The Tory right has been sharpening their knives for him since he became leader. They knew they needed him to get a sniff of power, but if they can use this as a reason for an internal coup, to get one of their own in the driving seat, they will.
I might take out an advert this week, i recon i could get a full page for about £100
I might take out an advert this week, i recon i could get a full page for about £100
Why don't you just fuck off?
Not after the mess he made of Libya. David Davis maybe, with Boris as a wildcard. Although theres little doubting Boris is a cunt it would be quite funny to have him as pm for a week, if just to troll the rest of the world.
yesterday, it was all 'cameron begged murdoch not to sack brooks'
today it's 'brooks is like family to murdoch, he'll never sack her'
which is it?
Much as I love the speculation, I don't see Cameron falling over this. Grovelling admissions that he made a misjudgement, perhaps, but that's it.
that's because you don't understand it. it's not come from nowhere, and only a thick fuck would suggest it had. it's similar to the reaction people have when they see that a friend has let them down or fucked them over very badly, and any sort of amity turns to hatred.
for politicians, however, as has been pointed out a lot of them have wanted to put the boot in for some time but hadn't dared.
@clarkepatesco no more shopping at Tesco - every little helps!
no, hitler was a grade a cunt, stalin was a grade a cunt, so cameron's at best a grade b cunt. unless you know something you'd like to share with the rest of us.
does that include his medical records?
i think we can allow him his outrage there
What is happening with orange/t-mobile btw? Last I heard they were reviewing things. As an orange user my fingers are getting itchy to e-mail but I want to get my facts straight first.
Loads of things going wrong but I am sure the take over will go as planned...
Loads of things going wrong but I am sure the take over will go as planned...
1.52pm: The Financial Times is reporting that the decision on BSkyB has been delayed "until September".
More as we get it.
According to Forbes - they are "reviewing" their position - so get emailing/Twittering!!
from Twitter: "journo friend at NOTW says newsroom is in meltdown" about a minute ago...
from Twitter: "journo friend at NOTW says newsroom is in meltdown" about a minute ago...
I can well imagine it is a pretty ugly place to work right now!!!