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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

And how are they going to operate that without the help of Boeing (unless it is a one way trip)?

Note that pretty much every part has a unique, traceable serial number.
And how are they going to operate that without the help of Boeing (unless it is a one way trip)?

Note that pretty much every part has a unique, traceable serial number.
Maybe they c(r)ashed it in for scrap?
I imagine there are places like Alang where it could disappear, though keeping it quiet might be difficult.
Ah, ok, some speculation:

Can't see hijackers not noticing they are heading out over sea and not towards bright lights. This would lead to the aircraft in the water closer to Malaysia one would have thought (following some fight for control in the cockpit).
If there were hijackers / terrorists they seem to have shown detailed knowledge of the 777 by eliminating the various communications. They would indeed likely have realised at some point they were headed out to sea, but perhaps by then the pilots could have made return to a KL crash plan unworkable. Can a pilot of a 777 jettison fuel for example? If the pilots took the terrorists out to sea and denied their plans, they would have saved a major disaster. I suppose I am saying, are we really ready to seriously consider the pilots are in on this, instead of other possibilities?
How about a variant: captain or first officer is disaffected and angry enough to hijack his own plane as a political protest - embarrass the Malaysian government - do a 911 and stick the 777 in the Petronas Towers. Seizes opportunity to lock the other pilot out of flight deck when he goes out for a pee (or applies cockpit fire axe to the back of his head), secures flight deck door. Silences ACARS, transponder at optimum time (handover from Malaysian to Vietnamese ATC). Banks and goes through steps outlined above to subdue everyone else. After repositioning the aircraft at the Straits of Malacca for run in to KUL, having maximised confusion by skirting the limits of Thai/Malaysian controlled airspace in radio silence (and now reportedly low flying, terrain masking, to evade radar**), has had time to think and comes to senses/bottles it but now has 200+ problems behind him and on his conscience. Easiest way out is to climb to cruise, select NZSP and take the oxygen mask off (***). Aircraft and contents end up in one of the most remote and deepest ocean locations in the world with minimal chance of the puzzle being solved. This would be consistent with the primary radar data, Inmarsat signal positioning, no trace of the jet on the northern arc, no ELT signal and the complete lack of debris field thus far.
It's certainly possible.
Same could apply to a (very) proficient hijacker perhaps. Maybe.

e2a: ** consistent with earlier eyewitness reports of a low flying aircraft in the NE province bordering Thailand.

2nd e2a: *** after feigning an initial move to the NW (also puts sufficient distance to the east ensuring the route south avoids any Indonesian radar/chance of interception).
The only facts seem to be these:

00.41 - departs Kuala Lumpur
01.07 - last ACARS; next due at 01.37
01.19 - "alright, goodnight"
01.21 - detected near waypoint IGARI, and transponder off
??.?? - possible oil rig sighting
02.15 - radar trace at WP IGREX
08.11 - last satellite ping on the distance-based arcs

After today's partial backtrack by the Malaysians, and that SIA theory, I'm going with this Occam-based theory:

01.21 - plane has catastrophic failure, destroyed
02.15 - the trace is the SIA flight
08.11 - satellite equipment wreckage keeps working until this point; crash site is on arc

What's wrong with that? The possible business about neat ACARS handoff, but that's not confirmed, the lack of wreckage, and possibly a low likelihood of the satellite kit still working without an intact AC. And, obviously, why such a search effort and so many other theories seriously pursued.
The only facts seem to be these:

00.41 - departs Kuala Lumpur
01.07 - last ACARS; next due at 01.37
01.19 - "alright, goodnight"
01.21 - detected near waypoint IGARI, and transponder off
??.?? - possible oil rig sighting
02.15 - radar trace at WP IGREX
08.11 - last satellite ping on the distance-based arcs

After today's partial backtrack by the Malaysians, and that SIA theory, I'm going with this Occam-based theory:

01.21 - plane has catastrophic failure, destroyed
02.15 - the trace is the SIA flight
08.11 - satellite equipment wreckage keeps working until this point; crash site is on arc

What's wrong with that? The possible business about neat ACARS handoff, but that's not confirmed, the lack of wreckage, and possibly a low likelihood of the satellite kit still working without an intact AC. And, obviously, why such a search effort and so many other theories seriously pursued.

Even less than that.

I read that the oil rig sighting was false.

Formation flying is damned difficult.

I'm going for some sort of decompression incident and a ghost-plane flight, with all aboard unconscious or dead, until a crash between 08:11 and 08:40 at the latest (just before next ping due).

That doesn't rule out pilot action, deliberately turning off the comms etc if that did indeed happen - either a seriously bizarre suicide or some other scheme that went wrong.
Courtney Love has been assisting with the search and has now posted her findings.
I'm no expert but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick. http://www.tomnod.com/nod/challenge/malaysiaairsar2014/map/128148 … prayers go out to the families #MH370 and its like a mile away Pulau Perak, where they "last" tracked it 5°39'08.5"N 98°50'38.0"E but what do I know?

Here's another list of things that are rather likely, but not absolutely certainly, known:

- 1:06 - ACARS last transmission (thru VHF)
- 1:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite)
- 1:19 - Transmitter shut off
- 1:21 - 'Alright, Good Night' at handover (supposedly by co-pilot)
(those previous two might be reversed, we have multiple sources seemingly confirming both possibilities. One happened at 1:19. one at 1:21 though)
- approx 1:15-1:30 - Vietnam [Air Traffic Control?] sees plane turn around
(meaning turn was possibly before transponder was disconnected unless it was a military radar picking up the plane at that location both before and after it went dark. We don't know which told them it turned)
- 1:36 - ACARS misses scheduled transmission
- 1:30-1:45 - at minimum 11 eye witness reports from around and past the Kota Bharu, Malaysia/Thailand border areas (including one saying 'plane descending fast' like one of the later radar hits indicates)
- 2:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite)
- between 1:30-2:40 - Military radar picks up an "unidentified" plane flying around (and possibly Civilian radar too, as officials said "corroborated by civilian radar" in one of their press conferences). Those include a couple radar hits we have been told about (and who knows how many that haven't been provided/leaked):
... VAMPI [name of a location -radar sighting]
... GIVAL [ditto]
... IGREX at 2:40 (there might be another possible explanation for this one, as it is sometimes reported one of the above 2 which was at 2:15 is the last time it was picked up)
post 2:15/2:40 apparent absolute complete blackout of plane (except...)
- 3:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite)
- 4:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite)
- 5:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite)
- 6:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite)
- 7:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite) near 40 Degree line
- 8:11 - Boeing received attempted message to their AHM (thru Satellite) on 40 Degree line
It does call into question the Malaysian radar trace though (the one about Vampi, Igari etc) which might well have been this plane. The sort of thing you expect they'd check, but who knows.

The primary paint of SIA68 will have been correlated with secondary returns and ADS-B. At the very least the NTSB/FAA/AAIB will have double checked this (otherwise everyone might as well give up and go home).
Talking of Jazzz, I came across this, which is good value fruit and nut bran. US interception and flight to Diego Garcia explains a LOT of the mystery.

I don't think this is an official EU publication though. And I'm not sure of the veracity of the KGB memo :D
If there were hijackers / terrorists they seem to have shown detailed knowledge of the 777 by eliminating the various communications. They would indeed likely have realised at some point they were headed out to sea, but perhaps by then the pilots could have made return to a KL crash plan unworkable. Can a pilot of a 777 jettison fuel for example? If the pilots took the terrorists out to sea and denied their plans, they would have saved a major disaster.

Yes they can dump fuel. But if they terrorists didn't spot them doing that then they wouldn't catch them tweaking the transponder codes or keying a mic over a comms channel. Whoever was calling the shots clearly had a thorough technical understanding of the hardware and operations.

Besides, if it were in the ocean within a couple of hundred miles of the Malaysian coast someone would have come across some debris by now I suspect (there are enough ships transiting through that area, enough search ships, enough spotter planes). No one seems to have found a thing so far.

I suppose I am saying, are we really ready to seriously consider the pilots are in on this, instead of other possibilities?

The official investigators certainly will be (as well as other possibilities).
02.15 - the trace is the SIA flight
08.11 - satellite equipment wreckage keeps working until this point; crash site is on arc

02.15 - see above
08.11 - it won't if the plane is destroyed - anyway, I suspect the investigators have the previous (intervening) 6 'pings' and this constrains the route further and rules out (to them) that it could have been in the region of the last communication from the aircraft (at 01.21) - this is why the search in the South China Sea has been ramped down.
He's still on a permaban.

Oh god, was it not him who I remember posting? Was it someone else?

Am I attributing someone else's posts to his?

I remember thinking, "lol, typical jazzz" when I saw it. I've been known to confuse posters in the past (there are 2 people with similar avatars on urban at the moment and I always mix them up).

Have I suggested someone is slightly more ... creative than they actually are?
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