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Men still not supposed to know about 'women's problems'?

ISTR he couldn't actually dispense one, merely advised that she could take one if there were any handy. And everyone knows the only reason a woman might need a painkiller is because she's on.
Correct. First aiders aren't qualified to dispense medicines. Any medicines. If someone is having a heart attack is the only exception. As well as advising they take their meds if prescribed you can give half an aspirin.
Well at least you could back when I was a first aider. It's been a when since I requalified. It may have changed.
OMG I'm laughing my arse off:D

So all this shows is how desperate for attention Gromit is, even negative attention.

I feel stupid now for biting :oops:
Correct. First aiders aren't qualified to dispense medicines. Any medicines. If someone is having a heart attack is the only exception. As well as advising they take their meds if prescribed you can give half an aspirin.
Well at least you could back when I was a first aider. It's been a when since I requalified. It may have changed.
I hope you mention that your qualification has expired the next time a woman asks you for assistance with period pain
I hope you mention that your qualification has expired the next time a woman asks you for assistance with period pain
Next time a woman asks me to top up her water bottle for her because she's poorly I will indeed tell her fuck off and ask "who does she think I am? Fucking Menstration Man!?"
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How would they know whether they should take a painkiller? :(
You could apply that to a lot of first aid. Severe bleeding.
How would they know to.out their hand over the wound until you can spy a bandage?
Seems bloody obvious to me and yet you are trained to instruct people to do it.
I dunno, I guess they'll just have to cope without his clearly well intentioned but now revealed to be out dated assistance, the poor dears
I pretty much steer clear of offering first aid because as you say I am outdated. However if no better help is available outdated help is better than no help and that is covered by law

The intention to help when help ain't as effective as the current best practice is still considered better than no help at all. Outdated methods would not have been previously been best practice had they been unsafe.

At least in the UK where a Good Samaritan law applies. Maybe not in other countries without similar protections.
Correct. First aiders aren't qualified to dispense medicines. Any medicines. If someone is having a heart attack is the only exception. As well as advising they take their meds if prescribed you can give half an aspirin.
Well at least you could back when I was a first aider. It's been a when since I requalified. It may have changed.
Just looked it up. They don't say half an aspirin any more.

Give them a 300mg aspirin, if available and they're not allergic, and tell them to chew it slowly.
I always pictured Gromit as more Sid James than Jim Dale, TBH
Gromit doesn't have James's charm, ready wit and sunny disposition, nor does he have James's skill with scissors and comb. He's more like Schopenhauer only without the great philosopher's depth of thought or good cheer, just with his peculiar misogyny.
ridiculous thread. Fuck off Gromit.

In my experience some men expect to be included in everything. It's like they think they are the centre of the universe.

I have also found men never have a supply of sanitary products on them, and rarely have a supply of painkillers or chocolate about them either, so why would I approach men with my gynae issues? Being a gobby menopausal woman I often complain about my symptoms to everyone and for some strange reason men seem less than interested.
Gromit reminds me of a cunt I used to know. For him, women were basically just sex toys. Is this his first ban…? Part of me - an infinitesimally small part - feels sorry for him. He does come over as a dirty old man-type, though.
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