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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

It is great isn't? I am really happy (while sorry for those affected) and fancy doing some more wacky fun stuff to further the cause.

it is, seeing them squirm, I've seen some anonymous News International corporate type squirming several times on telly - they aren't letting the big guns on to defend the indefensible - I think Coulson is being hung out to dry - Cameron already ditched him (he must have known) and Brooks is family almost to Rupert
Given the above, is it that surprising that - faced with everything else it has to do - the Met apparently decided to conduct a limited investigation based on a sample of the information it had from Mulcaire? The alternative (ie: a full investigation into everything) would almost certainly involve hundreds of detectives, working for an extended (months/years) amount of time, with an uncertain outcome at the end of it and would have to come up against the tabloid media as a whole. A public inquiry would come up against the same problem, btw.

No, a limited investigation makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is the police failing to act on this information all those years ago.
Time for bed and sweet dreams. I wonder if everyone in the UK will be enjoying calm, stress free sleep this evening? Lots to discuss tomorrow and things to do :)
Camerons refusal to call for Brooks to go and refusing to stop the BSkyB takeover look increasingly stupid. He is in danger of being widely seen as Murdochs lap dog as his very cosy relationship with News international is increasingly becoming part of the story.

Its an intersting lesson in the nature of power that organisations like NI have - its abstract power, its in their power to influence the public for profit and how that enables them to influence political institutions through a combination of punsihment and reward. They have no guns or troops of their own and they do not control huge resources (like the oil corporations).

As a result they are now suddenly vunerable and what what seemed like an unassailble behemoth is starting to disintergrate in front of our eyes - a plaster demon all along. The share price is falling, advertisers are pulling out, teh BSkyB deal is looking shaky. Murdoch himself has part of the story - and he's suddenly toxic. Nick Robinson on the BBC mentioned that Cameron and Milliband were both at a garden party with him two weeks ago - and he wondered who would turn up at such an event today. That represents a huge blow to Murdochs influence - and therfore his power.

And all because the mask slipped, the true face of the Murdoch was revealed to the public and the spell was broken. And many of those who had been too scraed to take on the monster lost their fear.

Its almost like the end of Ceausescu.
What a damning indictment of this countries political representatives, that they admit they have been cowering in the shadow of this grubby man and his sewer press for decades and only now, dare speak out. What does that tell us about their integrity?

It tells us what we already knew... they have none.
I can sense a momentous change coming! Media will be changed forever after this make no doubt about it!
Camerons refusal to call for Brooks to go and refusing to stop the BSkyB takeover look increasingly stupid. He is in danger of being widely seen as Murdochs lap dog as his very cosy relationship with News international is increasingly becoming part of the story.

Its an intersting lesson in the nature of power that organisations like NI have - its abstract power, its in their power to influence the public for profit and how that enables them to influence political institutions through a combination of punsihment and reward. They have no guns or troops of their own and they do not control huge resources (like the oil corporations).

As a result they are now suddenly vunerable and what what seemed like an unassailble behemoth is starting to disintergrate in front of our eyes - a plaster demon all along. The share price is falling, advertisers are pulling out, teh BSkyB deal is looking shaky. Murdoch himself has part of the story - and he's suddenly toxic. Nick Robinson on the BBC mentioned that Cameron and Milliband were both at a garden party with him two weeks ago - and he wondered who would turn up at such an event today. That represents a huge blow to Murdochs influence - and therfore his power.

And all because the mask slipped, the true face of the Murdoch was revealed to the public and the spell was broken. And many of those who had been too scraed to take on the monster lost their fear.

Its almost like the end of Ceausescu.

Yep. Good post. Murdoch has only ever had power because people thought he had power.
I can sense a momentous change coming! Media will be changed forever after this make no doubt about it!

There's no need to be totally negative, though. Individuals do matter - if (and of course, it's a huge if) Murdoch were brought down by this, it would be a victory. Things change. Bad things, such as Murdoch's empire, do come to an end.
I would have thought that the soldiers' families one is going to have the biggest effect on public opinion yet. After all they use so much of that 'our boys' rhetoric to sell papers. See also the Mirror and the 'fake photos' debacle.

On a lighter note I can't help wondering what this scandal would have been like if they'd worked the other six days.
Why is the focus solely on NotW (and not The Sun)?

I assumed everyone's all in the same office and NotW - The Sun on Sunday? Or with Chinese walls at best? Surely it's not possible that such tactics were rife at NotW and staff didn't talk to each other and The Sun were up to it too?

Whilst NotW do perhaps specialise in less timely investigative pieces, the Sun would have staff doing similar?

I think one battle at a time. The Sun will fall if it's younger brother is cut down. Think of it like a thicket.
After that it's Sky. Internet killed the printed page for most tabloid buyers now anyway.

There a better sources of idle gossip than News International.

I just hope he lives to see it all crumble before his eyes.
sweet... this weeks NOTW has just been proper pwned by the people!!!

Procter & Gamble, Britain's biggest advertiser, plus O2, Vauxhall, Butlins and Virgin Holidays joined Ford in pulling ads from this weekend's News of the World. P&G, which spent almost £1.5m in the News of the World in the last year, said it shared the "growing concern" over the phone-hacking allegations.


And we is only starting
It'd be nice if a few MPs came out and said 'Yes, we were afraid of him. Sorry about that.'

GBlog on Commons Debate said:
Bryant says parliament came into existence to hold the Crown to account. Now it must hold other powers to account. Politicians have colluded "for far too long" with the media. "Sometimes that means we are not courageous or spineful enough to stand up when wrong has occurred ... We have let one man have far to much sway over our national life. At least Berlusconi lives in Italy.


Zac Goldsmith said:
"We have seen, I would say, systemic abuse of almost unprecedented power. There is nothing noble in what these newspapers have been doing. Rupert Murdoch is clearly a very, very talented businessman, he's possibly even a genius, but his organisation has grown too powerful and has abused that power. It has systematically corrupted the police and in my view has gelded this Parliament to our shame."
I did actually. But it gets a bit fucking tiring on here especially as it's invariably aimed at women, and besides, it detracts from the discussion.

Seconded. Though primarily because when somebody is guilty of the sort of tawdry morally bankrupt corrupt behaviour that Brooks is, then it's rather a waste of time attacking her for things that aren't totally disgusting. We should "stay on message" as the pond slime who have spent the last few decades in parliament scoffing from the Murdoch trough, would put it. Always hit where it actually hurts.
The Sun printed 3 inches on the apology column inside page 2 about Milly's phone tap today.

That's ALL they had to say. 3 inches of matter of fact reporting.

Oh and how long before Maddie's parents step forward... if anyone would have been tapped they would, probably still are.

The police are up to their fucking necks in this too. Disgusting.
There's no need to be totally negative, though. Individuals do matter - if (and of course, it's a huge if) Murdoch were brought down by this, it would be a victory. Things change. Bad things, such as Murdoch's empire, do come to an end.

I hope for more than Murdoch's head. This scandal has revealed endemic corruption within the police I want to see this scandal engulf the police as a whole. I want to see senior police figures dismissed and prosecuted for corruption. Also Murdochs relationship with politicians. This has the potential to reach all the way to Cameron. I hope this brings the fucking government down and if it brings Miliband down with him that's fine too.
I hope for more than Murdoch's head. This scandal has revealed endemic corruption within the police I want to see this scandal engulf the police as a whole. Also Murdochs relationship with politicians. This has the potential to reach all the way to Cameron. I hope this brings the fucking government down.

Of course that would be fantastic. Unfortunately I would credit Cameron with enough sense to have ensured there is nothing directly linking him to any of this. I don't see Cameron falling over this matter.
Of course that would be fantastic. Unfortunately I would credit Cameron with enough sense to have ensured there is nothing directly linking him to any of this. I don't see Cameron falling over this matter.

Well let's see how this builds but his relationship to Coulson is damaging. He is also close friends with Brooks. There may yet be more to come.
Can I just add that I've instructed the urban75 buyers to permanently withdraw all advertising from the NoTW and to go down to their offices and piss on every desk.

GOt any vacancies for ad buyers? I could enjoy that.

"Sorry about pissing on your workstation, mate. But I'm just doing my job."
There would have to be direct links to the wrongdoing. He can ditch his friends easily enough if needs be.

This, plus of course there will inevitably be some digging into him / his family / his friends that will have gone on, which he can use to portray himself as a victim.
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