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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

NUS exec voted not to support the student and EMA protests at the end of jan earlier this week.

They have now called a lobby of parliament on the 19th Jan, when there is apparently going to be a vote taking place on EMA (although given that the "vote" on the 11th never was, I'm not convinced this is true). They've also called a day of action on the 18th but not really said anything much about doing something from what I've seen. They still won't support the day of action that was already called on the 26th.
there seem to be rumours knocking around (on police blogs etc, lol) that alfie meadows was struck by a piece of concrete thrown by protestors. has there been anything from him recently to confirm or deny this?
Whatever about the injustices surrounding this case, I dont think the above is a excuse.

It's not a justification - it is however an excuse - maybe not a very strong one - but it does give some reasons why he should not be held wholly responsible for his action. Youth, unusual circumstances etc. are usually taken as mitigating factors (especially when the defendant's actions aren't wholly in conflict with the interests of the governing class).
heh, just got a survey to fill out from the NUS about the protests etc. this bit made me laugh a little

So some untrained, excitable teenager in the excitement of an occupation does something reprehensible but which injures no one. He comes forwards, is prosecuted and is given 32 months in prison. Meanwhile a highly trained and experienced police officer kills someone. in view of the camera The perpetrator does not step forward, his colleagues systematically lie about the incident, and then there is no prosecution and there is no punishment. Hmmm, the British legal system....

WEll put. :)
"The sides of the bridge were only waist high and all it would have taken is one stumble and someone could have gone over the side.
Waist high? For a fucking nine foot tall person maybe[/QUOTE]
Utter bullshit. The sides of the bridge are 40 inches high, that's pretty much dead on waist-high for an average person.

cos people (including drunks on New Years Eve) "stumble" and go over the fucking side all the fucking time
Just how often do the police use long shields to compress the crowd on New Year's Eve?

You're always pretty quick to point when others post nonsense they've just made up, and rightly so, so why post crap like this yourself?
11 people have been charged by the Met in connection with 9th December, including Alfie Meadows - violent disorder

ETA: simultaneous bump!
wtf re Alfie Thomas, has he pursued a claim for his injuries? I presume he has otherwise they wouldn't want to hear his name mentioned again surely?
A policeman doing time! Will wonders ever cease. I have to say I am for the idea of all police being mic'ed and camera'd up.

BTW my understanding is that the Alfie Meadows case is still not concluded ...dont know the details but somehow or other it rumbles on
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