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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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'The idea that these horrific attacks have causes...may inspire anger'.

I've had to read that several times today to absorb the full crass stupidity of it. The idea that things might have causes may inspire anger.

I read that as a veiled but caustic response to the below-the-line commenters.

The paper's position was cowardly, yes. But it may have been "internal" cowardice: someone in the office thinking "fucked if I'm reading the fucking dross from those fuckers" and turning comments off.

I've been editing a letters page from time to time, so I could understand that. I do understand that understanding does not equal condoning :D
I read that as a veiled but caustic response to the below-the-line commenters.

The paper's position was cowardly, yes. But it may have been "internal" cowardice: someone in the office thinking "fucked if I'm reading the fucking dross from those fuckers" and turning comments off.

I've been editing a letters page from time to time, so I could understand that. I do understand that understanding does not equal condoning :D

Interesting in relation to the Guardian's consistent (I think) policy of not allowing any comments ever at all below the line on any articles to do with Israel ?
I read that as a veiled but caustic response to the below-the-line commenters.

The paper's position was cowardly, yes. But it may have been "internal" cowardice: someone in the office thinking "fucked if I'm reading the fucking dross from those fuckers" and turning comments off.

I've been editing a letters page from time to time, so I could understand that. I do understand that understanding does not equal condoning :D

It's a pretty fuckin miserable assessment, whoever it's aimed at.
25-30k?? And you have to live in Cheltenham!! No wonder they spend most of their time fucking about photoing us down Yahoo.
Commercially shit baseline pay brought up significantly by the endangered beast that is a proper old school pension. Or, err, so I'm told.

And not just the 'pension' that all that blackmail material affords you.
John Pilger speaks frankly about the "War on Terror," saying that no such thing exists. "There is a war OF terror," he says, and it is primarily state-sponsored terror, and most of the victims of terrorism in the world are Muslims. Please watch this and share. So profound. People need to understand this. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "the greatest purveyor of violence today is by my own government."

BREAKING: Putin Reveals 4O Countries That Are Funding ISIS At The G20 Summit

On more than one occasion, Russian President Vladamir Putin has revealed information that Western media won’t air. Two months ago he provided information illustrating that ISIS is funded by the West (you can watch that video here), and now he is making more noise at the G20 summit that’s currently taking place in Turkey, where he has supposedly shared intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues.

As RT News reports:

[During the summit] I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them.

He also voiced his concern regarding the illegal oil trade by IS, stating that he has seen photos taken from space and from aircraft that demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products.

I’d also like to mention that I am aware that RT news is sponsored by Russia, but the fact remains that Putin has said that Western nations are funding ISIS before. Here is one of multiple examples.

At the summit he also stated that:

“The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon. “

Again, it’s not the first time Putin has stressed that people who are going after ISIS and invading other countries (U.S. and their allies) are the very same people who funded and created ISIS in the first place.

His thoughts aren’t as outlandish as you might first believe. If we take 9/11, for example, you may be surprised to learn that approximately half the population of the United States does not believe the official story provided to them by their government. Many people think that 9/11 was an inside job, a ‘false flag’ terrorist attack in order to justify the infiltration of Iraq for ulterior motives, some poles even show that it’s half the American population. They believe this, not by blind faith, but because there is a tremendous amount of evidence that points in this direction.

The trend appears to continue with the recent attacks in Paris. A Canadian Economist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa recently called them “9/11 French Style.” He also recently stated that the global war on terrorism is based on fake premises, and that the Western world is going after a fictitious enemy, the Islamic state, when in fact the Islamic state is fully supported by the Western military alliance.

As you can see, Putin isn’t alone in his thoughts, and even some celebrities have been trying to emphasize the same thing. Russell Brand is one, who touches on the topic on this video, and Steven Seagal is another, doing the same in this video.

That being said, when it comes to politics and the ‘hidden hand’ that controls this sphere, it is difficult to know what to believe, regardless of who is spreading the message. For all we know, this could all be a part of one big, elaborate plan towards establishing a New World Order, but when it comes to matters where the truth seems so clear to many, like this issue of false flag terrorism, it’s hard not to sit up and pay attention..........
If we take 9/11, for example, you may be surprised to learn that approximately half the population of the United States does not believe the official story provided to them by their government. Many people think that 9/11 was an inside job, a ‘false flag’ terrorist attack in order to justify the infiltration of Iraq for ulterior motives, some poles even show that it’s half the American population. They believe this, not by blind faith, but because there is a tremendous amount of evidence that points in this direction.
48 per cent of Americans believe in UFOs and a greater number believe in a floaty God in the sky - and there's as much compelling evidence for those as is there is for 9/11 wacko false flag conspiracy theories.

And why the fuck are the unqualified opinions of Steven Seagal deemed remotely newsworthy or interesting?

No, he reveals that individuals from 40 states have contributed towards funding for ISIS - something established fucking years ago by serious in-depth research. Read what the actual quote says in the link that you provided. The claim is most emphatically not that 40 states are funding ISIS. Yesterday you posted up an infographic that contained an outright lie from a loon, then you posted a video moaning that the first casualty of war is the truth, now today you're again linking to politically motivated untruths. You absolute sucker.
On the plus side, 'Those who believe that some UFOs are alien in nature include 49 percent of men and 48 percent of women'. Shame the people in charge seem to be outdoing each other in a display of Steven Seagal type bravado.

Here's what you get if you google rothschilds on that site critical1 repeatedly linked to :

Sample article:
Universal Music Group: Illuminati Connections

When the Decca branch in America was developed, they set up their studio headquarters in the Pythian Temple located in New York City. Why would Decca/UMG set up their headquarters at the Pythian Temple? UMG has it’s roots in the Illuminati, at a specific level of the pyramid. Music was to be used strictly for control purposes.

US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack”

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”
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