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    Lazy Llama

London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

Sadly, I suspect an element of truth in that

It was bloody unpleasant being threatened with smashed cameras & physical violence by masked up youths who didn't seem to know what the protest was about at the previous one (just before both Tescos and Waterstones were attacked at Trafalgar Square). They also threatened an Al Jazeera photographer who was with me at the time and only stopped when another protester saw what was happening and stepped in

That was about an hour before a video cameraman (BBC I think) was hit on the head with a piece of flying metal post & knocked out -just outside the Waterstones at T Square. The students who stood in front of Waterstones window and tried to defend it that day were very brave too but again, I don't believe for a moment that it was students who went for the windows

Although, rather than "street gangs" I'd say small gangs of youths looking for fights would be more accurate

The practice of the press and tv in giving up all their footage to the Met police when asked might have something to do with the attitude.
The practice of the press and tv in giving up all their footage to the Met police when asked might have something to do with the attitude.

There are a lot of rumours circulating but I haven't met anyone who did either get asked or gave up their footage or photos yet - although if the BBC did then that stinks but as I said - I'm not aware of any of the freelance's being asked yet - or doing so

The NUJ have been reminding everyone that we have exceptions under PACE to cover that eventuality

There seems to be a rumour floating around that it's happening though which needs stamping on - full article here http://www.epuk.org/Resources/958/police-photographers-and-the-law but the relevant part quoted below

Below section from EPUK re Journalists Material:
As a journalist, are my photographs afforded any special protection?

Section 14 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) states that journalistic material is subject to the rules of Special Procedure Material.

This section also applies to material acquired or created in the course of any trade, business, profession or other occupation or for the purpose of any paid or unpaid office where it is held subject to an express or implied undertaking to hold it in confidence.

Generally, once your images are recorded, the police have no power to delete or confiscate them without a court order. However, see above regarding s.51 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001.

In terrorist cases, e.g. where police contact starts with a search under section 43 Terrorism Act 2000, a police officer of at least the rank of superintendent may issue a search warrant (without court order) if there exists a “great emergency” and “immediate action is necessary.” This only applies to terrorist cases, not investigations of other criminal offences.

In many cases therefore, the production or seizure of images will require a court order. This should only be granted in circumstances where there are reasonable grounds for believing that the material is likely to be of substantial value to that investigation; and where there are reasonable grounds for believing that it is in the public interest for the material to be disclosed, having regard to the benefit likely to accrue to the investigation, and the circumstances under which you had the material in your possession.
Jody totally fucking owned that prick Brown. I wonder if brown will have the balls to attend and report form future demos? Might need a harder hard hat.

Ah yes the usual veiled threats from the hard left. "If you question us we'll fucking deck you". Classy as ever.

Simon Hardy was just on sky news and did very well, accused the police of lying about what's happening at the demos and used the De Menezes case to back it up. Do they even bother looking for Aaron Porter anymore?
not sure if this has been posted:


PressTV are the Iranian equivalent of BBC World. May or may not have been the far right giving them extra attention - there are other reports of people being attacked by (suspected far right) thugs whilst the cops looked on, which is exactly what the reporter there says happened to them. Twenty odd thugs being allowed to wander through the protest attacking people. And the EDL have announced they will support the police against the students, according to a tweet from Bristol.
PressTV are the Iranian equivalent of BBC World. May or may not have been the far right giving them extra attention - there are other reports of people being attacked by (suspected far right) thugs whilst the cops looked on, which is exactly what the reporter there says happened to them.

These so called reports look bogus to me.
Simon Hardy was just on sky news and did very well, accused the police of lying about what's happening at the demos and used the De Menezes case to back it up. Do they even bother looking for Aaron Porter anymore?

I don't think they do thankfully, the twat is redundant.
These so called reports look bogus to me.

We've had a report of an eye-witness account on this thread, relayed by grogwilton. Similar reports appeared on the Guardian live blog (60 year old man and 17 year old girl attacked whilst police looked on), this report from PressTV, and an announcement from EDL that they will be supporting the police against the students (no link given - will search for source in a bit).

I think it's worth looking into.
an announcement from EDL that they will be supporting the police against the students (no link given - will search for source in a bit).
There's youtube footage of Tommy Robinson saying this on the Whitechapel Anarch Gp page I linked to above
Just googled 'EDL forum', fuck me they seem to have a lot of members, time for trolls to come out from under the bridge I think.
We've had a report of an eye-witness account on this thread, relayed by grogwilton. Similar reports appeared on the Guardian live blog (60 year old man and 17 year old girl attacked whilst police looked on), this report from PressTV, and an announcement from EDL that they will be supporting the police against the students (no link given - will search for source in a bit).

I think it's worth looking into.

"I just got home after attending the embers of the protest at the end of Victoria Street. While there I got chatting to a 17year-old girl. A while later a group of people who I believe to be neo-Nazis turned up and started causing trouble. They were trying to start on an old man of about 60. A policeman calmed him down. They then started picking on this girl. They all started to scream "****!" at her and she called them this back. The group (about 12-15) walked up to her in a very menacing way. We backed off towards the police and then one of the group pushed the girl violently in the head, causing her to fall down on her back. I pulled her away to the police and asked for help. Two of them smirked at each other and one said: "You wanted free speech." They then continued to watch as the neo-Nazis caused trouble. This occurred at around 7pm."

From the 'A collection of recounts' post, about half-way down

Also, does anyone remember a report about a group going round randomly attacking people with sticks, inside the kettle, and the police doing nothing? Maybe the same people?
Here's grogwilton's post:

My mate has just got back from work, she works at a school and teaches two 6th formers who were both attacked apparently randomly by guys with concrete blocks. No mention about who they were far right or not, it was in the middle of a lesson so she couldn't get any more detail on this.

And one from gawkrodger:

anyone heard anything about this?

Two different people I know (and aren't in the habit of making things up) claim there were anti-student counter-protesters who briefly attacked marchers before being beaten back (and not by the OB?)

Plain clothes or far-right?
Ah yes the usual veiled threats from the hard left. "If you question us we'll fucking deck you". Classy as ever.

You must be feeling depressed. You've had a couple of weeks of windmilling your metaphorical arms, trying to land written punches, and yet not a single one has hit home. :)
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