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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

No of course not. What an unfathomable leap to make.

I'm against the bullying tactics against the advertisers. Calling for a boycott of the paper itself would be far more ethical. I'm sure it would be very effective too - there's a huge feeling of disgust against News International.

Why not call for both? I'm waiting for Tesco to pull out, otherwise there will have to be action directed at them.

Anyway - Tory sympathiser?? Fuck off.
No of course not. What an unfathomable leap to make.

I'm against the bullying tactics against the advertisers. Calling for a boycott of the paper itself would be far more ethical. I'm sure it would be very effective too - there's a huge feeling of disgust against News International.

the advertisers aren't being bullied, they are being made aware that people are pissed off and that they should share this huge feeling of disgust
No of course not. What an unfathomable leap to make.

I'm against the bullying tactics against the advertisers. Calling for a boycott of the paper itself would be far more ethical. I'm sure it would be very effective too - there's a huge feeling of disgust against News International.
What kind of upside-down world do you live in? If you can afford to advertise in the NotW, you are by definition a huge corporation. How the fuck are ordinary folk 'bullying' them?

Moronic. Utterly moronic.
No of course not. What an unfathomable leap to make.

I'm against the bullying tactics against the advertisers. Calling for a boycott of the paper itself would be far more ethical. I'm sure it would be very effective too - there's a huge feeling of disgust against News International.

As pk said why not both? They are both legitimate techniques I feel and neither, I feel, could be construed as bullying.
Butchers will be pissed by now so expect the usual evening menu of sneering and abuse.

Why do people buy into this self-serving 'we're pulling our advertising' nonsense - do you really think it'll last longer than a month?

FFS get back to the substance.

A little reflexivity would have shown you the irony in making such a post.
Fightin' talk from NI legal deprt. in response to the HoC situation and comments yesterday

"All of these statements have been made under the cloak of Parliamentary privelige and we would challenge anybody to reapest them outside the house

...or on someones voicemail
What kind of upside-down world do you live in? If you can afford to advertise in the NotW, you are by definition a huge corporation. How the fuck are ordinary folk 'bullying' them?

Moronic. Utterly moronic.

No need for insults, love.

When pk said "They are going down whether you like it or not. By fair means or foul", that sounded like bullying to me.
"oh noes! Tesco are being bullied!!"

If they continue to support the NOTW with ad revenue - fuck em. Hard. In the face.
Tesco has refused to pull its advertsising according to the guardian blog http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/blog/2011/jul/07/news-of-the-world-phone-hacking-live-coverage

And i dont see how advertsiing revenue pulled from the NOTW will just be spent taking out more advertising in the Sun (or any other paper) - these companises already advertise in those papers - what would be the point of advertising the same thing twice?

Expeect a few more to donate the revenue to relevant charities - probably more effective marketing wise than another reminder of the great deals avaialble on a new ford focus/can of beans/pension plan etc.
Keep buying the newspaper then eh, chief, we know your morals fall short of your supposed political credentials.

Do we know this? How, where, when? Evidence?

p.s. - a little clue, as you're clearly struggling today - taking the piss out of your self-importance and bombast is evidence only of the regard in which I hold you, not of my reading habits of a Sunday.
How newspapers work:

Cover price, roughly speaking, covers the print and distribution cost only. The editorial budget and promotion and profits are paid for by advertising - the great majority of turnover.

Ad pages are priced according to audited circulation. Drive down the circulation through a boycott, and the advertisers get to pay less per page. So that's merely an indirect way of hitting ad revenue.

Ohh, soorrry, how vulgar of me.
I don't think the public have ever been fools. Indifferent yeah but the real silent obedient fools are the Politicians of all parties who have been running scared of him and his rags for years. I was just reading the following Simon Hoggart article in the guardian.

What a damning indictment of this countries political representatives, that they admit they have been cowering in the shadow of this grubby man and his sewer press for decades and only now, dare speak out. What does that tell us about their integrity?


Unfortunately there are plenty of historical antecedents to this sort of behaviour by Parliament. :(
How newspapers work:

Cover price, roughly speaking, covers the print and distribution cost only. The editorial budget and promotion and profits are paid for by advertising - the great majority of turnover.

Ad pages are priced according to audited circulation. Drive down the circulation through a boycott, and the advertisers get to pay less per page. So that's merely an indirect way of hitting ad revenue.


Yes - well known quote within media studies - "Newspapers exist to deliver audiences to advertisers" - (cant remember who said it).
Do we know this? How, where, when? Evidence?

p.s. - a little clue, as you're clearly struggling today - taking the piss out of your self-importance and bombast is evidence only of the regard in which I hold you, not of my reading habits of a Sunday.

Fuck your "regard" you and your type are stuck in the 1970's anyway.

Great that campaigns like this have fuck all to do with Marxist groups and other such cunts.
Brooks is toast. And Murdoch has fucked up by rushing to defend her - he will have to eject her and end up looking stupid and guilty of - oh the irony - utterly missjudging the public mood.

Thought she'd been appointed to lead the NoTW internal enquiry? Which, is monumentally aroogant obviously. I'll beleive she's toast when we can smell the burning. A few largely anonamous back room peple or hacks are more likely to sacrifised. Although Today program speculation yesterday, mentioned divisions between a Coulson and Brooks camp. I wonder what the back draught of an internal division might throw out at Cameron.
it's slightly better for Cameron if Brooks gets ousted, Coulson taking the blame will make Cameron look worse
Thought she'd been appointed to lead the NoTW internal enquiry? Which, is monumentally aroogant obviously. I'll beleive she's toast when we can smell the burning. A few largely anonamous back room peple or hacks are more likely to sacrifised. Although Today program speculation yesterday, mentioned divisions between a Coulson and Brooks camp. I wonder what the back draught of an internal division might throw out at Cameron.

Cameron's got to walk a tightrope, hopefully the it'll all blow up in his face.
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