer.
In terms of what was behind the decision to shut the thing down, Paul Mason reckons that people are concentrating on the wrong thing right now -the important thing is not that the Sun may well go to 7 days a week, but that Murdoch has effectively just done wapping part#2 - as he puts it, this "fits entirely with business logic of NWS longterm - this is digital first on brutal timescale".

Wapping was a carefully planned operation by Murdoch - this isn't

Big stories like this have a habit of developing a momentum of their own and Murdoch has a lot of enemies in a lot of different countries and lot of skeletons in the cupboard to come out
Wapping was a carefully planned operation by Murdoch - this isn't

What difference does it make if it was carefully planned beforehand or not? What difference does it make if it was an opportunistic leap? I can't see how that's relevant frankly. And there has been plenty of evidence that the 'digital-first' move has been carefully planned for some time anyway - in fact he's been at it for the last few years, here and overseas.
It makes all the difference - at Wapping Murdoch was on the attack, now he is on the defensive and despite making a tactical retreat matters are spiralling out of control for him
Dunno - there's obviously some a lot a cynical calcualtions going on but it still looks like desperation and panic to me.
The best thing to do would have been to sack Brooks immediately and don sack cloth and ashes and beg for forgiveness - they would still have been damaged but this looks like panic and will not serve to take the heat off NI. Some people are going - wow, ruthless, cynical, bold, dark genuis, typical rupert - but this was a panic decisiosn forced on him by events.

Losing the NOTW is a severe blow to Murdochs prestige, image, ego and consequnetly his power. Its not about the money it generates - which is small beer compared to the TV stuff - but the power the weekly scandal sheet gave him over public figures and politicians. The new sunday paper will be hobbled - it will be will have to win trust and have to be on its best behaviour, as will the Sun.

Enquries and court cases will stretch into the coming months and years with who knows what further dirt to be uncovered, the BSkyB bid will probably be put on ice, his close links and malign hold over polticians is centrestage in the public minds and murdochs many enemies are scenting blood. People who were too scared to say boo to him are now having a pop (Milliband and the labour party are enjoying major catharisis over this). Long ignored, longtime critics are having their day in the sun. Cameron is under intense pressure to put distance between himself and Suddenly Toxic Rupe.

I think he is fucked. Im sticking my neck out, it may be wishful thinking but thats how i read it.
Do you have a link to the mason article BA?

Wasn't an article, was a series of thoughts on this - i'll post them up here:

1) nobody getting scale of consumer tsunami that hit corporates, which forced advertiser exodus= peoplepower

2)twitter/facebook nexus took down #notw and is threat to bskyb deal

3) closing #notw fits entirely with business logic of NWS longterm - this is digital first on brutal timescale

4) too much sentiment over #notw - like mubarak its 2.9m subjects tolerated it but cd not remember why. Even c2de classes read it with irony

5) can't find

6) Corp governance issues in USA for Newscorp

7) The public and consumer reax to other NI titles and media products...
Where is the evidence that this is "long planned" - there's just speculation.

Your argument is that he is fully in control and will emerge stronger on a new broadcasting medium as if that is fait accompli.

Of course, that is one outcome, but it is not the only one
Dunno - there's obviously some a lot a cynical calcualtions going on but it still looks like desperation and panic to me.
The best thing to do would have been to sack Brooks immediately and don sack cloth and ashes and beg for forgiveness - they would still have been damaged but this looks like panic and will not serve to take the heat off NI. Some people are going - wow, ruthless, cynical, bold, dark genuis, typical rupert - but this was a panic decisiosn forced on him by events.

Losing the NOTW is a severe blow to Murdochs prestige, image, ego and consequnetly his power. Its not about the money it generates - which is small beer compared to the TV stuff - but the power the weekly scandal sheet gave him over public figures and politicians. The new sunday paper will be hobbled - it will be will have to win trust and have to be on its best behaviour, as will the Sun.

Enquries and court cases will stretch into the coming months and years with who knows what further dirt to be uncovered, the BSkyB bid will probably be put on ice, his close links and malign hold over polticians is centrestage in the public minds and murdochs many enemies are scenting blood. People who were too scared to say boo to him are now having a pop (Milliband and the labour party are enjoying major catharisis over this). Long ignored, longtime critics are having their day in the sun. Cameron is under intense pressure to put distance between himself and Suddenly Toxic Rupe.

I think he is fucked. Im sticking my neck out, it may be wishful thinking but thats how i read it.

Excellent summation, I reckon. However, how he handles this will define how fucked he is. No matter what certain people might be saying publicly you can bet your apron that they are saying completely different things in secured phonecalls to each other.

The material difference is not that Murdoch is just going to move to phase 2 of his plan early... but that he can no longer be a voice for governmental influence. His usefulness has waned.
Murdoch isn t fucked Im afraid, he too wily an old bastard for that

Brooks and Coulson will take the rap, but will never have to work again because of their sacrifice for NI

He will dump his UK printed media - I can see the DMG taking the Sunday Times as the first step. He will clear the decks to ensure his delayed BSB takeover will go through

He done well out of Paper, but there no mileage in it any longer - revenues are thin, advertising is not what it used to be. Printed media ( for NI in the UK anyway ) has had its day. Its peaked.

He still controls enough of the other global media to have an impact on the UK anyway.

Disco Dave will be let off the hook as MUrdoch graciously leaves the UK newspaper scene and everyone thinks the British sense of fair play truimphed in the end. Except it hasnt
ah ok, didn't see all of those. cheers ...

the bit about people reading it with irony is certianly true. At work (i worked in a warehouse till recently) people used to bring the sun/notw in and laugh at the "bizarre" stories etc. I dont think many people, if any, took it at all seriously
Where is the evidence that this is "long planned" - there's just speculation.

Your argument is that he is fully in control and will emerge stronger on a new broadcasting medium as if that is fait accompli.

Of course, that is one outcome, but it is not the only one

He is absolutely not in control. But has the means to turn this round. We'll get to see how good/bad he really is.
Where is the evidence that this is "long planned" - there's just speculation.

Your argument is that he is fully in control and will emerge stronger on a new broadcasting medium as if that is fait accompli.

Of course, that is one outcome, but it is not the only one

That's not my argument at all!! Where the hell did you get that from? I've said nothing like that at all. My argument is that within the shitstorm he's attempted to use the situation to further his own ends? Is that really such a far fetched thing for someone like him to do? Or entirely in character?

As for long term planning to move to digital-first, he set up a digital paper earlier this year, he's moved the times onto a different digital subscription model and he's been tinkering around with this for ages.
ah ok, didn't see all of those. cheers ...

the bit about people reading it with irony is certianly true. At work (i worked in a warehouse till recently) people used to bring the sun/notw in and laugh at the "bizarre" stories etc. I dont think many people, if any, took it at all seriously

I've never bought that line. People don't read newspapers as if they were fiction - they believe the stories they read. I've yet to meet someone who reads the Sun every day and is not ignorant about politics in general.
Murdoch isn t fucked Im afraid, he too wily an old bastard for that

Brooks and Coulson will take the rap, but will never have to work again because of their sacrifice for NI

He will dump his UK printed media - I can see the DMG taking the Sunday Times as the first step. He will clear the decks to ensure his delayed BSB takeover will go through

He done well out of Paper, but there no mileage in it any longer - revenues are thin, advertising is not what it used to be. Printed media ( for NI in the UK anyway ) has had its day. Its peaked.

He still controls enough of the other global media to have an impact on the UK anyway.

Disco Dave will be let off the hook as MUrdoch graciously leaves the UK newspaper scene and everyone thinks the British sense of fair play truimphed in the end. Except it hasnt

But that leaves his power over british politics severely diminsihed and leaves him vunerble to having his whole media operations cloesley looked at in terms of competition law (and quite possibly other things like tax evasion and and who knows what other dirt) and wether he is a 'fit and proper person'.

Other media orgs will be looking to fuck him as well.
Where is the evidence that this is "long planned" - there's just speculation.

They announced over a week ago they planned to move towards '7-day publishing', both for The Sun/NOTW and The Times/Sunday Times, they wouldn't make such an announcement if they hadn't been planning it for some time.

ETA: As I posted yesterday with The Sun/NOTW they had two strong brands that were not in direct competition, one went bad, the logical thing to do is axed that brand and expand the other to fill the void.

The material difference is not that Murdoch is just going to move to phase 2 of his plan early... but that he can no longer be a voice for governmental influence. His usefulness has waned.

Indeed. :)
Most people read papers to have their (existing) views validated. It's the entire MO of the Mail and most other publications - most really don't buy them to be *informed* because they believe they already are.
dave the rave is really struggling badly in the press conference this morning, he looks as uncomfortable as i've ever seen him look

He is going to get let off the hook though isn't he?
There will be a shitstorm all over but it would take a LOT to get him even to apologise I think.

A judge will lead a public inquiry into the phone hacking scandal at the News of the World, the prime minister said.
I've never bought that line. People don't read newspapers as if they were fiction - they believe the stories they read. I've yet to meet someone who reads the Sun every day and is not ignorant about politics in general.

I'm just going by what i saw when i was at work, we all used to sit around laughing at Dear Didrie, the bizarre stories etc ...
I'm just going by what i saw when i was at work, we all used to sit around laughing at Dear Didrie, the bizarre stories etc ...

Believe it or not I used to know Deirdre. All those stories are actually true, she gets hundreds of letters each week.
Cameron still not calling for Brooks to go!

Hes struggling with this - and clearly running to catch up with Milliband in terms of polticians sucking up to media barons.
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