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Low Scoring World Cup


Yeah cuntish noise forever. At all major sporting events! At all political rallies! At all concerts and films!!! FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE! IT'S HILARIOUS!!



Doesn't that just make you feel so appreciated???
See, is it really necessary to work yourself up to herniatastic proportions over this?

Apart from the obvious provision of lulz, that is. :D

I mean, in a few weeks you'll not watch another match for yonks, anyway. :p
Yeah cuntish noise forever. At all major sporting events! At all political rallies! At all concerts and films!!! FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE! IT'S HILARIOUS!!


Doesn't that just make you feel so appreciated???
is it time for your nap?
Fascinating. Poului has actually lost his marbles over this thing.

Given the history of football and other European sports in South Africa, it may well be that the zuzuvela was designed to have exactly this effect on a certain sort of Brit.
As am someone of the 'ban the fucking vuvuezela' persuation I would like to publiclly dissacoiate myself from the poului faction.

Like many people i would argue that they blot out all the atmosphere and the tournament would be more enjoyable without them.

however I think only poului has develped this argument into a bizzarre spittle flecked, obsessive lunatic discourse where the popularity of vuvuzela is evidence that South Africa doesn't deserve to host the world cup, that its fans aren't bothered about the game, that its only hosting them because of political correctness and that theres very little passion for the game in the country - (despite the fact that in the townships especailly they live and breath football - partly becasue they have fuck all else).
Oh - and that its preventing players scoring goals.
Oh what unexpected lols. I take it all back -- the vuvuzela has given me more amusement than anything else in this world cup so far.
Fucking cracking. What an absolute nutbag in need of some new marbles

And without the vuvuzela we'd never have found out quite how much of a unpleasantly pompous crackersnipe Poului really is. I salute you plastic horn
I can't believe nobody told me there was another thread where we could complain about vuvuzelas ruining the World Cup! I actually came on here to talk about why I thought the World Cup had gotten off to a slow (boring!) start, and wasn't even gonna blame those stupid trumpets (altho plenty of players have so far)

I think this World Cup's got of to a slow start with boring boring games because of the fixtures. The first week has put together the two favourites for qualification in each group in 6 of the 16 games (which means a further 6 has the two worst teams competing). Only Brazil - N Korea and Portugal - Ivory Coast haven't put the 'best' two and the 'worst' two together (imo of course!) so being the opening game there's a lot at stake should these teams lose. If England lost to America we'd be looking to finish second cos both America and England should easily beat Slovenia and Algeria. Same with the other groups. Teams have been really over cautious not wanting to lose their first match as opposed to wanting to win it. Same goes for the worst two teams - nobody wants to finish rock bottom with no points and there's always an outside chance of sneaking it (but not if they lose that first game which is their 'easiest' match)

Now we've got that first week out of the way (and the way the fixtures fell) I doubt we'll see the same cautious approach to the games and expect the goals to start being banged in!

And of course the vuvuzelas most probably have affected the quality of football so far too
As am someone of the 'ban the fucking vuvuezela' persuation I would like to publiclly dissacoiate myself from the poului faction.

Like many people i would argue that they blot out all the atmosphere and the tournament would be more enjoyable without them.

however I think only poului has develped this argument into a bizzarre spittle flecked, obsessive lunatic discourse where the popularity of vuvuzela is evidence that South Africa doesn't deserve to host the world cup, that its fans aren't bothered about the game, that its only hosting them because of political correctness and that theres very little passion for the game in the country - (despite the fact that in the townships especailly they live and breath football - partly becasue they have fuck all else).
Oh - and that its preventing players scoring goals.

Grow some balls, hippy boy.
Fucking cracking. What an absolute nutbag in need of some new marbles

And without the vuvuzela we'd never have found out quite how much of a unpleasantly pompous crackersnipe Poului really is. I salute you plastic horn

Yet more second rate attempts at abuse from a lame, LAME little surplus twat.

You're nothing.
So far, this competition has the second lowest average goals per game for a World Cup finals with 2.24 compared to 2.21 for Italia 90. If less than 3 goals are scored in the last two games, it will have the worst average.

The number of goals could be lower than in 1994 when there were only 52 games (141) and 1954 when there were only 26 (140). Since the 32 team competition was introduced in 1998, the number of goals have steadily declined:

1998 - 171
2002 - 161
2006 - 147
2010 - 139 so far

Has anyone any reason for the low number of goals? Out of form strikers? Better defending? Better overall standard of teams?

Should something be done about it?
The average number of goals per game has now exceeded that at the 1990 World Cup.

Four more goals needed to exceed the number of goals in the 2006 tournament which had the second worst average. Can't see it myself. :hmm:
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