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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

Water Cannons I won't worry too much so long you bring some waterproofs and don't get too near then you are o.k. they don't last long, they base on the old Dennis fire engines minus the blue lights replace by water cannons...

You want some hefty goggles too just in case you get a little too near.
You want some hefty goggles too just in case you get a little too near.

When water cannons were tried at mayday 2004 in Dublin, a girl appeared with a snorkel and scuba diving mask and amused us with swimming motions. All in all they were a bit rubbish but blasted a photographer off a 9 foot high wall out of sheer badness.
Good article in the THES, from the lecturer who found Alfie. More detail on that incident, and an analysis of the situation we're facing. I'll quote the Alfie bit.

The story of one Middlesex undergraduate who used to sit in on my MA classes, Alfie Meadows, is already notorious. He received a full-on blow to the side of his skull. My partner and I found him wandering in Parliament Square a little after 6pm, pale and distraught, looking for a way to go home. He had a large lump on the right side of his head. He said he’d been hit by the police and didn’t feel well. We took one look at him and walked him towards the nearest barricaded exit as quickly as possible. It took a few minutes to reach and then convince the taciturn wall of police blocking Great George Street to let him through their shields, but they refused to let me, my partner or anyone else accompany him in search of medical help. We assumed that he would receive immediate and appropriate treatment on the other side of the police wall as a matter of course, but in fact he was left to wander off on his own, towards Victoria.

As it turns out, Alfie’s subsequent survival depended on three chance events. If his mother (a lecturer at Roehampton, who was also “contained” in Parliament Square) hadn’t received his phone call and caught up with him shortly afterwards, the odds are that he’d have passed out on the street. If they hadn’t then stumbled upon an ambulance waiting nearby, his diagnosis could have been fatally delayed. And if the driver of this ambulance hadn’t overruled an initial refusal of the A&E department of the Chelsea and Westminster hospital to look at Alfie, his transfer to the Charing Cross neurological unit for emergency brain surgery might well have come too late.
What a great reason for voting for something :rolleyes:

LIB Dem MP John Hemming has revealed he WILL vote for an increase in tuition fees – despite students staging a three-hour sit-in at his Birmingham offices.

A group of seven protesters occupied the Yardley MP’s constituency offices on Coventry Road, Yardley, ahead of Thursday’s controversial Commons vote on plans to increase tuition fees to up to £9,000-a year.

Four police officers remained inside the locked premises with the demonstrators, who were led out shortly after 2.30pm yesterday.
Students stage a sit in a Lib Dem John Hemming's office on Coventry Road, Yardley.

Mr Hemming, who was not in the office during the demonstration, had signed a pre-election pledge to vote against any fee increases.

He had said earlier in the day he had not made a “formal decision” on how to cast his vote.

But following the occupation of his office, Mr Hemming refused to bow to pressure, saying: “At the moment I’m very likely to vote for the increase, simply because we cannot reward the bad behaviour from today.”


Yeah, and since then he has been trying to claim that he didn't break the pledge by voting for the tuition fees rise, and that in fact the tuition fees are a graduate tax, and not a debt.

Let us start with the NUS Pledge:
“I pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative.”

This is normally misrepresented by people as a simple statement against voting against fees. In fact often only the first part is mentioned.

I interpret the statement as meaning that whilst the system remains as it is then the fees should not go up. However, when we have a "fairer alternative" then the limitation on fees should not exist.

This is obviously the right interpretation.

There's more to the post.. http://johnhemming.blogspot.com/2010/12/pledge-and-manifesto-what-do-they-mean.html
Yeah, and since then he has been trying to claim that he didn't break the pledge by voting for the tuition fees rise, and that in fact the tuition fees are a graduate tax, and not a debt.

There's more to the post.. http://johnhemming.blogspot.com/2010/12/pledge-and-manifesto-what-do-they-mean.html

Why doesn't he just say he was wrong and he's changed his mind instead of trying to persuade us that the statement doesn't mean what every other english speaking person interprets it as?
Yes there are a million ways but protest marches aren't the way.

Protest marches are easy.

Protest marches can be kettled, sprayed, beaten, charged on horseback & are great if you want to let loose a couple of dozen agent provocateurs dressed in black (since when have anarchists worn uniforms?) so they can attack protesters & property with impunity before the complicit gaze of mainstream media.

Protest marches are the actions of compliant slaves who believe they will be treated humanely & non violently by police who repeatedly are allowed to torture them with poison sprays & violently assault them with impunity.
My post specifically asked about alternatives to marches, and if you'd bothered to read more than a couple of the hundred-plus pages of the thread, you'd be aware of my feelings about marches - they're negative.
We are dealing with a criminal government & political oppression.
No, you're dealing with a government that has the power to put the stamp of legality on their actions, which include political oppression.
Rhetoric about "criminal government" is all very well, but rubbing examples of the criminal behaviour in peoples' faces is much better.
& Charlie & Camilla... anyone else wonder how they ended up in the direct path of a protest / agent provocateur operation with their windows down on a cold winter night?

Where were the armed ex SAS minders that the surround themselves with whenever they go anywhere?

This was a media false flag photo op clearly to be used by media shills to equate protesters with rioters & marginalise & demonise them amongst the masses at home. It will also be used to justify much more brutal tactics at the next protest which is an attempt to scare people away.
Apply Occam's Razor, and "clusterfuck" comes out ahead of "conspiracy".
I saw no damage to the car on the video but a photo taken later on it has a broken window & paint marks.

How many protesters attended the March? 20k? 30k?

Imagine them in urban guerilla flash protest groups of 50 to 100 that acted in unison or a coordinated staggered action with other groups to target their peaceful, creative mass actions on say, the banks, or shopping centres, or arterial roads, or banks. Or banks.
This is something some of us have been proposing for years, newbie (except we didn't/don't call them "flash mobs", because that's well Nathan Barley)! :p
Think outside the box being offered to us.

Remember austerity is just the rebranding of daylight fucking robbery by the banksters who, with the collusion of the rent boy politicians, engineered the £4+ trillion debt slavery of us, our children & even our grandchildren.
I love being lectured by people who think they're saying new and exciting things. :D
This situation was not created through incompetence but by design.

The economic collapse is like 9/11 & 7/7. Deliberate, orchestrated false flag terror by those in power who see people awakening & that scares the shit out of them.
Do you understand anything about macro-economics?
If so, then you know that you can't design a failure such as the one that took place. It happened not because by design or because of incompetence, but because the politicians of the "developed world" have spent the last 30 years buying into the Hayekian market economy - neo-liberalism. Without that belief that the market will smooth out the peaks and troughs of the economic cycle (voodoo economics on the scale of "trickle-down", in reality), our politicians wouldn't have left regulation of banking and trading as open as they did, and the crash might not have happened.
You don't need incompetence or evil machinations to wreck economies, just misplaced faith - faith that the "invisible hand" is the best regulator; faith in neo-liberal capitalism - and a dash of greed.
The real target of the war on terror, is not a fictional group called al qaeda, it's us.

They road tested the same protocol in the third world. Oppression of the people, whilst imposing puppet dictators upon them who sell their people into servitude to the banks. And we let them.

The goal is one world currency, one world government & one world bank.
Except that a single world currency, outwith any other currency against which to be judged, against which to speculate etc, isn't a currency in real terms, it's scrip.

Or in other words, fascism.
Please don't misapply that word. If you know what the word means, you know that it doesn't have the meaning you're attributing to it.
The students are the first group to suffer, but the rest of us will follow as we are taxed, surveilled, & oppressed into obedience & we should all care very much about what is going down here.
The students are merely the latest and most obvious of a long line of those who've suffered. Fortunately for them, they're enough in number and loud enough to be noticed, and they've caught the zeitgeist.
This is the New World Order & you're not invited.

Liberty not democracy.
Democracy is 2 wolves & a sheep deciding what's for dinner...

To see the farm, is to leave it.
Peaceful, mass non compliance is how we take the power back.

Refusal to hate other groups we are invited to blame for this contrived scarcity because divide & conquer is our enemies greatest weapon against us.

The left-right, blue-red, arsenal-spurs paradigm is false. A means of control. Google Hegelian Dialectic.

Next time there's a protest, be aware of the agent provocateurs used routinely by police/secret services to sabotage peaceful protest.


Maybe next time everyone should come dressed in pink or fancy dress? Ok, maybe not but we need to find a way to respond to this machiavellian & illegal subversion of legitimate protest.

Other responses could be to all sit down or turn away or step aside so there is nothing between them & police lines & film that...

This is just the start & already we're learning.

We are not free & Muslims don't hate us because of how free we are.

The real terrorists are here & they are in positions of power.

The politicians are just minions.

The police are used as brute force but include people who are starting to wake up too. Some are just power tripping thugs but as the Love Police show brilliantly, many can see what is happening & are on our side.

Know your real enemy.

But don't let them set our agenda. We have control if we act peacefully & stand together.

It's going to be a bumpy ride but there's only one way this will end.

This is the end of the pyramid power structure, of power over others using violence & deceit, & just because you call yourself a government doesn't make it ok.

Government is meant to serve the people & not oppress them or treat them as a cash crop.
Easy to say, difficult to do, given that there's no political mechanism to revoke governmental power.
Oh well, revolution it is then!
Time to take back the power people.

Love to all x:)
It's all very well holding the sentiment "fuck war", but sometimes war is the only tool left in the box. :(
It's not just "hardcore activists" anymore, it's also "street gangs".

well there must be!! there were non whites there for gods sake man!! and we KNOW they are all in gangs!!!

getting more tory talk and extremely annoying by the hour :mad:
like the mugshots released, why just them? :confused:
That doesn't appear to be all that happened:

Looks very much as if the weight of coppers piling in to spank the two protesters holding onto the tack, pulled the mounted copper out of the saddle.[/QUOTE]
You could see that on the original video. The two protesters emerge from behind the shying horse as he falls off it, holding onto each other tightly - some cops jump to help the fallen plod, some of them jump on the protesters and drag them off. They were nabbed at the time, and they're very clearly identifiable on the original video, so they are likely fucked.
One for those who attended, and the video geeks.

Appeal for witnesses/video evidence

Cut'n'paste odyssey because it's important, and relevant to the thread:

Appeals for information

Did you witness or film these incidents? Please get in touch, this information may lead to upholding a complaint or preventing wrongful prosecution. Please note this page will be updated with new appeals as we get them (and contact us if you would like to get your info on here).

9/12/10 Dayx3

Girl 1. 16:00 or around this time at Broad Sanctuary (road leading to Victoria Street), young white female, 5'10” wearing brown velvet trousers and short blue suede coat with fake fur collar and cuffs, long dark blonde hair tied back. As police moved forward officer SX185 pushed her to the floor and PULLED OUT A LARGE CHUNK OF HAIR FROM HER HEAD leaving a bald spot. We are told the officer was visibly pleased with with his actions.

Guy 1. 18:45 where Whitehall meets Horse Guards Avenue, young white male wearing a brown hoodie, gray scarf, black hat and blue jeans. Stood aside as police moved forward and was hit in face with shield and fell to ground. When he stood up he received a kick in the groin from an officer.

Guy 2. 20:20 corner of St. Margret's Church grounds, young white male black boots, black jeans, dark blue top, short brown hair. Tried to escape kettle by running into the church gardens followed by officers. When trapped in corner he turned round and raised hands to give up as one officer, believed to be 133LP or 133PL, charged at him with a riot shield knocking out a tooth. He was then arrested for 'threats to cause criminal damage' as police are saying he was shouting to smash the church, which he denies.

WERE YOU KETTLED ON WESTMINSTER BRIDGE? The protest ended in a packed kettle on Westminster Bridge where protesters were forced into a tightening kettle. We have had reports of injuries suffered due to the crush created by police. Please get in contact if you experienced this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oTgzwe34AP8

Finally, we've heard from three arrestees that police wouldn't phone the solicitor they asked for and instead pushed for them to take the duty solicitor. If this also happened to you, please let us know.

30/11/10 DayX2

Guy1. Punched in face by police in Trafalgar Sq. Two video clips have appeared on youtube showing the incident http://liberalconspiracy.org/2010/12/01/watch-policeman-punches-student-.... Witnesses still sought.

Guy2. Flung against Nelsons Column by police medic {sic}. Same 'medic' then treated the guy and sent him to hospital. We have not had contact from him yet. Is this you, please get in touch. Witnesses still sought.

Woman1. Wearing a yellow jumper and got hit police in Trafalgar Sq near Tesco when the police started to kettle a group of people. She is still looking for witnesses to come forward.

Girl2. Hit on the head and knocked unconscious when police baton charged in Trafalgar Square. She was taken to hospital. Witnesses still sought. http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/dec/08/student-fees-protests-wo...

Girl3. 15yrs old and in school uniform. Beaten by cop with baton, now has broken foot. We would like to make contact with her and find witnesses. http://transpont.blogspot.com/2010/12/local-school-student-injured-in.html

Bristol. "I'm potentially being charged for digging my nails into a police officer who was strangling me and am in desperate need of video or photo evidence of this event... It happened during the first attempt at occupying Bristol uni... I was wearing a Blue & White striped beanie hat and a grey scarf". See http://bristol.indymedia.org/article/702321
Looks to me like those two protesters had caused the weight of the officer on the horse to shift before any other police arrived :(

He was starting to hang off after the copper on the horse arrived with his baton waving. I can't honestly say I think the police pulled him off.
footage of the guy being dragged out of his wheelchair and along the ground has been found.

Watching that makes my fuckin' blood boil!

fuck'in'ell. Dirty pig cunt. Surplus scum. Wonder if "anyone" will be along to defend it.

How could any human possibly defend the actions of those bastards? I for one, hope that Jody sues for assault. I may have been arrested for assault myself, as there is no way on this earth i'd have been able to stop myself from defending Jody & kicking the living shit out of those bastards.
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