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Low Scoring World Cup

Do you know, now I consider it, I'm not sure that *I'm* that respectful of the game. I'm not even sure I know what that means. I just want to watch football.
I can't see how anyone, no matter how deluded or arrogant they are, could confidently assert whether blowing a plastic horn makes you more or less engaged with a football game. Let alone respectful, as if that's a pre-requsite for football fans and a good game

The fact that you're asking such pointless and utterly stupid questions is indicative of your fruitloop state and forced position

Frankly I think you've a screw loose.

Still avoiding it. What does it suggest to you when a mass of people attend a match and see it fit to put all their effort into constantly, without interruption, drowning out everything else with one singular noise? Does it suggest any particular interest in the particulars of the game? Does it suggest anything more than casual focus on the proceedings of the game?

You're the lunatic mate.
Still avoiding it. What does it suggest to you when a mass of people attend a match and see it fit to put all their effort into constantly, without interruption, drowning out everything else with one singular noise? Does it suggest any particular interest in the particulars of the game? Does it suggest anything more than casual focus on the proceedings of the game?

You're the lunatic mate.

Why do you think they do it? Honest question. What's your theory?
I've been accused of being a racist and a Daily Mail reading right-winger. That's a fair bit more than "having a disagree". No one will explain to me why they think that drowning out a stadium with horns constitutes a respectful and engaged approach to the sport.

No cherrypicking. I have only used their statements to support my point that many players are finding the noise a hindrance. Read the post in question.

And someone give me an answer. Is it respectful or not? Does it suggest an engaged approach to the game or not?

No it clearly fucking doesn't.

But your not simply claiming the above. You equated a few people blowing plastic trumpets with South Africans as a people being unworthy to host the World Cup.

I don't know if you've seen much sat on your sofa, but most people in the stadiums are not blowing vuvuzelas. So even if you were correct in your ludicrous assumption that vuvuzelas players don't like football, your conclusion that the entire country is unfit to host the tournament is just bizarre.
The onus isn't on me to provide an answer to that one.
That's a surprising answer from you, to be honest. You already seem to be imputing all kinds of reasons onto their behaviour. This is just one more.
You really think that people have to put 'all their effort' into blowing a plastic horn?

What the hell are you, some kind of easily distracted amoeba with attention deficit disorder?

It doesn't suggest anything to me other than someone watching a game, blowing a horn. Seeing as you're not there, don't have any added insight, it's a wonder why you think you can play mystic meg into people's motivations and attention levels. Barking
But your not simply claiming the above. You equated a few people blowing plastic trumpets with South Africans as a people being unworthy to host the World Cup.

I said it was a poor choice on FIFAs part. Seeing how much this behaviour is celebrated. It's also fairly despicable that Fifas president has insisted on keeping these cheap mass-produced pieces of shit under the claim that it's in keeping with South African culture when they allegedly make about 10 rand for each of them sold. There is so much musical tradition that could be exposed in this tournament and all we get it is a thuggish din for a month.
You really think that people have to put 'all their effort' into blowing a plastic horn?

What the hell are you, some kind of easily distracted amoeba with attention deficit disorder?

It doesn't suggest anything to me other than someone watching a game, blowing a horn. Seeing as you're not there, don't have any added insight, it's a wonder why you think you can play mystic meg into people's motivations and attention levels. Barking

This isn't just a case of people "watching a game, blowing a horn". There has so far not been a second of the World Cup without it. It is such an extreme instance that it merits the criticism.
Fifas president has insisted on keeping these cheap mass-produced pieces of shit under the claim that it's in keeping with South African culture

In what way is it not part of their footballing culture? South African football fans blow the vuvuzela at games, it's what they do and what they, evidently, enjoy doing.

Nice attempt at using multiculturaism to mask your small-mindedness, btw.
Y It was obviously too optimistic of me to think that you would ever engage in anything that I'd fucking said
engage? when in your very first sentence you call people 'utter twats'? then go on to spout more utter shit that is completely offensive?

It is fucking rubbish, and those of you defending the vuvuzelas are utter twats. To pay money for a world cup and game and then spend all of it making an obnoxious, arrogant and disrespectful racket throughout is such a revoltingly anti-football thing to do.

If FIFA really wanted to give the competition to an African nation why not a country that has a proven track record of enthusiasm about the game
but no, it has to be South Africa cos, you know, of the apartheid and shit.


and yet people did try and engage with you, only to get incoherent abuse as a result.

i'm starting to think you need professional help.
This isn't just a case of people "watching a game, blowing a horn". There has so far not been a second of the World Cup without it.

That's exactly what it is you goon. People blowing horns, no more or less.

Gawd knows why you feel that someone blowing a horn entitles you to pronouce them not a 'passionate' fan or to pass judgment on their inferior motivations for going to a game

The last sentence quoted is of course a lie. At least based on the knowledge you or I have
I still find it odd that you know enough of their motivations to say that they are not a proper fan and that they are not doing it to support their team but not enough to say why they are doing it. WTF?
In what way is it not part of their footballing culture? South African football fans blow the vuvuzela at games, it's what they do and what they, evidently, enjoy doing.

Nice attempt at using multiculturaism to mask your small-mindedness, btw.

Quote from Blatter: "To answer all your messages regarding vuvuzelas, I have always said Africa has a different rhythm, a different sound."

Clearly suggestive of a more in-built cultural tradition. Which it plainly isn't.
engage? when in your very first sentence you call people 'utter twats'? then go on to spout more utter shit that is completely offensive?

and yet people did try and engage with you, only to get incoherent abuse as a result.

i'm starting to think you need professional help.

Nothing incoherent. I've spelt it out repeatedly. All you've done is avoid my question time and time again. That's why you're a twat, alright?
That's nine out of the sixteen first round matches that have been 0-0 at half time. It hardly speaks of aggressive and open football.
It's not plainly anything, not that your quote has any relevance to your claims or the thread in general.

What is it with you and this daftness. You're flailing around trying to find anything or anyone that even vaguely supports your view that vuvuzela blowing equals disrespectful, arrogant and less passionate fans.

what question? You fucking loon.

it's not plainly anything, not that your quote has any relevance to your claims or the thread in general.

What is it with you and this daftness. You're flailing around trying to find anything or anyone that even vaguely supports your view that vuvuzela blowing equals disrespectful, arrogant and less passionate fans.


Is it respectful and engaged behaviour? Yes or no.

There is nothing innately (dis)respectful about blowing a horn, nor does exhaling into a plastic tube seriously affect the ability of the vast majority of people to be engaged and enthiastic about something.

It's a stupid, false question. Now are you going to do us a courtesy and show us the mechanism by which you conclude that blowing a plastic horn invariably leads to those fans being less passionate or more arrogant.
Thankyou. Can I come along to your next football match and spend the whole time running around blowing an air horn into your fucking ear then? That's some ultra respect right there.

Why would you be running around? You planning on actually playing at the same time as blowing on a vuvuzela? That would be pretty fucking awesome.
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