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#MAFSAU 2024

Absolutely loved Cassndra’s dad and his mic drop :thumbs:

But - “The more I know you the more I’m glad I met your mother“

Grit in the eye already.
We’ve stopped after ep 2 so gonna avoid the thread for a cpl/few days.

So far so good and looks like there’s some proper MAFS drama to come.
Is there a clear and complete waste of oxygen yet?
A series with a villain is frequently more entertaining.
Only seen the 1st episode so far, might try to catch up over the weekend if it looks like it will be a good one.
I've just finished episode 3.
So far I really like Jaden but Jack is awful!
I've only watched to the end of ep2 and was hugely startled to see at the end that Jack Manbun is NOT Kickboxer Manbun. Genuinely thought they were the same person!

Kickboxer seems lovely, Jack is indeed awful. I hope his alpha bride gives him the shove.
Good, no real updates and no spoilers, it’s fuckin hard not to read a thread when you’re interested in a show. We’ll be watching ep.3 once Mrs Numbers gets home.
I'm watching episode 4 and I really need to get a good look at Jack's hairline. They don't stop long enough on it and I can't pause and rewind because I'm watching at my Mum's.
Jack can do one, so far.
Eden and Jayden love them both.
Natalie and Collins - come on Collins mate, hope he gets comfortable with it all, he’s so out of his comfort zone, but we have hope for him.

Fuck spoilers and shit, let’s just talk/post.

We’re starting ep.4 now.
He kept saying that he was high energy but I didn't see that at all.

Yeah I think he means the character he wants to play is high energy, but underestimated how easy it would be to keep that up!

I feel the editing this season is quite a bit more quick paced than normal, they're flying through the post-wedding evenings and honeymoons it feels like.
Yeah I think he means the character he wants to play is high energy, but underestimated how easy it would be to keep that up!

I feel the editing this season is quite a bit more quick paced than normal, they're flying through the post-wedding evenings and honeymoons it feels like.
From what I could see on the 4 app it looked/looks like there’s only 8 episodes where usually there’s double that.
We only watched 10 mins of ep 4 - both felt instantly knackered (we call it itis) after we ate, saving it for tomorrow.
So much bad hair on the Australian men. Mullets and man buns, dear lord.

Was Natalie crying at the end of ep3? Mr K was talking to me and I missed whatever was going on :mad: :oops:
So much bad hair on the Australian men. Mullets and man buns, dear lord.

Was Natalie crying at the end of ep3? Mr K was talking to me and I missed whatever was going on :mad: :oops:
yes. Collins was like "I'm a very slow burn" putting on the breaks on.
So much bad hair on the Australian men. Mullets and man buns, dear lord.

Was Natalie crying at the end of ep3? Mr K was talking to me and I missed whatever was going on :mad: :oops:
He was the one who suggested separate rooms, and as wtfftw said, he came clean to her saying the reality of it all had really hit home and although in it fully it's unfamiliar territory so needs to take it day by day.

Come on Collins, we're routing for you.
Yeah, Natalie asked for a few minutes to get herself together, while packing her bag, before speaking to the film crew.
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