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Mail: a truly despicable article ("nothing 'natural' about Stephen Gately's death")

I posted a comment.

If I had a twitter account i would happily waste the next couple of hours till the chippy opens telling her she is a cunt.
Sorry, this bit did make me lol

"But somehow we never expected it of him. Never him. Not Stephen Gately."

Some of the writing in that article is brilliant in its vileness. The way that she manages to pack so many insinuations and complicated prejudices into such short sections is breathtaking.

Take this one for instance which seems to have a pop at Gately for not being in some way genuinely proud of his sexuality while also combining undertones of assent that imply that his stance was correct in its presumed cowardice:

Although he was effectively smoked out of the closet, he has been hailed as a champion of gay rights, albeit a reluctant one.
I just complained to the PCC.

Is it cool if I take this opportunity to go on a vile misogynist rant? For old time's sake?
Some of the writing in that article is brilliant in its vileness. The way that she manages to pack so many insinuations and complicated prejudices into such short sections is breathtaking.

Take this one for instance which seems to have a pop at Gately for not being in some way genuinely proud of his sexuality while also combining undertones of assent that imply that his stance was correct in its presumed cowardice:

That second quote is like a fucking rollercoaster of hate!
PCC are claiming it's none of our business, judging by an email just posted onto the Facebook group ... they need a friend or family member to complain!
More good evidence why print media's self-regulation just doesn't work.

Edit: here's the text the guy on the FB group has posted:

Thank you for sending us your complaint about the Daily Mail article on
the subject of the death of Stephen Gately. We have received numerous
complaints about this matter.

I should first make clear that the Commission generally requires the
involvement of directly affected parties before it can begin an
investigation into an article
. On this occasion, it may be a matter for
the family of Mr Gately to raise a complaint about how his death has
been treated by the Daily Mail. I can inform you that we have made
ourselves available to the family and Mr Gately's bandmates, in order
that they can use our services if they wish.

We require the direct involvement of affected parties because the PCC
process can have a public outcome and it would be discourteous for the
Commission to publish information relating to individuals without their
knowledge or consent. Indeed, doing so might unwittingly add to any

Additionally, one of the PCC's roles is dispute resolution,
and we would need contact with the affected party in order to determine
what would be an acceptable means of settling a complaint.

On initial examination, it would appear that you are, therefore, a third
party to the complaint, and we may not be able to pursue your concerns
. However, if you feel that your complaint touches on claims
that do not relate directly to Mr Gately or his family, please let us
know, making clear how they raise a breach of the Code of Practice. If
you feel that the Commission should waive its third party rules, please
make clear why you believe this.

Kind regards

Simon Yip
I posted a comment stating my discust at the vileness, small mindedness, ignorant shite the stupid bitch posted. Sad that she has the stupidity to write such rubbish, so soon after someone's death. I feel for Stephen's partner, family and friends, as this is highly disrespectful to them too - very sad.
PCC are claiming it's none of our business, judging by an email just posted onto the Facebook group ... they need a friend or family member to complain!
More good evidence why print media's self-regulation just doesn't work.

It COULD work, but the PCC is a paper tiger, alwys has been
they need a friend or family member to complain!

Yes, their rules are pretty clear about who they can act on complaints from.

You also didn't bold this bit:

We require the direct involvement of affected parties because the PCC
process can have a public outcome and it would be discourteous for the
Commission to publish information relating to individuals without their
knowledge or consent. Indeed, doing so might unwittingly add to any

Which really is the bit you should have been focussing on.
PCC are claiming it's none of our business,
They are correct: complaints to them must come from someone directly affected by the article. This point has already been made. Complain to the Mail, the advertisers, and to Moir's other employer, the Observer/Guardian.
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