13.29 Harry Wallop, our Consumer Affairs Editor, says Tesco is under fire from its customers for putting out a "disgraceful" statement, updating its position about advertising in the NOTW.
I happened to be chatting to a board director of Tesco last night and they said it would be wrong for the supermarket to pull advertising from the paper, while an official investigation was underway.
The statement Tesco put on Facebook this lunchtime said: "Some people have asked what action Tesco will take. We sympathise with their concern and understand their impatience. But we believe the absolute priority now is for the allegations to be investigated thoroughly and properly."
This appeared to be a confirmation that Tesco -- News of the World's 5th biggest advertiser, spending £1 million a year -- would continue to advertise. I tweeted as such.
I've just had a call from Tesco's press office saying the statement can not be interpreted as the company continuing adverts and that my tweet was wrong. "But does that mean you are not advertising with News of the World this weekend?", I asked. "We can't say."
Their customers have reacted with a similar sense of frustration that I felt, with one comment on Facebook summing it up neatly: "Tesco, get a spine." Another said: "Get off the fence!"